jgregorymcverry.comedited /notification (+101) "/* See Also */ added notification poem that was a reply to discussion about microblogging as a composition tool" (view diff)
@cathieleblancIt has been on my task list to contribute to Wikipedia for a while. Today working on a presentation about #IndieWeb, I discovered the woman (Darcy Dinucci) who coined "Web 2.0" doesn't have a page. I would start it today but I need to get this presentation done. @WikiWomenInRed (twitter.com/_/status/1107328733042696200)
ZegnatWhen I was at the Düsseldorf one (2 years ago? 3?) it was simply a completely different experience from the Berlin one. Possibly *because* of the people who came for BeyondTellerrand joining in. Just results in a different mix of people.
sknebelZegnat: not sure about absolute spillover, but the people I associate with IndieWeb+BT weren't there, and Berlin pulled more people in independently. so I' agree about different crowd.
ZegnatI really wanna do Utrecht though. I should start tying that down and checking with [frank] and [tonz] if they need any help. (And also to make sure I will have Eurovision viewing options. Either with IWC crowd, or elsewhere.)
[jgmac1106]will go to either if I can get funding...have to take a last minute trip to #OER19 in April in Ireland....gwg sitting on any aer lingus vouchers back to HQ? stuff me in a suitcase and then I can save my travel funds for Berlin or Dusseldorf
[jgmac1106]If you have no moral qualms about spamming businesses in New Haven seeking donations....ohhh okay, Hey do you eat Sushi or cooked seafood at Japanese restaurants