jgmac1106rhiaro been enjoying the lit review section of your dissertation, I always came at identity from a #literacies lens it was nice to expand the literature base with your explorations
[eddie]Yeah, definitely. We can start doing announcements on Tuesday so we start to get word about before HWCs and then HWCs on Wednesday can help push it out further
eddiehinkle.comedited /2019/Online (+28) "/* Schedule */ add kickoff time zone link remove Planning note until we actually have a volunteer" (view diff)
ZegnatWonder if that has anything to do with their “protected by reCAPTCHA” badge at the bottom. So without Google Heuristics scanning the visitor’s browser they block access completely or something?
[eddie]Zegnat: oh weird about google 😕 great to hear your local time was put up top!! 😁 sounds like that’ll work unless/until I find one that does the same thing without Google dependency.
[eddie]sknebel had planned to test Jitsi Meet two weeks ago with the EU virtual but it didn’t end up happening, so if we could test that this week that would be awesome!
ZegnatJitsi being free is the big plus for us, versus Zoom, if I understand right? Lets start with that. I am making a note on /next-hwc so we do not forget
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "Jitsi Meet" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Jitsi Meet is ____", a sentence describing the term)
GWGIf I take the fastest way, I have to drive from work to a commuter rail station, then take the commuter rail(because the less expensive bus/subway combo would take 40 minutes longer), then transfer to the subway. And, assuming I leave work at the earliest I can, I still won't be there till 5:45PM...which is at least during Quiet Writing Hour still.
aaronpkZegnat: i merged and deployed the PR for the logs. since that repo isn't set up to auto-deploy, merging a commit from github will actually break its ability to push new chat logs up until that's pulled down
aaronpki currently run 4 servers. one for my personal sites like aaronparecki.com, one for stuff like aperture/monocle, a server that only runs MySQL, and a new one that i'm moving all the indieweb community resources like the wiki onto
@nitinthewiz↩️ indieweb, I realize that there’s too much cruft and that I don’t want to abandon WordPress’ basics or experiment with my default install.
Same with someone even less technical - “if I can post on Medium, why would I run my own web server? That’s cray!” (twitter.com/_/status/1092176996161843200)
aaronpkMikaela: Loqi uses https://indieweb.org/chat-names to give +v to people, but right now +v doesn't do anything except give you a little star in the list here
Mikaela[tantek], it's clear, sorry, I have just slept badly last night and it's half past one here, so it's my fault and I am now really quitting IRC and going to bed, good night :)
tantek.comedited /discuss (+169) "subheads for channel descriptions, add explicitly irc, slack, loqi as examples of channel related topics, remove bridgy channel, add Bridgy to dev description" (view diff)