#meta 2019-01-29

2019-01-29 UTC
edited /Inrupt (+109) "/* Unrepresentative of web */ added update, based on feedback profile did include people of color"
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edited /Inrupt (+173) "/* Requested volunteer diversity */ changed context at request of member check"
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[eddie], eduardm and [asuh] joined the channel
edited /Inrupt () "(-1316) removed Criticism - see discussion in https://chat.indieweb.org/2019-01-29"
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edited /Inrupt (+119) "removed criticism from dfn"
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benwerd joined the channel; sl007 left the channel
edited /Inrupt (+128) "added to defintion"
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edited /Inrupt (+78) "/* Requested volunteer diversity */ added disclaimer company not involved"
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[davidmead] and jgmac1106 joined the channel
eddie maybe a few late, kids still up…didn’t here from chrisaldrich but know he is swamped and Mondays is sports night… we can just use same etherpad and this channel and anyone who wants to plan /2019/Online can
hear888second homophone mistake tonight on same word.grrrr
Yeah my little one is still up to no good, so a little later is good
Chatting in this channel and same etherpas makes sense
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
Yup I'm stuck with soccer practice from 6 to 730 pacific...
[chrisaldrich]: [jgmac1106] left you a message 2 hours, 11 minutes ago: willing to try and burn the midnight oil if you think you can make it 8-90 PST otherwise will try and connect with folks after 8:30 to plan online, know you swamped and you can always catch up on the etherpad, wiki
Be sure to drop the etherpad link so I can find it to scroll at the water breaks...
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] happy to wait till late your time if you have interest.look slike niether of us free now
well don't want to speak for eddie but he is usually chatting into wee hours
Yeah we can totally push it back
Don't wait on my account since I've got to do bathtime and bedtime after...
No worries [chrisaldrich]
okay..just ping me [eddie] will be around
Will do [jgmac1106]
[tantek] joined the channel
meeting with https://eddiehinkle.com in a few to plan @indieWebCamp Online 3/9-3/10. being able to attend or host a live event a luxury out of reach for many. Help us bring an IndieWebCamp to the masses as we plan a weekend full of playing and hacking. (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/2hE3va)
edited /Inrupt (+133) "added link to archived page"
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!tell gwg if you want to make 2019/Online Plannign tonight looks like we are gonna meet sometime between now and tomorrow, just rolling the dice with sleeping children…its 1d3 probability roll for mine but Eddie looking at 1/d100 guessing bedtime of infant
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[jgmac1106] I'm trying to clean up the dfn further
I was trying to encourage wiki gardening by those who know the tech the best but no one wantd to, so I tried my best
edited /Inrupt (-51) "merge relevant info into dfn, add quote about self-stated goal, relate to IndieWeb own-your-data principle, positive statement of underlying tech, remove "unlike" (not helpful), remove empty History section (recreate it once there is content to add)"
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[jgmac1106] ^^^ please review my edit
perfect, concise, all nouns
something to think about for next organizers meeting in the case where people do get continued hate tweets and attacks because of a tweet we may want to consider ways to document history while reducing harm
[jgmac1106] something to keep in mind is that the criticism on the wiki is often in proportion to the level of privilege of the thing being criticized
In this case, Inrupt was so heavily hyped in popular media and press, Vanity Fair for goodness sake, that it was placed high above any other dweb project in that regard, and thus it was reasonable to match it with as much scrutiny
I get that, just love parallel text structure….
the more hype something receives, the more it is reasonable to be critical
agree thus my comment the problem was the entire world domination, standard start up roll up…No one will ever reinvent the web with a start up post on Medium….
the entire roll out was sympomatic of the male hegemony that rules the web and ilicon Valley, that was point of th tweet. We will never be better with same playbook
[eddie] joined the channel
Hey [jgmac1106] wow, that’s been a night. lol I can chat now for a bit if you want to talk over stuff or we could schedule for another night with some more advance notice for everyone. Whatever you feel like doing, but I have a bit to chat now
benwerd joined the channel
💤 We’ll catch up later this week 😄
benwerd joined the channel
edited /link-preview (+297) "comment re: using <article> instead of wrapping <body>"
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Val2, benwerd and [metbril] joined the channel
edited /link-preview (+197) "/* See Also */ Wikipedia link previews"
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ichoquo0Aigh9ie, sl007 and swentel joined the channel
Nice to see an #indieweb principle show up at #AraCon2019 https://t.co/LWHesL9ihd
eduardm and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
!tell eddie yeah I crashed as well, want to spend the week thinking about otreach and trying to get rsvps
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
rubenverborgh joined the channel
edited /Inrupt (+64) "added tutorial"
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[svandragt] joined the channel
<https://janespod.solid/profile/card#me> <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/name> "Jane Doe"@en or <a class=“h-card” href=“janespod.solid/profile/“>Jane Doe</a>…same thing….one just puts a primacy on being human readable first and the other more machine readable first
mornign jacky by the way…always going to be a good day if I wake up and Jaxck still up
ugg too early too be typing this bad
Hmm, I should follow that tutorial. I previously failed to Solidify my homepage
Step 0: sign up at a service provider ... uuuh?
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
that solid tutorial... lol. Sign up for... - immediately sends homebrew fanatics away. Ok, go on. "...jquery..." - sends current js devs away. Nice work.
[metbril] and jeremych_ joined the channel
The jquery part is fine, I think, it is all about showing how you can quickly get started.
The step 0 surprised me a little
↩️ I like it a lot! It doesn’t have Twitter’s mass appeal, so few people I follow here are there, but that’s true of any other social network. It has a kind of indieweb feel. There’s plenty of nerds around, as usual. There’s also many artists, activists and Japanese users.
Im Mai werde ich zum Ersten Mal an der @btconf in Düsseldorf teilnehmen, und davor auf dem @IndieWebCampDE sein. Treffe ich dort jemanden von Euch?
↩️ I'll see you there! (I live in Vienna, and can speak German but writing is too much work on a lunch break ;))
[jgmac1106], [davidmead] and sl007 joined the channel
↩️ @depone @pfefferle @IndieWebCampDE Willkommen an Bord. Ich hoffe es wird dir gefallen ;)
↩️ @depone @btconf @IndieWebCampDE Oh fein, magst Du berichten? Ich bekomme das dieses Jahr glaube ich noch nicht hin, aber spare mal für 2020
benwerd joined the channel
↩️ @mrscp_ @btconf @IndieWebCampDE Das nehme ich mir auf jeden Fall vor ;)
djmoch joined the channel
am i correct in understanding that this is the forum for talking about event planning (if i, say, want to plan a meetup in the Orlando, FL area)?
Yes, among other things
GWG: [jgmac1106] left you a message 1 day ago: can we meet again tonight after 8:30 est, or as soon as chisadlrich is available?
GWG: jgmac1106 left you a message 10 hours, 35 minutes ago: if you want to make 2019/Online Plannign tonight looks like we are gonna meet sometime between now and tomorrow, just rolling the dice with sleeping children…its 1d3 probability roll for mine but Eddie looking at 1/d100 guessing bedtime of infant
petermolnar and sl007 joined the channel
GWG we didn’t meet I fell asleep before eddie’s baby
going to do asnychronous planning this week and put efforts on getting word out and getting RSVP’s
I am going to make atrailer today with some info
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
djmoch: yes, talk here about Homebrew or Indiewebcamp organising
sl007 joined the channel
Trying to get back to my #indieweb morning challenges when i am awake but precaffeinated and not ready for long form writing. Today I wanted to update my following pages but realized I am doing something wrong with my following post. (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/7rDJr)
Is that like calisthenics?
woke up too early..gonna take a lot of coffee to finish a chapter
created /linked_data (+68) "prompted by cjwillcock and dfn added by cjwillcock"
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petermolnar, sl007, bradenslen and [schmarty] joined the channel; mail and petermolnar left the channel
edited /Inrupt (+291) "/* See Also */ added quote from Ruben"
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benwerd and deathrow1 joined the channel
created /events/2019-02-06-homebrew-website-club (+10472) "Created page with "<div class="h-event vevent" style="margin-top:-16px"><img style="width:100%;height:300px;object-fit:cover;object-position:50% 40%" class="u-featured" src="https://indieweb.org...""
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Den nächsten Homebrew Website Club Nürnberg gibt's nächste Woche am 6.2.2019. Schau vorbei und bastle mit uns an deiner persönlichen Website! https://indieweb.org/events/2019-02-06-homebrew-website-club
[davidmead] joined the channel
edited /events/2019-02-06-homebrew-website-club (+499) "/* Where */ add Feb 6 NYC"
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created /events/2019-02-06-homebrew-website-club-nyc (+2276) "Created page with "<div class="h-event" style="margin-top:-16px"><img style="width:100%;height:300px;object-fit:cover;object-position:50% 40%" class="u-featured" src="https://indieweb.org/images...""
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petermolnar left the channel
petermolnar and sl007 joined the channel; sl007 left the channel
edited /Inrupt (-64) "Undo unintended typo, and tutorial that no one indieweb community has actually done (also already linked from main inrupt site), revision 55951 by [[Special:Contributions/Jgregorymcverry.com|Jgregorymcverry.com]] ([[User talk:Jgregorymcverry.com|talk]])"
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[tantek] joined the channel
also that's not what LD is, sigh
oh I see the redirect has been fixed, nevermind
[schmarty] joined the channel
↩️ Macht doch bei Paywall Artikeln ein (€) hintendran. Manche können sich Meinungsvielfalt momentan nicht leisten und dann endet es immer, wenn es gerade interessant wird. Übrigens hatte ich Gratis-Betten beim https://indieweb.org/2019/Vlissingen für Euch reserviert ;)
sl007 are you here?
which of the /events were you referring to?
benwerd, nloadholtes and sl007 joined the channel; petermolnar left the channel
edited /events/2019-02-06-homebrew-website-club-nyc (+50) "/* RSVP */ add link to my RSVP"
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[kevinmarks] joined the channel
!tell [tmiller] are you available for an HWC NYC Feb 6? aaronpk should be coming by. i created the event page but didn't add your RSVP https://indieweb.org/events/2019-02-06-homebrew-website-club-nyc#RSVP
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
!tell GWG are you available for an HWC NYC Feb 6? aaronpk should be coming by. event page here: https://indieweb.org/events/2019-02-06-homebrew-website-club-nyc
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
Crossing my fingers I can make it anyway
aaronpk: [tantek] left you a message 4 days, 16 hours ago: Are we ready for depend on https://indieweb.org/Organizers/event_pages#Venue-specific_HWC_pages_proposal for February? If not, we should create current date-specific pages for February and see if the new way can be ready for March. Maybe add updated status on where we're at to that section on the wiki? Thanks!
need to double check my conf schedule
ratchets up the social pressure
hah excellent
[tantek] joined the channel
edited /next-hwc (+0) "feb 6"
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[asuh], [Rose], jeremych_ and benwerd joined the channel; sl007 left the channel
schmarty, if I am organized, I should be able to do it
GWG: [schmarty] left you a message 49 minutes ago: are you available for an HWC NYC Feb 6? aaronpk should be coming by. event page here: https://indieweb.org/events/2019-02-06-homebrew-website-club-nyc
ratchets up the social pressure to be organized
I am willing to judge people on performance in turning up and organisation. I will have to do it remotely though ;)
[kevinmarks], swentel, sl007, petermolnar and nloadholtes joined the channel
created /LockerProject (+65) "prompted by [tantek] and dfn added by [tantek]"
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[frank] joined the channel
created /The_Locker_Project (+1014) "stub for historical purposes"
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sl007 and [eddie] joined the channel
edited /former_projects (+277) "/* Unreachable */ The Locker Project"
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sl007, ben_thatmustbeme, rubenverborgh, [metbril] and user2 joined the channel; petermolnar and sl007 left the channel
Tomorrow I’m giving an informal talk about Bridgy and the IndieWeb at the Ryerson Journalism Research Centre: Thanks to @schnarfed for talking with me about Bridgy’s development Bridgy is an IndieWeb tool for syndicating content between a personal… https://jackjamieson.net/?p=3262
jgmac1106, benwerd, petermolnar, [jgmac1106], eli_oat and [tantek] joined the channel; petermolnar left the channel
^^^ that should go on /events!
edited /Inrupt (+274) "asking folks to go to an open source project is asking for unpaid contributions,"
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eduardm, eli_oat and benwerd joined the channel
edited /Inrupt (+327) "move explanation inline in context, link to it instead, note volunteer obviously implied from context of open source, move disclaim of employment in context of assumption of inrupt relationship, scope "all male" employees to "at launch""
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[jgmac1106] I tried to clean-up and provide better/clearer citations for the statements in https://indieweb.org/Inrupt ^^^ please take a look and review and see if there is anything remaining that is unsubstantiated or fails to include Ruben's perspective.
At a minimum we should at least try to state/cite/include multiple perspectives when there is controversy so the reader can check the citations for themselves and decide accordingly
↩️ @kosamari Seems very in context for me these days (I'm totally on board with the #indieweb movement)!
eli_oat joined the channel
edited /Events (+979) "Add jackjamieson Bridgy talk"
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[schmarty] joined the channel
edited /Events (+40) "/* Upcoming */ id for frag linking"
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↩️ awesome! I added your talk on bridging open web and social media to the #IndieWeb wiki events page: https://indieweb.org/Events#jackjamieson-2019-030 Feel free to create its own wiki page. Remember to take photos of the group, ask folks to take photos of your talk! http://tantek.com/t4yk1
Went ahead and switched myself back to the classic WP editor. Now all my IndieWeb plugins are working like they should.
benwerd and eli_oat joined the channel
edited /timeline (+270) "Indieweb challenges past two years"
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!tell aaronpk are there any stats that indieauth.com and now indielogin.com are keeping like # of successful authentications, # of unique sites used as accounts (per month, year) ? could make for some interesting up-and-to-the-right graphs
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
yeah actually
I think I can get both of those
also number of sites being logged in to
edited /timeline (+546) "Webmention FPWD, CR, PR milestones"
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[kevinmarks] and benwerd joined the channel
aaronpk, would make a good follow-up to your "one year of IndieAuth" post
especially if you're able to show backdata all the way back to launch
[jgmac1106] and benwerd joined the channel