#meta 2019-03-04

2019-03-04 UTC
snarfed, tbbrown and [tantek] joined the channel
@DuckDuckGo at https://www.reddit.com/r/duckduckgo/wiki/index#wiki_webmaster_tools you say you offer no way to submit sites. Well, then, please offer faster spidering of @microdotblog websites, because tonight G4e finds tbcg0222c but you do not. I've joined the #IndieWeb movement and am starting to rely on you more.
↩️ @jackyalcine @DuckDuckGo @microdotblog We'll see. I trust @DuckDuckGo to do the right thing and to be a friend of #IndieWeb.
Not only will I be attending the inaugural WordCamp Santa Clarita, but they've accepted my proposal, so I'll be talking about Micropub use with WordPress at the camp. I look forward to seeing everyone there. #WCSCV #IndieWeb https://boffosocko.com/2019/03/03/rsvp-to-wordcamp-santa-clarita-2019/
↩️ Time for indieweb scuba logs. Then if something breaks it's my own damn fault.
↩️ Time for #indieweb divelogs. Then if something breaks, it's my own damn fault.
↩️ Klar ist das ein krasser #DSGVO-Verstoß, aber was kümmert das @DoroBaer oder @katarinabarley ? Die haben Spaß, während Facebook den Rechtsstaat vorführt … https://indieweb.org/Facebook#Criticism
swentel joined the channel
↩️ Ist es möglich für den Wochenüberblick der KW12 den Karlsruher Homebrew Website Club am 20.03. aufzunehmen? – https://indieweb.org/events/2019-03-20-homebrew-website-club#Karlsruhe
[pfefferle], swentie, swentel, jeremych_, [grantcodes], [mrkrndvs] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Hey everyone at #clauc been thinking about our #openpedagogy movement in terms of "systems innovations" research, Here I apply it to #IndieWeb but will work as conceptual model for any movement. http://jgregorymcverry.com/SyNatIndieWeb.html (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/ywFVL)
swentel joined the channel
https://blog.christianfriedrich.org/Has some awesome advice for teachers while we can't say "Don't use facebook" (Yes we can) we need to show and model an alternative for social media for #openpedagogy to thrive. #IndieWeb #cltauc (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/NEdM1)
https://blog.christianfriedrich.org/ some awesome advice for teachers while we can't say "Don't use facebook" (Yes we can) we need to show and model an alternative for social media for #openpedagogy to thrive. #IndieWeb #cltauc (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/22qutQ)
For everyone at #cltauc that was asking about our upcoming #IndieWeb events you can check here: https://indieweb.org/Events we have @IndieWebCamp Online THIS WEEKEND join us and IndieWebCamp New Haven 3/30-3/31 100% free conference. (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/28RMvh)
↩️ Would love to get regular events going in Egypt. We have not had #IndieWeb events in Global South for some time. Start with me a meetup or even a homebrew website club. Just takes two people, a bit of wifi, and a desire to carve your own space out… https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2019/03/04/would-love-to-get-regular-events-going
edited /events/2019-03-06-homebrew-website-club (+54) "/* Virtual European Time */ jitsi link"
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↩️ Maybe balance is in between https://blog.christianfriedrich.org/ and http://catherinecronin.net/ position. We don't TELL people to quit facebook but because of well documented practices that hurt equity: https://indieweb.org/Facebook#Criticism we encourage teachers to MODEL quitting… https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2019/03/04/maybe-balance-is-in-between
[schmarty], [grantcodes], [Rose], strugee, [tantek], [eddie], [cleverdevil] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
gRegorLove, [grantcodes], eddiehinkle, [schmarty], [pfefferle] and [tantek] joined the channel
Photo for @IndieWebCamp Online #DailyChallenge #IndieWeb #Edtechchat #digped https://t.co/7JvtE5tfoN
swentel joined the channel
!tell eddie happy to make a walkthrough video of how to propose sessions but thought it be nice to get your voice out there, lemme know either way
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
nloadholtes, jackjamieson, bronzehedwick, [davidmead], [frank], bear, jackjami_, tbbrown and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
The March issue is out! Scaling DBs, Legacy to Laravel, Static Type Hints, OAuth 2, IndieWeb, Women History Month, Intrusion Detection, +more https://www.phparch.com/magazine/2019/03/building-bridges/
The March issue is out! Scaling DBs, Legacy to Laravel, Static Type Hints, OAuth 2, IndieWeb, Women History Month, Intrusion Detection, +more https://www.phparch.com/magazine/2019/03/building-bridges/
phparch: The March issue is out! Scaling DBs, Legacy to Laravel, Static Type Hints, OAuth 2, IndieWeb, Women History Month, Intrusion Detection, +more https://www.phparch.com/magazine/2019/03/building-bridges/
[tantek] and [eddie] joined the channel
Very cool!
[eddie]: [jgmac1106] left you a message 2 hours, 17 minutes ago: happy to make a walkthrough video of how to propose sessions but thought it be nice to get your voice out there, lemme know either way
"We’re going to look at the IndieWeb, it’s philosophy, and some ways to make your websites IndieWeb friendly, giving you the ability to create and post content, but also to share it and let others interact with it on your terms, not those of a corporate social media giant."
edited /rating (+102) "page logo, indieweb examples, see also xkcd"
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edited /review (+321) "dfn tweak, relationship to rating, move example to proper section"
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Zegnat joined the channel
edited /review (+110) "xkcd page logo"
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edited /test (+28) "aaronpk added "[[test]]" to "See Also""
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that page is getting quite a bit of attention. curious about the stats on it
Would be interesting to see a top 10 popular pages (by access logs) on indieweb.org by week (part of newsletter?)
could help us focus our effort on improving those pages's contents / graphics etc. to better communicate to more people
good idea
does mediawiki provide its own pageview count? i forget
https://i.imgur.com/MqFeZH3.png from google analytics, last 30 days
i don't know what indiewebcamp.com is doing there
well that underscores importance of updating homepage design
that is very weird aaronpk. note the trailing slash which makes it a 404!
looking at the raw access logs and I sure don't see 967 requests
edited /indiewebcamp.com (+96) "provide homepage links incase someone got here via a bad link"
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so WTF Google Analytics
there's some weird stuff in the access logs about indiewebcamp.com but a lot of it is bots
btrem1, ZivBK1 and gRegorLove joined the channel