#meta 2019-06-02

2019-06-02 UTC
Countdown set by [tantek] on 2019-05-27 at 5:31pm PDT
Remind [tantek] to update https://twitter.com/indiewebcamp/lists/indieweb-summit-2019/members with current registrants noted in https://2019.indieweb.org/summit and then repeated this reminder every 3 days or so
3 days until 3 days until 3 days until 3 days until 3 days until Remind [tantek] to update https://twitter.com/indiewebcamp/lists/indieweb-summit-2019/members with ppl from https://2019.indieweb.org/summit
Countdown set by aaronpk on 2019-05-27 at 5:33pm PDT
I added a countdown scheduled for 2019-06-04 5:35pm PDT (#6569)
I am so looking forward to indieweb summit
[fluffy]++ yay we're looking forward to having you there!
[fluffy] has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (8 in all channels)
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
A picture of last year's Summit just randomly came up on my photo frame
gRegorLove__ joined the channel
[tantek] joined the channel
hey infominer, just noticing the new pages. appreciate the eagerness to contribute, however please take a look at https://indieweb.org/wikifying#Should_this_be_on_the_wiki
nothing about "Web of Trust" or "Rebooting Web of Trust" is directly IndieWeb related, nor are there any examples there that discuss people with their own site
This looks like good content, just better to put somewhere else more relevant to those concepts / efforts themselves, and then if there is some "remote" or "indirect" relevance to IndieWeb, better to just link to that somewhere else
we're not trying to document "everything" on the IndieWeb wiki. if a topic is strongly relevant / important to you, I suggest creating a page for it on Wikipedia
Just adding relevant links to the topics existing, imo can't talk about indieweb without at least including links for information on web of trust related topics, but I'll stop if my changes get rolled back
no there's literally nothing "Web of Trust" or "Rebooting Web of Trust" currently that is directly IndieWeb related
I'm here because I'm All in on decentralized web without the need for central authorities
no one on their own site using either
that's great
yes there is, actually
on a post I just linked to has webmentions
infominer[m] neither page mentions relevance to IndieWeb
ok, sorry I didn't write too much was just organizing links.. but will prepare a sentence(s) explaining the relevance
great! if a post supports webmentions, the right place to put it is adding it to this list according to the person who's site it is: https://indieweb.org/Webmention#IndieWeb_Examples
I linked to a pdf on web of trust authored by Phil Zimmerman, that was submitted to the RWoT workshop...
I know about the concepts "Web of Trust" or "Rebooting Web of Trust" and "Self Sovereign Identity". There is literally no one here using them on their own sites as examples.
not "talking about them", literally depending on them to run their own sites
we don't document everything possible "decentralized"
again, I'd suggest contributing that content to Wikipedia instead of the IndieWeb wiki
well, I don't want to contribute to wikipedia.. but I intend that once I've revised accordingly you will appreciate my contributions..
but I am not likely do add more to the wiki just improve what I already started...
that's not really the right order to do things. start with a stub that explains direct relevance to the indieweb in the dfn
indieauth literally is an example of self sovereign identity
that's your opinion of IndieAuth
Indieweb supports Self Sovereign Identity
so who's opinion that IndieAuth isn't related to Self Sovereign Identity
not really an opinion. it has nothing to do with the "SSI" movement/concept. the people that created IndieAuth, use it, and Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IndieAuth
Im using it for my own self sovereign identity solution on the web for weeks now
I'm saying "Self Sovereign Identity" is a made up thing that has nothing to do with IndieAuth per se, it's a renaming of existing stuff.
e.g. "Self Sovereign Identity" is not notable enough to even bother with its own Wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self_Sovereign_Identity
if you think the concept truly matters, please start with a Wikipedia page, because it has no direct relevance to IndieAuth
Well, im not in charge of the wiki, but i know what self sovereign identity is
Thats all im saying
all I'm saying is if you know what self sovereign identity is, and you think it's relevant / notable, please start with creating a Wikipedia page for it
Doesnt need to be included, i just contributed as i felt would best serve the community
because none currently exists
In my personal area of expertise
"would best serve the community" needs to be stuff that is directly IndieWeb related already, not conceptual stuff
I will do thr wikipedia article cause noone else will
for such things, links are better
that is, feel free document self sovereign identity somewhere else, and then we can link to it from a "other theories of identity" or something similar section on indieweb.org/identity
Anyway, i see indieweb in rwot workshops, and at iiw and among many of that community
But i looked
here, there seems to already be documentation about it here: https://wiki.p2pfoundation.net/Self-Sovereign_Identity
why not improve that for now instead?
IIW is a great example
we don't document all of IIW or even a summary
I will look into this stuff tmm its a wrap 4 me
we only document when there are IIW events with directly IndieWeb related sessions that community members participated in / led: https://indieweb.org/Internet_Identity_Workshop
if there's a specific RWOT workshop that was titled "IndieWeb" or some direct existing IndieWeb protocol etc., that would be good to similarly link to
we just don't need a whole separate page describing RWOT
(on the indieweb wiki)
It looks like your existing resource https://infominer.id/DIDecentralized/rebooting-web-of-trust/ describes the topic already, along with the sites http://www.weboftrust.info/ and GitHub repo https://github.com/WebOfTrustInfo/ — that's a good "somewhere else" place to move the page you added https://indieweb.org/Rebooting_Web_of_Trust
Otherwise since it is a series of conferences on a related but not directly IndieWeb topic, I'd like to restructure https://indieweb.org/Rebooting_Web_of_Trust to be more like https://indieweb.org/Internet_Identity_Workshop
Rebooting_Web_of_Trust << TO DO: Move content somewhere more relevant for this topic, then restructure to a minimal structure like the [[Internet Identity Workshop]] page
ok, I added "TO DO: Move content somewhere more relevant for this topic, then restructure to a minimal structure like the [[Internet Identity Workshop]] page" to the "See Also" section of /Rebooting_Web_of_Trust https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=62012&oldid=62010
infominer[m] I did find this on Wikipedia, perhaps you can expand that into its own page there and link to it with Wikipedia's {{main}} template: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_identity#Self-sovereign_identity
Tbh ive been avoiding wikipedia for as long as possible. Im not a fan.
But i will deal w the SSI/DID stuff over there
Tho generally speaking, index needs to be indexed, and linked in as distributed a fashion as possible
Instead of adding to the behemoth, with questionable politics/longevity
Information needs to be indexed*
The point is IndieWeb is not trying to be wikipedia. That's also why I linked to the existing https://wiki.p2pfoundation.net/Self-Sovereign_Identity article as another already existing page for this stuff
Understood, im also aiming for clarity.
I'm also an editor on Wikipedia and am happy to help if there's any problem there
our /IIW page is a good example of how to keep something big that is separate very *minimal* on the IndieWeb wiki
which reminds me I should do the same for the dweb summit pages we've generally been good about, but now that there's been two such events they could be cleaned up and minimized more
Thats really awesome! And makes me feel less overwhelmed, though im not concerned about getting in.
... ill holler in a month or two.... lotta prep/foundational ground to cover
succinctness to direct IndieWeb relevance is very important to keeping the IndieWeb wiki usable and on topic
did you participate in either DWeb Summit?
I found them both very informative
Ok, ill wrap those however needed tomm
Nah, im just getting over to this side of the tracks... though in a lotta closely related spaces
Before i write the wikipedia entry though, im gonna do a good article on indieweb history... in the next week or so
So i can get my foundation over here
there's already an article on indieweb related /history and a /timeline - please read those first (and they have some to-do items at the bottom which could use help)
edited /Decentralized_Web_Summit (+1154) "make a separate page to cover general information the overall event, summarize indieweb sessions at each of the years"
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edited /events/2016-06-08-decentralized-web-summit (-251) "move general dweb summit info to its own page"
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edited /events/2018-08-01-decentralized-web-summit (-381) "move general dweb summit info to its own page, make dfn specific to this page"
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edited /Decentralized_Web_Summit (+13) "/* See Also */ events"
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created /DWeb_Summit (+38) "redirect short form (e.g. used on Twitter)"
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edited /dweb (+169) "expand dfn to dweb summit, explicit relevance to indieweb, see also"
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[eddie] and gRegorLove__ joined the channel
Kudos for gardening /lurking to [chrisaldrich]++
[chrisaldrich] has 12 karma in this channel over the last year (41 in all channels)
[tantek] joined the channel
moved /Lurking to /lurking "lowercase, not a proper noun"
and now /lurking works jeremycherfas 🙂
Thanks [tantek]++
[tantek] has 44 karma in this channel over the last year (120 in all channels)
I always forget how (case) sensitive Loqi can be. I guess that is why more experienced people often first ask What is
edited /soft_quit (+545) "brainstorming naming because no one who does it actually calls it "soft quit", thinking "... break" of some sort (e.g. silo break or social media break) would more accurately reflect use in the wild. cc: chrisaldrich"
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[kevinmarks786] joined the channel
What is flounce?
It looks like we don't have a page for "flounce" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "flounce is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Flouncing isn't really a silo quit though, more a social quit.
[tantek] joined the channel
edited /Dat (+1185) "example of running a command line dat for sharing a static website"
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edited /Dat (+103) "/* IndieWeb Examples */"
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ok, I added "https://medium.com/blue-link-labs/so-you-want-your-decentralized-browser-to-work-correctly-c06c4038ab12" to the "See Also" section of /Dat https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=62025&oldid=62024
vanderven.se martijn
edited /Dat (+106) "/* IndieWeb Examples */ + Kicks Condor. h/t {{doubleloop}} who pointed this one out"
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edited /Dat (+225) "/* How to run dat dat as a daemon on linux */"
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[eddie], [jgmac1106], jeremych_ and [tonz] joined the channel
Who is jamietanna
Jamie Tanna is a Software Quality Engineer, serial blogger, and huge advocate of Free and Open Source Software, and digital rights, hence him joining in on the IndieWeb movement https://indieweb.org/User:Www.jvt.me
[tantek] joined the channel
[jgmac1106], [eddie], chrisaldrich and [fluffy] joined the channel
<!channel> It's less than four weeks to IndieWeb Summit! Please register ASAP, I need to order food estimates this week! https://2019.indieweb.org/summit
IndieWeb Summit
and please feel free to ask *any* questions about participating. any particular concerns or needs etc.
So, what’s the format for the lightning talks? Is it an anyone-can-participate thing, and is there a signup for it in advance?
[Sadik_Shahadu] joined the channel
Hi [tantek], my question is: when will scholarship applicants be contacted?
[fluffy]: anyone who wants can go to the front, say hi, show their site or something cool related they've done. "intros" is the key word here
Hi Sadik, yes scholarship applicants should all receive an answer by end of week. Also feel free to privately message aaronpk or myself if you like.
fluffy, that's a great question and something we could describe better!
alright I've updated https://twitter.com/indiewebcamp/lists/indieweb-summit-2019/members with the rest of the Twitter accounts I could find from registrants
Ok great. Thanks!
tinbox << document how lightning talks work at IndieWebCamps, both intros at start, and demos session at the end
ok, I added "document how lightning talks work at IndieWebCamps, both intros at start, and demos session at the end" to the "See Also" section of /tinbox https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=62030&oldid=61578
tinbox << ^^^ maybe not use the label "lightning" - might be more confusing than useful? -- sknebel
ok, I added "^^^ maybe not use the label "lightning" - might be more confusing than useful? -- sknebel" to the "See Also" section of /tinbox https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=62031&oldid=62030
[tonz], jjuran and gRegorLove__ joined the channel
edited /context (+23) "/* See Also */ context collapse"
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edited /reply-context (+66) "[[context collapse]] reference in why and see also"
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+1 "lightning talks" usually implies more of a presentation style than we actually do at IWCs
[frank] and [tonz] joined the channel
edited /Tent.io (+581) "Add note on closure and change relevant parts of page to past tense"
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Coincidentally, the reason I came across Tent just now was while reading about Project Xanadu..
(Though I think Jeena mentioned it briefly in his podcast with Zegnat)
Oops - should be in ->chat
+1 for /soft_quit being something like /social_media_break. I've used the latter term several times.
created /User:Abraham.uno (+1016) "migrate user page from /Abraham.uno"
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edited /Abraham.uno () "(-986) redirect to user page"
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edited /sunlit (+404) "expand dfn, link to post, see also"
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moved /sunlit to /Sunlit "proper noun"
beat me to it, hehe
edited /Micropub/Clients (+102) "/* Clients */ +Sunlit"
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edited /Micro.blog (+63) "/* iOS */ +Sunlit"
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edited /events/2018 (+25253) "/* 2018 */ archive remaining months from /events"
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edited /Events () "(-25278) /* 2018 */ rm, now archived to /events/2018"
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created /events/2019 (+314) "stub"
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edited /events/2019 (+10070) "/* 2019 */ archive January-March"
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edited /Events () "(-10077) /* 2019 */ january-march archived to /events/2019"
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jjuran, eli_oat and eli_oat1 joined the channel