#meta 2019-03-21

2019-03-21 UTC
edited /alt (+15) "/* gRegor Morrill */ +earliest example"
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Jacky different audiences. I am breaking with IndieWeb mold a bit and focusing on getting people online from social media the first time rather than someone deciding they want to switch from Jekyll to Hugo
For IndieWebCamp New Haven for example trying to celebrate reentry month by helping people who paid there debt to society launch their first website as one track.
Just did my HWC tonight at a celebration for Junta.. An organization that has been around since 1968 but just getting online. Working with the Latinx population to realize they can pwn the web too
I think you're misunderstanding me, lol. I'm saying if there was a page/site like https://events.indieweb.org/next-hwc that could be printed out to help invite/organize HWC (something like https://dribbble.com/shots/5389427-Brand-Collateral-for-1909-by-Soul-Twin-Studio or https://dribbble.com/shots/3381844-Event-poster)
Ohh yeah... Print style sheet... Okay all day long... Now I understand... Still every one wanted a flyer tonight
I should have brought stickers
Wow Jacky that is an amazing example... Wish I was an artist
I can't lie; this isn't a new idea for me, I wanted something like this - something print friendly but also with a fixed URL that matches the content
↩️ If Twitter kicks Tantek off Twitter because he's working for a perceived competitor - I want to know more about the competitor.
I added a print style sheet to my resume.. But then needed a seperate page because I didn't know how to default open all summary and details
But after tonight... Yeah let's work on an IndieWeb flyer maker that also matches the canonical url... Dead trees be damned. Everyone wanted a flyer tonight
hm yeah the only way to do that is to add `<details open>`; there's no CSS for that AFAIK
[kimberlyhirsh], [xavierroy] and [schmarty] joined the channel
Seven participants for our first #HomebrewWeb meeting in Guadalajara, Jalisco, México at @TECcampusGDL #IndieWeb success. Blog post to follow. @meGritanRubio @Jejepere @seraph_zaho and more
[tantek] joined the channel
edited /events/2019-03-20-homebrew-website-club (+194) "/* Photos */ San Francisco!"
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created /suspend (+22) "prompted by [tantek] and redirect added by [tantek]"
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[kimberlyhirsh] joined the channel
[kenbauer]++ great shot!
[kenbauer] has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (2 in all channels)
[kenbauer] joined the channel
Thanks [tantek] It went very well for a first meeting, I was surprised and impressed. We meet again in two weeks and I will post a blog post and photos to the wiki in the next day or so.
Great! be sure to post the photo to the wiki in the next day so it gets into this week's newsletter!
even just uploading the same photo as the tweet would be great!
oh, yes. I will.
↩️ Do you have the names @meGritanRubio ? I want to post to the #IndieWeb wiki for the newsletter.
photo is up, I am missing some names which I will back-patch later [tantek]
↩️ Summary: 01:42 suspended per Twitter email: "abusive behavior" and "targeted harassment of someone" 18:36 restored per "account got caught up in one of these spam groups by mistake" My tweets are pretty boring. Running pics. #IndieWeb #CSS One ... https://tantek.com/t4za3
↩️ Thanks, I plan to create a post documenting the meeting at https://known.kenbauer.me tomorrow and update the page at https://indieweb.org/events/2019-03-20-homebrew-website-club#Guadalajara
edited /tags (+2) "/* mark up and post a tag reply */ link tag reply"
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edited /micropub_media_endpoint (+29) "/* Query the last thing uploaded */"
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Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
!tell Zegnat Tue will not work for me at all
Aww :(
Zegnat: petermolnar left you a message 1 minute ago: Tue will not work for me at all
[Rose], [aaronpk], [kimberlyhirsh] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
edited /chat-names (+141) "/* Nicknames */ added demo account"
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edited /chat-names (-141) "/* Nicknames */ removed demo account"
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edited /chat-names (+143) "/* Nicknames */ adding my GOIF account"
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edited /chat-names (-143) "deleting demo account"
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Reminder: it’s Homebrew Website Club Brighton this evening (and every Thursday) in the @Clearleft studio from 6pm: https://indieweb.org/Homebrew_Website_Club#Brighton Everyone welcome! https://adactio.com/notes/14975
Well, if you were trying to demonstrate the importance of @indiewebcamp, I don't believe you could have done better than Twitter's random suspension of @t's account.
Thanks! We need one more person to confirm the retweet!
edited /events/2019-03-20-homebrew-website-club (+163) "/* Notes */ adding blog post"
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[schmarty], [keithjgrant] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[kenbauer] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] ++
[jgmac1106] has 56 karma in this channel over the last year (131 in all channels)
thx Ken, something went wrong with the video plugin for me. I can see the video player when editing but the video tags aren't displaying once i publish...
edited /events/2019-03-20-homebrew-website-club (-41) "/* Guadalajara */ adding myself after adding my chatname"
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edited /User:Known.kenbauer.me (-431) "Working on unifying my two selves here."
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how to redirect wiki page
How do I redirect on a wiki page?
What is redirect?
A redirect is a way to automatically make one page on this wiki load another page https://indieweb.org/redirect
edited /Template:kenbauer (-26) "this page should probably be deleted, inserting a redirect to see if that fixes my chat-name link"
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[schmarty] joined the channel
Tengo rato sin tocar nadita de desarrollo web, manos a la obra! Si les interesa saber más al respecto o simplemente entender #HomebrewWeb e #IndieWeb con gusto respondo sus preguntas! Chanza y hasta se nos unen en 2 semanas para nuestra siguiente charla ;)
edited /User:Jgregorymcverry.com (+72) "/* IndieWeb Grants */ added grant submission"
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gRegorLove joined the channel
Here is a handy dandy guide for getting started after you attend your first #IndieWeb Homebrew Website Club: https://jgregorymcverry.com/hwcpagetutorial.html #literacies #edtechchat #nhv (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/KeEtc)
[kimberlyhirsh] and [Rose] joined the channel
edited /events/2019-03-20-homebrew-website-club (+3) "/* Photos */ more space for the Accra photo"
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[eddie] joined the channel
edited /next-hwc (+82) "testing double-duty redirect page and template-able link"
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edited /next-hwc (+0) "trying again"
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edited /next-hwc (+0) "next hwc 2019-04-03"
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edited /MediaWiki:Sidebar (+0) "next hwc 2019-04-03"
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[tantek], gRegorLove, [cleverdevil] and [Rose] joined the channel
[kenbauer] you probably don't want to redirect that template. That's used to add a little sparkline for yourself as an attendee or comment somewhere on the wiki. Separate from /chat-names and asking Loqi "who is"
who is kenbauer
A minimal way to get Loqi to answer is to wrap the first line on your wiki user page with `<span class="p-summary">...</span>`
edited /events/2019-03-20-homebrew-website-club (-55) "/* Photos */ switched photo to square"
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Or you can use https://indieweb.org/Template:Infobox_person if you want to add a photo and have it show up in an infobox on the side.
jjuran and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
gRegorLove++ thanks for the clarification
gRegorLove has 21 karma in this channel over the last year (85 in all channels)
going to do a wikify your page tutorial next, want these before NHV so I can do less getting people set up on the wiki
[jgmac1106], feedback and updates to https://indieweb.org/wikifying#Wikify_yourself appreciated!
[kenbauer] joined the channel
THanks [gRegorLove] I needed someone to nuke/delete that entry. Looks like it happened.
[tantek] joined the channel
adactio++ for bringing back HWC Brighton!
adactio has 4 karma in this channel over the last year (6 in all channels)
[eddie] joined the channel
will do, I do want to move the examples first...mentor text come first, then the guide, I am a bit behind today but page doesn't need much work at all
edited /User:Known.kenbauer.me (-422) "Adding my username template."
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edited /Homebrew_Website_Club (+335) "Adding Guadalajara to "Getting Started""
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edited /events/2019-04-03-homebrew-website-club (+9) "/* Where */ remove vHWC EU - might move, or someone else volunteers to host"
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edited /tag-reply (+112) "/* person tag reply */ context of what and why I'm working on it"
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edited /Falcon (+64) "/* one-off person-tag response to photo */ link to brainstorm"
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edited /tag-reply (+24) "/* GitHub POSSE */ from request to implemented!"
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edited /tag-reply (+373) "/* How to simple tag-reply */ note who is working on with links to more work, remove "simple" as it doesn't help, make example/prose consistent"
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^^^ restarting Berlin HWC, so vHWC either has to be run by someone else or move
\o/ HWC Berlin!!!
sknebel has 23 karma in this channel over the last year (108 in all channels)
My suggestion yesterday was for Tuesdays
derhess++ (he's convinced his employer to let us use their space and gave the push to actually do it *now*)
derhess has 1 karma over the last year
edited /tag-reply (+205) "/* Brainstorming */ move tag and comment to new Abandoned Brainstorming section"
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edited /robots (+154) "dfn oxford comma, -multiple, IndieWeb Examples, benwerd, see also Loqi"
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3800 minutes until sknebel you want to make some kind of poll for vHWC timeslots
I added a countdown scheduled for 2019-03-24 12:39pm CET (#6528)
edited /robots (+601) "add active or passive bot to brainstorming"
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↩️ If you want to learn about microformats stop by the #IndieWeb chat sometime. We put our metadata directly in the human readable HTML and make fun blogging tools that connect a web free from silos. Linked Data is a different type. Many… https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2019/03/21/raulrpearson-if-you-want-to-learn-about
edited /Falcon (+1829) "/* one-off tag-of post */ explicit need to surface state of mf2 and vocab issues use-cases, with example labels"
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@slamteacher I know much of the effort has been around ungrading and rubrics and data but I will be doing a session at @IndieWebCamp New Haven on Owning our Rubrics, want to create remixable tools teachers can use on #DoOO sites (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/cVLjT)
↩️ Jim if you are around 3/30-3/31 you should remote into some @IndieWebCamp #nhv sessions. For rubrics going to use CSS content and summary for domain, CSS Grid for indicator with a flexbox in each row for attributes. (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/1bEZMT)
edited /Template:kenbauer (+117) "setup with sparkline template"
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sorry for the confusion, [kenbauer]. I think I've cleaned it up.
confusion was on me
/chat-names links to your known.kenbauer.me user profile
kenbauer has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (3 in all channels)
for helping me test the video walkthrough guide
I reverted that wiki page to the text you had before, just moved the p-summary so now:
who is kenbauer?
Ken Bauer is an associated professor in Computing Science at the Tecnológico de Monterrey in Guadalajara https://indieweb.org/User:Known.kenbauer.me
Separately, if you want to put your sparkline in a page for attendees or commenting on something, use: {{kenbauer}}
@StevenPears @anna_hax I didn't get a chance to say earlier, but an alternative for comments is using https://indieweb.org/Webmention as per the #IndieWeb reply that @jgmac1106 did at https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2019/03/19/sweet-now-i-can-you-to-my - which would let users reply via their own sites
[eddie] joined the channel
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
edited /2019/Utrecht (+68) "Added planning link"
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[kimberlyhirsh] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Sadik Shahadu++
Shahadu has 1 karma over the last year
We can work on your chat-name [Sadik_Shahadu] looks like you already figured out you can connect to these chat channels from our chat on https://chat.goifnetwork.org
jjuran and gRegorLove_ joined the channel