#meta 2019-04-25

2019-04-25 UTC
[tantek] joined the channel
I have FB embeds blocked, and running with the FB container extension, so I'm not seeing any FB comments on 3rd party pages
I looked into the internet archive dweb meetup event referenced in that thread https://www.eventbrite.com/e/decentralized-web-sf-meet-upapril-tickets-60842622923 ^^^ and just to be clear, Tim's not going to be there, instead an Inrupt engineer, Jackson Morgan will demo (the event links to his LinkedIn profile, no personal site, Solid POD, nor even Twitter/GH which seemed a bit odd)
[jgarber], ketudb[m] and ichoquo0Aigh9ie joined the channel
edited /User:Sixtwothree.org (+334) "/* Projects */ Update current and past projects"
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GWG: Were you looking for a roommate for Summit?
gRegorLove: I was. I found one.
mblaney agreed to.
Oh cool! I didn't realize he was coming
gRegorLove: I still have a room in Berlin though
Looking at an Airbnb at the Momo
Sorry, not going to be near Berlin at that time :)
I want to go to more places. I found the crowd in Berlin last time to be different than the American crowds.
Different focuses and priorities.
Gives new perspective
Kongaloosh_ and [tantek] joined the channel
Indeed a good reason to go to different IWCs
re: dev chat about github projects - I think we had some criteria about things being at least selfdogfooded / mature enough for others to *use* (not just contribute to) before putting them in the indieweb community repo
the thing we wanted to avoid was someone coming there *looking* for something and finding a bunch of half built possibly abandoned repos
and there were a bunch of those a while ago and I think we cleaned them up at the time
I don't think we had any "formal" process or criteria for "graduating" things to the indieweb repo though so it's a bit of a judgment call and asking the community case by case is probably ok
Consider some criteria like: 1. Am I eating my own cooking with this code on my main site? 2. Is it in good enough shape (including README/docs) for someone *else* to come along and make use of it successfully on their own site?
for incubation, new development, I'd advise doing that in a personal (open/public) repo to start with.
Makes sense. We should put this on the wiki somewhere
I thought we had? But can't find it
edited /2019/Berlin/Schedule (+205) "add Friday"
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Yeah I had the same thought
I don't know where we put all the indieweb community things
e.g. indieweb github, @ indiewebcamp twitter and IG, etc.
[Rose] joined the channel
Video talking about implementing IndieWeb by using Drupal, link below with more information. #Drupal #IndieWeb #DrupalDevelopment https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YNiK7SjKBZc
ichoquo0Aigh9ie, swentel, [Rose], [frank] and swentie joined the channel
↩️ ya un track #indieweb? ca pourrait aider pointer qu’on peut toujours re-balancer. le ‘on’, c nous, dev, designer, utilisateurs quotidiens
strugee and [grantcodes] joined the channel
I'm also interested in putting at least one of my js libraries on the indieweb github. It's already used in a bunch of products (not just me) so think it's suitable 🙂
[jgmac1106] and [Rose] joined the channel
Continuing from #chat with Zegnat: I would suggest we start the day with lunch and do our own sessions, then we can be around at least for the first half of the Portland sessions?
Or after lunch, which would follow a potential trip to the moose farm (and now we're back in #chat territory 😛)
[jgarber] joined the channel
Plus one to [tantek]’s suggested criteria for which projects are appropriate for the IndieWeb GitHub community.
[jgarber]: [eddie] left you a message on 2019-02-08 at 5:40pm UTC: are you still interested in co-organizing IWC DC?
I’m reasonably confident I can answer “yes” to both of those for the new repo I added to the organization last night. No worries if anyone disagrees, of course.
The advantage of starting after lunch would be that we wouldn't have already had a full IndieWeb day by the time Portland starts. Though equally we could do morning-mid afternoon, ice cream break (or snack/excursion of choice), and then come back for remote participation on the west coast
[eddie] Oh, goodness. Sorry I missed your message two months ago. 😬
I’d say there’s a better than average chance we could put together a solid IWC DC. Is there a planning page on the wiki somewhere?
checks for flights to DC
It's a direct flight, and I have a friend there I should see!
jgarber I have a ton of higher ed connections for space and a a shared work space in Crystal City that expressed interest in hosting
[jgmac1106] That’s great news!
edited /User:Sixtwothree.org (+125) "/* Projects */ Update past projects"
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[Rose]: true. It is summer, so with a little luck the ice cream place in the harbour will be open. (Åmål has its guest harbour literally inside of town, which is really nice in summer.)
I like the idea of starting the day after lunch and run sessions. I just need to formalise some sort of schedule so we can actually start advertising. (And I need to inform the venue.)
Well, as always my suggestions are a "let's use this suggestion as a starting point for feedback"
Mind adding it to the wiki if you happen to be logged in?
Which page?
/2019/Planning is where I put stuff on. Not sure if that is still the best
[eddie] joined the channel
[jgarber] no worries! I had cleaned up this section to represent the current status a couple months ago: https://indieweb.org/Planning#Washington_DC
I put it on pause after reaching out to you (and the other previous offered co-organizers) because I didn’t want to try to set up anything until after I had at least 1 co-organizer
I am wondering if this should be considered an independent event rather than a subsection of the Summit? Especially if we have our own sessions
Yeah, maybe
It isn't the first time we had a this
This is quickly growing past the joke I thought this would be
Last time it was Summit east and west
It's not joke, you can officially add "event organiser" to your CV now 😛
Am I ok to add a 3rd level heading under remote participation?
Here I was trying to put the whole event organising on voxpelli for the Sweden branch...
But if this one works, and we have some good info on paper, I actually already have a future venue in Gothenburg in mind for the next Sweden event.
So much for not letting it spiral out of control ;)
edited /2019/Planning (+216) "/* Remote Viewing Party */ - Add possible schedule ideas"
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edited /Planning (+59) "/* Washington DC */ add jgmac1106’s possible venues"
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Zegnat: I do have some plans as well, spoken with both my employer and with a friend (Peter Sunde) about doing an IWC here in Malmö
I probably didn't name that well, it should have been "Remote Viewing Party Schedule", but it's a wiki, we can all agree on a name here and update it!
I love Malmö, so I will definitely be there, voxpelli
[frank] joined the channel
When is Malmö possibly happening?
I don't expect you to know when something is possibly happening Loqi
gives Loqi a cookie
Probably not sooner than in 6 months, we have only briefly touched on it being something interesting to dive into
eats the cookie
That part of the year is looking pretty empty for me right now, consider me a highly interested participant
voxpelli: the other party I have in Gothenburg who may be interested in providing a venue wouldn’t go any sooner than that either. We should definitely coordinate, feels like!
voxpelli, if you want to hang out this summer: https://indieweb.org/2019/Planning#Remote_Viewing_Party
Zegnat: nice 👍
Note that if this summer event works out, it might be possible for SV to also host us in Malmö, if you are still looking for venues. (Another reason to coordinate.)
I haven't been in Malmö for decades, but I still remember the clock on the cathedral. Count me in, if I can manage it.
[jgmac1106], [Rose], [eddie] and [schmarty] joined the channel
[josh_nadas], [cleverdevil], jackjamieson, gRegorLove, gRegorLove_, [chrisaldrich], [kevinmarks], [schmarty] and [Rose] joined the channel
edited /elsewhere (+171) "/* silos */ +IG, + some twitters"
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[tantek] joined the channel
edited /User:Auli.haldjas.org (-92) "deleting my old profile content. --kirilind"
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created /User:Kirilind.me (+284) "adding infobox"
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[frank] and [tantek] joined the channel
[aaronpk] btw this is the closest thing we have to "IndieWeb community stuff" scattered elsewhere on the web: https://indieweb.org/elsewhere
Could be a good place to start capturing IndieWeb GitHub org / repos and proposals for guidelines etc.
hm i think that should go... elsewhere
[eddie] joined the channel
that page is good for people who want to look for updates about the indieweb community, whereas the github org stuff is for people writing code or getting even more involved
sure! I figured /elsewhere is at least *a* good point of discovery if not the place to store that info
similarly, for the use-case you noted, we should link to "it" (wherever it is) prominently from /projects
alright here's a straw attempt
Speaking of community stuff, has a forum been considered for IW?
for what purpose?
[Rose] you're in it 🙂
what is the IndieWeb GitHub organization
It looks like we don't have a page for "IndieWeb GitHub organization" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "IndieWeb GitHub organization is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Chat moves faster than forum, though
chat + wiki is our forum
That makes sense, it just seems like it might be easier to keep on top of what's happening for each event with a forum thread for each. And for non-code projects (things that don't have a git) a place to collate discussion specifically
Not that I don't love the chat 😉
IndieWeb GitHub organization is https://github.com/orgs/indieweb a [[GitHub]] organization setup for community developed and maintained projects that are of high enough quality for new developers to discover and quickly start using to improve their personal sites, CMS, or [[Get Started]] developing personal site software.
created /IndieWeb_GitHub_organization (+350) "prompted by [tantek] and dfn added by [tantek]"
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ah interesting, that's why i asked "for what purpose"
discussions around specific events is something that we haven't really optimized for in the chat and wiki model
Rose, "what's happening for each event" should be updated on the wiki page for that event by its organizers
What is an example of a non-code project?
It looks like we don't have a page for "example of a non-code project" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "example of a non-code project is ____", a sentence describing the term)
so if that's the specific pain point that is bringing up the thought of using forum software, then we should try to fix the event wiki page layout to better have a place for that kind of discussion
There's also event adjacent discussion, which perhaps would be ideally collated in the Wiki, but whilst it's still in the formation stages might be better off outside of the wiki? It's hard to say what belongs in the wiki or not.
IndieWeb GitHub organization << [[elsewhere]]
edited /IndieWeb_GitHub_organization (+33) "[tantek] added "[[elsewhere]]" to "See Also""
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IndieWeb GitHub organization << [[projects]]
Rose, re: "It's hard to say what belongs in the wiki or not." would be great to hear your thoughts on /wikify on that topic!
Hmm, project is the wrong word. But like the discussions that were had on the home page for IW, that's scattered around - though of course the key points were summarised on the wiki
what is new home page
It looks like we don't have a page for "new home page" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "new home page is ____", a sentence describing the term)
what is three column design
2019/homepage is a project to update the IndieWeb community homepage in 2019, in particular with a three column layout designed for onboarding three common sets of visitors and new IndieWeb community members https://indieweb.org/three_column_design
new home page is /2019/homepage
created /new_home_page (+26) "prompted by [tantek] and redirect added by [tantek]"
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yeah a lot of the issues around "where is this written down" or "didn't we cover this before" are not actually *because* of the software we're using, and also wouldn't necessarily be solved by using different software
what is home page for IW
It looks like we don't have a page for "home page for IW" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "home page for IW is ____", a sentence describing the term)
home page for IW is /2019/homepage
created /home_page_for_IW (+26) "prompted by [tantek] and redirect added by [tantek]"
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I can be a little hesitant with editing the wiki because once I've done it it's there for all to see and could appear to be official - however it might be incorrect
makes sense, that's definitely a difference in how people interact with a forum thread
Hence when I added the schedule section for the Remote viewing party for the summit today I started with "Rose suggests"
Rose, we have Brainstorming and sometimes Opinions sections on wiki pages for that exact reason
when that happens to me, I usually either find or make a "brainstorming" section on the page, or at the very least sign my name on the page so that it looks less official
to lower the bar for worrying about "officialness"
Do we have a welcome to the IW wiki page somewhere?
what is welcome
Welcoming is how we as a community welcome new members to our community https://indieweb.org/welcome
hm that focuses on chat
Maybe that page could have a wiki section?
welcome << wikifying
Or a link to /wikifying
You beat me to it! 😄
Rose++ for surfacing good points!
Rose has 4 karma in this channel over the last year (25 in all channels)
Thanks! I've been mulling on this for a while. Of course, it's up to us to store the important information in the wiki, but figuring out what is important is hard.
it's ok, if it's important it'll come up in discussion again
Almost certainly
when you feel like something is being repeated in discussion, that's definitely a good enough reason to capture it in the wiki
regardless of whether it is "important"
and not all of it is "important". see https://indieweb.org/%F0%9F%A6%86%E2%9B%B5
[aaronpk] WDYT of https://indieweb.org/IndieWeb_GitHub_organization ? feel free to edit / expand as you see fit. Wanted to capture something
lol the criticism in the see all section of that page.
I think I also need to be faster at creating pages on my own site where I collect information that's useful to me - because then even if I don't think it's necessarily important for the community I can store it somewhere retrievable.
yw [schmarty] 😂
good enough for now!
edited /wikifying (+0) "/* Tweetable definitions */ - Change tweet length to match 280 characters"
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Tag der Arbeit hin oder her: Nächsten Mittwoch ist wieder Homebrew Website Club in Nürnberg https://indieweb.org/events/2019-05-01-homebrew-website-club#N.C3.BCrnberg Komm vorbei und arbeite an deiner persönlichen Website (oder starte eine). Bis dann!
edited /bookmark (+363) "/* Silos */ Update Twitter citation, note on desktop now"
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I'd really like to improve our Code of Conduct along the lines of the XOXO Conference code of conduct specifically including the XOXO CoC points about "reverse racism" etc. as a way to pre-emptively combat the false equivalency behavior that Facebook is documented as engaging in / supporting in https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2019/04/24/facebook-while-black-zucked-users-say-they-get-blocked-racism-discussion/2859593002/
Is there at least one other community organizer interested in having this discussion? Perhaps at the Berlin Organizers meetup?
i am interested, but i won't be in Berlin
edited /Twitter (+204) "/* Features */ +bookmark; note different display order vs likes"
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Aaronpk ok I will try to discuss it at Berlin and maybe we can make it a priority for the Summit Organizers Meetup
edited /2018/NYC (+15) "s/Leaders/Organizers"
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edited /Organizers (+258) "/* next */ update"
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I'm interested, though technically on the cusp of being considered an Organizer. I might try to start an SD HWC though. We'll see. :)
HWCSD has 1 karma over the last year
That reminds me, jgmac1106, I don't think I got an email intro from you re: SD IWC
Or it got filtered.
edited /Organizers (+938) "/* Issues */ Code of Conduct Updates / Incorporate XOXO CoC Improvements"
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edited /Organizers (+18) "/* Incorporate XOXO CoC Improvements */ add yourself"
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thanks [aaronpk] [gRegorLove] - appreciated. Captured here: https://indieweb.org/Organizers#Code_of_Conduct_Updates
This is another to consider (writing some equivalent for IWCs) https://2018.xoxofest.com/inclusion
edited /Organizers (+194) "/* Code of Conduct Updates */ Add Inclusion Page"
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edited /2019/Düsseldorf (+51) "/* Adjacent Events */"
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edited /2019/Utrecht (-3) "/* Volunteers */"
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[frank] has 11 karma in this channel over the last year (16 in all channels)
edited /2019/Utrecht (+246) "/* Schedule */"
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edited /2019/Utrecht (+10) "/* Schedule */"
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edited /2019/Utrecht (-70) "/* Participating */"
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[frank] and [Rose] joined the channel
[tantek]: Out of curiosity, how many people registered for Berlin? I assume some people didn't authorize sharing names on the page.
It should show a count of people who marked private
edited /web_hosting (+100) "/* IndieWeb static hosting users */"
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edited /web_hosting (+216) "/* Static domain hosting */"
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edited /Netlify (+69) "/* Netlify Users */"
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edited /Netlify (+259) "/* Limitations */"
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The IndieWeb Summit details are up (via @jgmac1106 ) June 29-30, 2019 (Saturday & Sunday), in Portland, Oregon - https://indieweb.org/2019 (may be of interest to #OER19 and #ipdx19 friends! Also your networks too @ProfDaley !)
[eddie] joined the channel
"Si no le pones un nombre no existe" A mis conocidos que les encanta "encerrar" sus cosas en las redes sociales (de empresas privadas), siempres les recomiendo que publiquen en su propio sitio web y después lo compartan donde quieran Es decir POSSE: https://indieweb.org/POSSE
[tantek], [manton] and [schmarty] joined the channel
edited /Indieweb_for_Education (+703) "PressED Conference talk by Dr. Kay Oddone"
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edited /commonplace_book (+480) "/* Examples in the Wild */ Dr. Kay Oddone"
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[kevinmarks] joined the channel
aaronpk, where?
on 2019.indieweb.org/berlin
it will show "and X private registrations" if there are any
So there aren't any.
Presuming all the tito data is syncing correctly. Not sure how frequent that is.
I am just curious.
chrisaldrich joined the channel
created /tweetstorms (+23) "prompted by chrisaldrich and redirect added by gRegorLove"
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edited /tweetstorm (+208) "new tweetstorm UI"
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[jgmac1106] joined the channel
Indieweb Summit June 29-30, Portland Oregon https://2019.indieweb.org/summit Looks really interesting and there is a Travel Assistance Fund https://2019.indieweb.org/summit#travel-assistance #femedtech