#meta 2019-02-18

2019-02-18 UTC
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
indieweb-post_types-identifier-bookmark (1.0.0): IndieWeb Bookmark Post Type Discovery for Microformats 2 JSON. https://rubygems.org/gems/indieweb-post_types-identifier-bookmark
edited /chat-names (+133) "/* Nicknames */"
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↩️ @alexbuzzbee Don't worry, it gets more fun once you start getting into using Micropub apps! https://indieweb.org/Micropub/Clients
edited /Pinboard (+173) "see also: bookmark; Tweaked IndieWeb examples to remove layer of headings for parity with other similar pages; history; pagelogo"
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↩️ @dshanske Have you gotten this far with your work on the Post Kinds plugin? I know you wanted to import your Pinboard account, but I'm not sure if you've got infrastructure for the import piece. Any other ideas #IndieWeb? https://boffosocko.com/2019/02/17/55743921/
The state of #OER learning tools, well there isn't a state, there is a kick ass team and all t by e teachers behind Moodle and a bunch of bloggers. #IndieWeb has already built most of the tools the second group needs and the first is more than welcome… https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2019/02/18/the-state-of-oer-learning-tools-well
↩️ The point is we stay in control. Keeping #OER in HTML/CSS provides most equitable path for global south. The large open orgs can grow as complex as any social media silo. #OER begins with #DoOO and the #IndieWeb tools connected with microformats can… https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2019/02/18/the-point-is-we-stay-in-control
[tantek], tomasparks, [dave] and [eddie] joined the channel
Op 18 en 19 mei vindt IndieWebCamp Utrecht plaats. Wat kun je er verwachten? https://diggingthedigital.com/wat-is-indiewebcamp/
indieweb-post_types-identifier-read (0.1.0): IndieWeb Read Post Type Discovery for Microformats 2 JSON. https://rubygems.org/gems/indieweb-post_types-identifier-read
[kevinmarks], [Vincent] and [adam] joined the channel
IRL Podcast episode on decentralized web is released, likely at https://irlpodcast.org/season4/episode6
Countdown set by [tantek] on 2019-02-12 at 2:25pm PST
swentel joined the channel
Wat is een #indiewebcamp ? Frank Meeuwsen, legt onze verwachtingen voor #indieweb camp Utrecht (#iwcutrecht) uit. Ben jij er bij op 18 en 19 mei? https://diggingthedigital.com/wat-is-indiewebcamp/ (https://www.zylstra.org/blog/2019/02/6005/)
↩️ @john_weeks I think I just need to start (micro)blogging again. Indieweb style
Dhewya and [dhewya16] joined the channel
↩️ bunch of of us working on #IndieWeb suite tools for activist crowd. I can publish events, RSVP, and connect with webmentions not on Facebook. (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/Pnxpz)
Yeshu and nloadholtes_ joined the channel
[frank]++ for the clear description of what to expect of an IWC!
[frank] has 3 karma over the last year
nloadholtes, [kevinmarks], [adam] and [Rose] joined the channel
frank++,tonz++ for organising IWC Utrecht!
frank has 4 karma over the last year
tonz has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (7 in all channels)
pats Loqi
[Vincent] joined the channel
↩️ We can send webmention badges from the #IndieWeb wiki. Sometimes a little recognition goes a long way in supporting gardeners.Might be something to fool around with. (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/1plbgB)
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
↩️ and the place for half baked thoughts belong in a chat room and on the blogs of authors and community members. One thing #IndieWeb gets right is the integration of the wiki with the chat and the distributed thinking done out loud on blogs. (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/1wGSfC)
nloadholtes_ and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
I need to play Battleship with my son but here is an example of a webmention badge form the wiki back to my blog: https://indieweb.org/toolbuilder-badge-jgmac1106 and then displayed: https://archive.jgregorymcverry.com/badges/ think there is mad potential for community and wikis with webmention… https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2019/02/18/i-need-to-play-battleship-with-my
swentie and swentel joined the channel
edited /IndieWebCamps (+2) "/* IndieWebCamp Utrecht 2019 */ Add Utrecht"
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edited /fragmention (+154) "/* Related work */"
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edited /fragmention (-206) "/* URL encoding */"
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eli_oat and [schmarty] joined the channel
Today's IRL podcast covers Mastodon, Graphite Docs, and Maidsafe. tantek's suggestions for IndieWeb made it into the show notes tho!
"Decentralization efforts are proof that the age of internet innovation is far from over. In fact, Mozilla staff work tirelessly on decentralized web standards, which have been — and continue to be — widely adopted."
"Mozilla co-chaired the W3C Social Web Working Group 2014 through 2018, which produced several key decentralized social web standards. Some have dozens of implementations like: - Webmention (a standard for federating conversations across the decentralized web); and - MicroPub (a standard API for client applications to post to decentralized web services)."
"Check out IndieWeb.org for more on key decentralized web standards, and ‘become a citizen’ of the Indie Web."
"As a part of Mozilla’s dedication to decentralized innovation, Mozilla participated in the 2018 Decentralized Web Summit: - See our Founder and Executive Chairwoman Mitchell Baker’s talk on revitalizing the web; - Hear Tantek Çelik, Web Standards Lead, speak on taking back your content with practical decentralization steps; and - Watch Chris Riley, Head of Policy, lead a web panel on decentralization."
"So, are you inspired? Want to work on the decentralized web? Join Mozilla at one of these events: - Feb 23-24, 2019: IndieWebCamp Austin - Mar 30-31, 2019: IndieWebCamp New Haven - May 4-5, 2019: IndieWebCamp Berlin - June 29-30, 2019: IndieWeb Summit in Portland - Questions about participating? Ask here."
lots of good links in
Now to see if it shows up on the website for the podcast 😂
tomasparks, nloadholtes_ and [tantek] joined the channel
nloadholtes joined the channel
I will be attending https://2019.indieweb.org/online My first IndieWebCamp! Can’t wait.
Vous savez ce qui manque à Peertube ? Un simple gestionnaire de flux RSS. Vous ne pouvez pas suivre une chaîne si votre instance n'est pas connectée à la première. Par contre chaque chaine a un flux R… https://yom.li/microblog/?MR37Mg #Peertube #Youtube #Twitter #Mastodon #IndieWeb
dougbeal|mb1 joined the channel
Aaronpk any way to see how much traffic bump we get from the show notes?
Also there should be a bunch of hyperlinks in there. Was any of that linked [schmarty] ?
I think I have google analytics on the wiki
I haven't looked at this in a long time
https://i.imgur.com/Cmks6HF.png Good data on which pages we should make sure are in good shape
[Rose] joined the channel
Wow good thing we spent a bunch of time updating Getting Started!
Also curious so many find site deaths
Is there a list of top search terms that are leading people to the site? Perhaps we can help document what they’re searching for?
aaronpk, did we settle what I need to bring m
GWG stuff for one room remote participation
if we use Jitsi I can cover a second room with my iPad setup and stream it to YouTube too
I also have main room streaming rig for recording intros and demos
Show notes look good! Also realized that referers won't show up from clicking these within the app
I'll have to create a custom query in GA to look at those pages individually
ok, I added "https://mxstbr.com/thoughts/css-in-js/" to the "See Also" section of /js;dr https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=56848&oldid=56582
[schmarty] joined the channel
tantek: yep, the links didn't come through in the chat but there were lots of links in the IRL podcast show notes.
Great. Now's a good time to make sure those pages are all at a minimum full up to date, and hopefully look good too!
links include /Micropub , /Webmention , homepage, spec.indieweb.org, and indiewebify.me
yay the IRL link is up!
[davidmead] joined the channel
When I read posts like that jacky I just hear “why can’t I do everything in the thing I know” - disheartening
yep, it was dropped in chat by jacky and others but i wanted to have it here also
davidmead I thought the post was reasonably calmly/rationally written, and described & addressed *common* challenges of CSS maintenance
I might even bring up the problems as described to the CSSWG f2f next week
tantek it’s not as vehement as some, but just quotes like
> I cannot expect all team members, particularly juniors, to have an encyclopedic understanding of CSS
make me bristle
> On top of that, deadlines can get in the way of quality.
flip it and I can say the same for JS
lol schmarty
davidmead indeed! arbitrary use of JS has similar and worse problems
maybe this is more #dev
and if the JS fails I got no content, so having no styling too won’t make much difference 😜
true. JS is more fragile.
I see the article primarily useful as a critique of "classical" use of CSS in projects, the problems pointed out are real problems that frankly CSS (community, experts etc.) should figure out a way to solve
eduardm joined the channel
edited /photo_reply (+210) "/* IndieWeb Examples */"
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I agree with that part tantek
edited /annotation (+132) "/* See Also */ article Exploring the UX of web-annotations"
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[Rose] joined the channel
created /article_reply (+1631) "based on question in chat from davidmead, stub with dfn, indieweb example, see also"
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gRegorLove joined the channel
how is the indieweb more than just nostalgia? https://t.me/omsays/385
That opens the telegram app?
not on my laptop
perhaps Telegram app when you install it takes over the t dot me domain?
Guess so
and I don't have an act so it's making me sign up
Oh hey they finally accepted my google voice number
oh, that is wrong; since when is telegram allowing public, web-present posting?
I never got that part... I genuinely wish there were things with a frozen feature set, especially IMs.
Made my homepage by means of #asciidoc: http://www.petersell.de. Now this pure HTML site must learn #indieweb and #fediverse. But how?
swentel joined the channel
If that were true we never would have had Twitter
Wondering if this is something worth documenting about reposting, like reasons why, avoid plagiarizing: https://laughspin.com/fuck-jerry-comedians-boycott/
More: https://www.vulture.com/2019/02/fuck-jerry-instagram-comedians-unfollow-campaign-elliot-tebele.html "viewers just assumed it was stolen, is also an example of something else: It still feels like the norm to swipe someone else’s online content without permission or payment rather than to pay for it. For that assumption we can largely thank the megapopular Instagram accounts @thefatjewish and @fuckjerry"
[kevinmarks] and ichoquo0Aigh9ie joined the channel
edited /article_reply (+386) "apparently I did fix article replys to tweets to actually thread the POSSE tweet properly, found 2015 example"
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[asuh] and [davidmead] joined the channel
created /that_Twitter_video_app (+17) "prompted by [tantek] and redirect added by [tantek]"
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[schmarty] joined the channel
edited /article_reply (+273) "/* IndieWeb Examples */"
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[Rose] joined the channel
edited /Micropub (+124) "use micropub logo from https://indieweb.org/WordPress/Plugins. make it prettier"
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well that's a start
wow yeah that page is rough
hey aaronpk even you used the micropub rocks logo 😛 https://slides.aaronparecki.com/2017/indieweb-summit/#/16
hey why isn't websub on https://spec.indieweb.org/
edited /WebSub (+292) "use logo from Websub.rocks, clarify Websub development"
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Good question!
Not sure how we missed that
ask aj 🙂
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[tantek] #2 +WebSub
tantek: URL typo (trailing slash 404s)
updated patch
reviewed, merged, branch deleted!
And it's live! With no involvement from me! :-)
automation has 1 karma over the last year
https://indieweb.org/Micropub/Clients still needs a bunch more screenshots, especially of some of the simple posting UIs, just for posting a note etc.
created /Geofencing (+118) "prompted by [tantek] and dfn added by GWG"
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edited /Micropub/Clients (+190) "expand, detail screenshot request"
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You can use that indigenous screenshot ^^
I can't edit the page rn
yes that's nice!
↩️ if u are concerned about audience reach/growth, u can always ~Publish (on your) Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere~ https://indieweb.org/POSSE
ok that's funny I'm seeing strikethrough where the person used tildas
looks fine in the logs. I blame Slack 😛
so that's a markdown fail
Thanks! We need one more person to confirm the retweet!
wow aaronpk this is an even worse Medium screenshot: https://twitter.com/slicknet/status/1097584328962240512
filing slack bridge bug...
wait, no, that's the wrong direction :D
edited /Micropub/Clients (+31) "/* Indigenous for iOS */ new post screenshot"
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wow that's so bad
that phone is shorter than mine which is why it looks even worse too
also really bad that it's showing that even on a custom domain
it's like these silos are just handing us screenshottable screw-ups for our next talks and presentations
how do they end up making it that bad. like do none of their employees actually visit the site?
all employees use adblockers?
(they probably don't have all that strong centralized IT, otherwise I'd say "as any good IT team would ensure everyone has" :D)
edited /Micropub (+843) "stub why section for users and developers, move clients and servers to the top, highly technical rest of page caveat"
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^^^ attempt to start making the top of the /Micropub page friendlier like /Webmention
edited /Webmention-developer (+387) "add webmention.rocks png too, Get Started Developers"
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[eddie] joined the channel
tantek++ thats a great improvement
tantek has 32 karma in this channel over the last year (101 in all channels)
There's a lot we can do to make the top "screenful" look attractive to wiki pages. Some of this is coming instinctively/intuitively, and I'm not sure how to document exactly what I'm doing on /wikify
gRegorlove and/or schmarty, perhaps you can analyze the recent edits to /Micropub /Webmention-developer or even /Getting_Started and see if you can find patterns that we can document prescriptively in /wikify?
[keithjgrant], [grantcodes], [kevinmarks] and [asuh] joined the channel
created /GNUnet (+136) "prompted by [asuh] and dfn added by [asuh]"
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[tantek]: I think this guidance needs to be more prominent https://indieweb.org/wikifying#Definitions_include_indieweb_relevance
edited /wikifying (+54) "move Definitions include indieweb relevance higher up, just below new pages, explicitly include indieweb relevance in definition"
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edited /start_a_page (+263) "only start pages with indieweb relevance"
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aaronpk hows' that ^^^ ?
edited /wikifying (+1) "/* Definitions include indieweb relevance */ -above/below. assume re-ordering happens"
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