#meta 2019-05-07

2019-05-07 UTC
[Rose], [tantek], [frank], [cleverdevil] and [calumryan] joined the channel
Planning to add in some pointers for organizers to use on writing an accessibility statement like we did for Berlin so future IndieWebCamps have this also
↩️ @zachleat @eleven_ty If the IndieGeeks ask how a SSG works with the IndieWeb, tell them to help me build https://github.com/gerwitz/sitewriter
[Rose], swentel and [tantek] joined the channel
vanderven.se martijn
edited /User:Vanderven.se_martijn (+1045) "Add Berlin 2019 to the list of events"
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[frank] joined the channel
[frank] Sunday at IWC Berlin we had 16 people and you can see the cost of lunch here: /2019/Berlin/expenses
tantek has 40 karma in this channel over the last year (115 in all channels)
edited /highlight (+212) "/* See Also */ Readwise"
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edited /time (+59) "[tantek] added "https://github.com/github/time-elements" to "See Also""
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[Rose] feel free to annotate /2019/Berlin/expenses with additional notes!
[Joel] joined the channel
Join us for #indiewebcamp Utrecht on 18 and 19 May. Take the web into your own hands! Register (for free) at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/indiewebcamp-utrecht-tickets-60457184065 #indieweb #wordpress #deletefacebook #publicspaces #openweb #opengov #opendat #iot
edited /Accelerated_Mobile_Pages (+638) "Google AMP lowered our page speed, and there's no choice but to use it"
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[jgmac1106] joined the channel
edited /Accelerated_Mobile_Pages (+1) "link term to GH project"
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[Sonny] and jeremych_ joined the channel
Here is a note: I am still bummed we didn’t have a better Indigenous demo prepared for Berlin. It really is the best way to convey the social network aspect of IndieWeb. Need to fix a demo of it for Utrecht
[Rose] and [tantek] joined the channel
I'd be up for being a guinea pig to be walked through setting up Indigenous/Aperture/whatever
I'm working on that Zdegnat!
I need to do screen casts
I use all cast to record screencast on Android. I can record one on Together using screencastomatic (my fav tool)
edited /Microsub (+4) "Link the word feeds to the page"
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[kevinmarks] and [frank] joined the channel
An Indigenous demo would be great [Zegnat]
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
I need to re record this since some new features came out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwECN4uVuHg&t=130s
[tantek], [eddie], [Rose], sonniesedge, dougbeal|mb1, dougbeal|iOS, [stefp], [jgmac1106], [calumryan] and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
edited /Kindle (+1945) "data export, particularly highlights and annotations including several services sketched out; added note about proprietary file types"
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[tantek] joined the channel
The Indieweb is such a fresh idea to support nowadays. I posted my thoughts and learnings about it in our company’s blog. http://www.marketgoo.com/blog/2019… #letsfixthis #tw
[frank] joined the channel
The Indieweb is such a fresh idea to support nowadays. I posted my thoughts and learnings about it on our company’s blog. https://www.marketgoo.com/blog/2019/04/30/why-support-indieweb/ #letsfixthis
[grantcodes] and [Sonny] joined the channel
I've been wanting to read Mike Monteiro's Ruined By Design, so I'm happy that @chrisaldrich suggested this book for an IndieWeb Book Club... Continued at https://jackjamieson.net/5381-2/
[jgmac1106] and [calumryan] joined the channel
At the previous IWC Berlin in 2018 for day one wrap-up we nominated a person/facilitator from each session to summarize what was discussed. Unclear whether that wasn't done this time because we didn't have time or decided not to do it?
Good question, I wasn't there. But I love the idea.
↩️ Thanks @davidnuon. I’ve seen that @readwise tool & a few other options before, though Bookcision is one of the simpler UI’s I’ve run across & provides a few output options (though sadly no HTML). I’ve documented many others on the IndieWeb wiki [more...] https://boffosocko.com/2019/05/06/55750869/?replytocom=260866#respond
Fixed an issue in the new http://Micro.blog themes for IndieWeb-related tags and custom CSS. The great thing about all these themes is that they are completely customizable. Very powerful. But with great power comes… great ability for me to forget important HTML tags.
[calumryan], good question, I didn’t think about it when I was up there wrapping up
edited /note (+140) "/* IndieWeb Examples */"
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[kevinmarks] joined the channel
↩️ That is in part why the Indieweb exists and why decentralization is where it's at for many folks. And why things like presearch exist. Also worth noting, especially on things like Google home, if you disable voice recording archival the thing's pretty much useless.
↩️ Hmm. I don't know what most all of those things are. Indieweb? Preasarch? Decentralization sounds nice, but who's figured out how to monetize, as well as work around platforms blocking alternatives. They will be my hero.
I thought that went well last time in Berlin. but IIRC tantek was not a huge fan of the idea so I dont know whether he forgot about it or intentionally didn't want to do it this time.
edited /newsletter (+37) "see also: buttondown.email; created criticism section"
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[frank] and [tantek] joined the channel
Totally forgot
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
edited /IndieWebCamp_Organizing (+443) "/* Before */ Add some accessibility considerations"
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edited /design (+461) "/* IndieWeb Examples */ + Tatiana Mac"
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Us forgetting is why we need to have the list of things we want to do somewhere
Time to reorganize the wiki a bit
the problem with lists is that you need a list to remember to check the list
aaronpk: I'm not sure how serious you are re that
actually quite
there have been multiple times that we've had a list for things but people forgot to look at it
aaronpk: Is there a better way?
not that i know of
We need a committee to remind the list readers to read the list?
So, the best I can think of is improving the current system
actually having at least two organizers usually helps
aaronpk: I know. But I'd still like to try and put together all the places on the wiki the information is
"during" could use some structure
aaronpk: When I get some time...I will start on that. My goal is by summit
I don't think I can help much with the next two exactly.
Except remote in