tantek.comcreated /2019/Berlin/Project_Goals (+1339) "stub from 2019/Austin/Project_Goals, add myself, pick a couple of specific Falcon improvements to try in-person, good for in-person discussion / user feedback" (view diff)
[tantek]<!here> who is going to IWC Berlin? It's in three weeks! Could you indie RSVP / grab a Tito ticket at https://2019.indieweb.org/berlin and please report back your experience? Did it work as expected? Did you show up on the page after you RSVPd (either indie RSVP and/or Tito ticket)? Thanks!
[tantek]163 hours until <!here> You have 90 minutes left to fix anything before Loqi *actually* generates the final version of the newsletter at 14:30 PDT (unless the weird DST bug is fixed) cc: [tantek] [gRegorLove] [schmarty] https://indieweb.org/this-week/2019-04-19.html
LoqiReport abuse (AKA report inappropriate) is a feature in many (most?) silos for notifying the silo owners that a specific user, post, or comment is abusive https://indieweb.org/report_abuse
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "single session" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "single session is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Loqi[tantek]: [Rose] left you a message 36 minutes ago: I registered for a ticket successfully, but it automatically asks me to assign it to someone which is odd.
[tantek]!tell Rose I don't see you listed on https://2019.indieweb.org/berlin - did Tito ask you if you want to be shown or not? Also, did Tito ask you to agree to the IndieWeb Code of Conduct and the Mozilla Community Participation Guidelines?
Loqi[Rose]: [tantek] left you a message 2 minutes ago: I don't see you listed on https://2019.indieweb.org/berlin - did Tito ask you if you want to be shown or not? Also, did Tito ask you to agree to the IndieWeb Code of Conduct and the Mozilla Community Participation Guidelines?
[tantek]and "first name" "last name" fields should just be "Attendee full name" (per all that discussion that went around the interwebs a few months ago)
tantek.comedited /IndieWebCamp_Organizing (+168) "Update IndieWebCamp Template, drop min requirement to 4 in person, 5 including remote, per IWC New Haven success with those numbers" (view diff)
[tantek]<!here> if you have successfully setup a Tito for an IWC with *requiring* explicit acceptance (e.g. checkboxes) of IWC CoC and Mozilla CPG, *and* setup a working Tito "participants" embed on the yyyy.indieweb.org/cityname page, *please* reach out to Zegnat to help fix those for the IWC Berlin 2019 Tito, and report your experience/understanding to Rose who is testing it and found the bug. Thanks!
[tantek]!tell Zegnat can you fix https://2019.indieweb.org/berlin to put an explicit unique id="..." attribute on every h3 element so we can link to them in particular (e.g. registered, indie rsvps etc.) thank you!
tantek.comedited /Falcon (+2192) "/* Working On */ Template all pages - finally capture this nagging item in the back of my head with a short term use-case" (view diff)
[eddie]!tell tantek I’m pretty sure aaronpk has to setup the Tito import manually or something similar from what I understand about past camps trying to display Tito RSVPs
LoqiZegnat: [tantek] left you a message 7 hours, 4 minutes ago: can you fix https://2019.indieweb.org/berlin to put an explicit unique id="..." attribute on every h3 element so we can link to them in particular (e.g. registered, indie rsvps etc.) thank you!
ZegnatSadly I didn’t know that tantek was having some offline time when I setup the page and requested another organiser to review. So some stuff like missing CoC checkboxes seems to have slipped through.
ZegnatTo recap a little from #indieweb-chat: the Berlin event was based on (I think) the Summit event. So all questions were copied over from there. This included the public-guest-list question. There did not seem to be any setup within the 2019.indieweb.org repo for setting up the inclusion of the tito signups at all.
ZegnatAlso caught up on the rest of the discussion. I do not believe we control any of the attendees info fields, so we can’t change first/last name fields into a single field.
ZegnatBut I’ll check. I think they may not both be manadatory? I signed up with my URL as my name for the last Berlin one. (And then jkphl manually changed it to my actual name for handing over the list to Moz, sadly :P)
[stefp], [kevinmarks], dougbeal|mb1 and [dougbeal] joined the channel
Loqi[tantek]: [eddie] left you a message 7 hours, 44 minutes ago: I’m pretty sure aaronpk has to setup the Tito import manually or something similar from what I understand about past camps trying to display Tito RSVPs
chrisaldrichI'm thinking about the general template on the /etherpad page that might be something we could replicate and iterate on over time... perhaps better/more complete than cut & paste?
aaronpkit would require that organizers remember to update the template if they make any changes to an event page, which adds a whole extra level of post-event work that someone has to do
chrisaldrichI suppose there isn't a huge amount of change to the present "templates" presently in any case, so perhaps it's not as difficult as I'm making out in my head...
@sl007↩️ Ja, Mastodon und Pixelfed benutzen ja ActivityPub – Deshalb hatte ich https://indieweb.org/2019/Vlissingen als Anschub aus eigener Tasche privat finanziert, aber wie auch immer. Schade, daß es aus der deutschen Politik wieder keine Rückmeldung gibt. Es geht um die, die nicht in die USA können (twitter.com/_/status/1117212833396264960)