[eddie]!tell grantcodes Great Idea! the funny thing is that is actually what the ad-hoc session page is! It’s got a place to add and +1 topics as well as some standard ideas for timing, etc.
[eddie]!tell jgmac1106 I think that is a good discussion to add to that page. That said, I don’t think that’s a good idea for a couple reasons, and I’ll add my rebuttals to the same page 😄
Loqi[jgmac1106]: [eddie] left you a message 1 hour, 18 minutes ago: I think that is a good discussion to add to that page. That said, I don’t think that’s a good idea for a couple reasons, and I’ll add my rebuttals to the same page 😄
@dsearls↩️ We've never done much with @cluetrain other than give it a handle here. FWIW (& speaking for myself) I've long supported the #indieweb, and allied efforts. Not sure exactly what day the site went up in '99. I believe it was in April. Maybe @dweinberger knows. (twitter.com/_/status/1104959882447540224)
[jgmac1106]!tell eddie I added my reflections. I think conference went really well, and I likes the 23 hour session window, I would just try to add one "organizer" per timezone window and offer 2-3 defined session slots. Telling people "adjust to timezones" isn't always possible
[jgmac1106]eddie left my feedback, I think the event went fairly well for three people who have never organized an online unconference before, I see two choices: time zones of organizers reign supreme. You want to go adjust. Or a defined session period in X timezones., keep the same time but the sessions but keep it local.
Loqi[eddie]: [jgmac1106] left you a message 2 hours, 27 minutes ago: I added my reflections. I think conference went really well, and I likes the 23 hour session window, I would just try to add one "organizer" per timezone window and offer 2-3 defined session slots. Telling people "adjust to timezones" isn't always possible
[jgmac1106]going through the sessions they were well attended in comparison to to OTG, the only one session per time slot was more a tech artifact then critical mass...We had one YouTube channel
[jgmac1106]but I like a window where a few people in chat can say "hey I have an idea anyone want to hop in a session," so it is a tough choice. We tried to find an Aussie/NZ organizer as that is the hardest time zone to match but really in the end nobody in that TZ expressed much interest in the conference
sknebelto me the "one session per time" more was a "there was enough time available to not put sessions next to each other, so why do that?". could have done an unstreamed session at any point, but no demand
sknebelI don't think fixed structure is really needed, unless you really want to get external people watching - but then you need to have the schedule set way before etc. I don't think we're at a point where that makes sense
[jgmac1106]in terms of the 2019 page and the wiki page I worry about DRY and getting the PRs approved...I think the session grid shoudl just go in the DFN for any IWC in the future once available and a link to the page should exist on the 2019 template
[eddie]Yeah I think including the ACTUAL schedule on the RSVP Event page would be challenging, I think it could hold a link to the schedule and then the schedule page can start with some text saying "The day of the conference this will be a schedule grid with links to notes and live videos" in case anyone visits it before it's all filled out
[eddie]sknebel I agree, the number of people is probably the primary driver for a single session at a time. We could have done Jitsi unrecorded at any point AND if there were more people and the need drove it, we could have set up more YouTube events. YouTube doesn't restrict us to one event at a time
[eddie]However I think Saturday/Sunday had pretty consistent numbers. Friday was the outlier with a lower turn out, which makes sense given it was a workday and actually took place during the US working hours
[eddie]I think one challenge with Online vs. in person is because it was across timezones and days, you never had 12-15 at the same time. (which ins some ways was *kind of the point*, so in some ways succeeded at that lol). But the outplay of that made it feel like a smaller camp and lacked *some* of the connection that an in-person IWC might provide because you physically see those people for two full days
[eddie]Not necessarily a negative, just an interesting outcome that we have to consider as we think through what the end goal of an IWC Online should be
[jgmac1106]yet it will also provide access and equity that on the ground events take, being able to fly around the globe to go to IWCs requires a ton of priviledge
[jgmac1106]best part @zegnat and [Rose] you could plan something else and hop into the conference when it did fit your time, but yeah better kickoff time, probably on the Saturday, or do regional kickoffs
[jgmac1106]heck maybe that is a difference between an online IWC and an online IWS...a IWC follows the organizer local time zone, and online IWS is spread across three different organized regions
[jgmac1106]eddie we haven't found the perfect answer, some say weekdays work bc they can use PD time from tech jobs and weekends ahave too much kids stuff,
[jgmac1106]We always see Sunday drop off is that hack day or Sunday or just two days in same weekend, we didn't see that in online though...no usualu drop off
aaronpkThe Tito registrations are more helpful for in person events since that's what we use for food estimates and also it asks questions like wil you be attending the pre party
[jgmac1106]on a different note I want to add === Blog posts ==== to the session etherpad template to encourage folks to write or share photos of the sessions they attend
[eddie]Hmm my only thought on that is things live on the Etherpad until they move to the notes page on the wiki. Is your goal ultimately for them to be added to the wiki vs. the Etherpad? I think most blog posts would be written AFTER the camp rather than during. Of course anything on the Etherpad does end up on the wiki notes page. Just curious if having it there during a session would confuse people? maybe not?
[jgmac1106]eddie how do you feel about doing an IWC BMore around Nov 21-24. I will already be there for: https://convention.ncte.org/ and hoping schmarty and tmiller can take lead on NYC this year
ZegnatMay I nudge a conversation like this into something like the protected organizers channel? Especially if you are going to name names and include email address of people?
@loudmouthjuliaYouTube creators, I want to talk to you about why you’re getting your merch site, Patreon page, or discount code URLS tattooed on your bodies. Seriously. DM me. And know it comes from a place of no judgement.!! I have “don’t @ me” tattooed on my body, and want to add my handle. (twitter.com/_/status/1104475748528738304)
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "week note" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "week note is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[jgmac1106]A week note is type of post that someone publishes and the end of the week summarizing the week's goals, accomplishments, events, accomplishments, posts, or other content the author wishes to share.
boffosocko.comcreated /IndieWebCamps/Attendance (+14542) "stub with basic details for newcomers; help requested particularly for details relating to CoC and accessibility and others' experiences" (view diff)
Loqi[eddie]: [jgmac1106] left you a message 2 minutes ago: I did not add vHWC-Americas to 3/20 here: https://indieweb.org/Events#March didn't know if you are still doing it
[schmarty]aaronpk or anyone with ti.to access, the checkboxes for "which days will you attend" in the post-purchase survey have the wrong weekdays (Mon/Tue/Wed instead of Fri/Sat/Sun)
LoqiA week note is a note post published at the end of the week that summarizes that week’s goals, accomplishments, events, posts, or other week-specific content the author wishes to share, similar to a monthly recap, yet for a week, and typically manually written https://indieweb.org/week_note
[jgmac1106]aaronpk if a webmention can be sent to an Indie RSVP with tito reminder, how hard would it be to send updates via webmentions using the 2019 page?
aaronpkwhile i'm not a huge fan of email, i'm even less a fan of fragmenting the communication and also not knowing whether someone will actually get it
aaronpkso then it's like "if you can receive webmentions then you don't need to register on tito but if you don't receive webmentions then you do" which is not something i want to have to say
[tantek]Loqi << feature request: when someone in /irc-people says something who hasn't for say a week or more (at most a month), say something like "Welcome back someone!", or "A wild someone appears!", or some other explicit greeting welcoming their return
Loqiok, I added "feature request: when someone in /irc-people says something who hasn't for say a week or more (at most a month), say something like "Welcome back someone!", or "A wild someone appears!", or some other explicit greeting welcoming their return" to the "See Also" section of /Loqihttps://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=58109&oldid=57564