#meta 2019-06-03

2019-06-03 UTC
eli_oat joined the channel
[tantek]: I did some reading last night, and saw that indieweb formed specifiically around solutions, rather than whitepapers...
more appropriate would be references to whitepapers where relevant to solutions that uphold indieweb principles
probably best to just remove the page
solutions are easier to explain/share than whitepapers
esp to a non-tech, non-academic crowd :)
The more I look at the #indieweb stuff (the tech, the community, the overall philosophy) the more I keep thinking I should start a new blog and just write. No more being tied to an agenda, just writing to satisfy myself.
eli_oat joined the channel
edited /Rebooting_Web_of_Trust () "(-1842) move links about to "see also", remove articles section since it did not appear to contain any direct indieweb relevance, rename header of past events"
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nloadholtes and [tantek] joined the channel
Thanks! We need one more person to confirm the retweet!
loqi is back yay
(twitter search)
gRegorLove joined the channel
↩️ Aber es spricht auch Bände, wenn die SPD-newsroom Leiterin Journalisten wegen inhaltlicher Kritik blockt, statt deren Themen ernstzunehmen. Z. B. Dezentralisierung und digitale Grundrechte, https://indieweb.org/2019/Vlissingen (kein SPD feedback) oder #Klimaflucht, https://pluspora.com/posts/8f7603c03817013703de005056264835
[tonz], [frank], chrisaldrich, swentel, [kevinmarks786] and [tantek] joined the channel
edited /registration_wall (+328) "Medium UI example that prompts for sign-up"
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[tantek] joined the channel
edited /Nest (+81) "[tantek] added "https://twitter.com/internetofshit/status/1135310349438054401" to "See Also""
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aww - no more Loqi expanding tweets in See Also? https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=62064&oldid=22974
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
↩️ Do it! I write as a way to share knowledge, but primarily as a way for me to be like "how did I do that thing again? Oh yeah, I had a post for it" https://www.jvt.me/tags/blogumentation/?utm_medium=twitter is now quite a long list of things!
eli_oat and [tonz] joined the channel
not a fluke, another tweet Loqi added without the content: https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=62065&oldid=56948
Hey #clmooc the lurking discussion continues with some of the #IndieWeb building blocks used to support and encourage lurking https://boffosocko.com/2019/06/02/lurking-twitter-the-commons-and-private-posts/ (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/2kTQg1)
↩️ Dito. Es kommt mir unsozial und undemokratisch vor, wenn die SPD Kommunikation in einem privatwirtschaftlichen Haus führt, dessen einziger Zweck es ist, Nutzer auszuspionieren. https://indieweb.org/Facebook#Criticism
We need a to-do list session at the #IndieWeb Summit. You know I want a Micropub client with a built in Pomodoro timer. (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/naH5V)
@socialmediaQUT Hey, we just published an article about The IndieWeb: a kinder, better way of network­ing online. We thought you might like it. Read the article and let us what you think! https://screenshot-magazine.com/visual-cultures/what-is-the-indieweb/
@SMLabTO Hey, we just published an article about The IndieWeb: a kinder, better way of network­ing online. We thought you might like it. Read the article and let us what you think! https://screenshot-magazine.com/visual-cultures/what-is-the-indieweb/
@socialmediaweek Hey, we just published an article about The IndieWeb: a kinder, better way of network­ing online. We thought you might like it. Read the article and let us what you think! https://screenshot-magazine.com/visual-cultures/what-is-the-indieweb/
@DigitalPivot Hey, we just published an article about The IndieWeb: a kinder, better way of network­ing online. We thought you might like it. Read the article and let us what you think! https://screenshot-magazine.com/visual-cultures/what-is-the-indieweb/
@NSMNSS Hey, we just published an article about The IndieWeb: a kinder, better way of network­ing online. We thought you might like it. Read the article and let us what you think! https://screenshot-magazine.com/visual-cultures/what-is-the-indieweb/
@kslbrowser50 Hey, we just published an article about The IndieWeb: a kinder, better way of network­ing online. We thought you might like it. Read the article and let us what you think! https://screenshot-magazine.com/visual-cultures/what-is-the-indieweb/
@mortensen_bak Hey, we just published an article about The IndieWeb: a kinder, better way of network­ing online. We thought you might like it. Read the article and let us what you think! https://screenshot-magazine.com/visual-cultures/what-is-the-indieweb/
@SocialMedia_NZ Hey, we just published an article about The IndieWeb: a kinder, better way of network­ing online. We thought you might like it. Read the article and let us what you think! https://screenshot-magazine.com/visual-cultures/what-is-the-indieweb/
@SocialMedia_Soc Hey, we just published an article about The IndieWeb: a kinder, better way of network­ing online. We thought you might like it. Read the article and let us what you think! https://screenshot-magazine.com/visual-cultures/what-is-the-indieweb/
@SoloPracticeU Hey, we just published an article about The IndieWeb: a kinder, better way of network­ing online. We thought you might like it. Read the article and let us what you think! https://screenshot-magazine.com/visual-cultures/what-is-the-indieweb/
@UKBusinessLabs Hey, we just published an article about The IndieWeb: a kinder, better way of network­ing online. We thought you might like it. Read the article and let us what you think! https://screenshot-magazine.com/visual-cultures/what-is-the-indieweb/
@BattleNonSense Hey, we just published an article about The IndieWeb: a kinder, better way of network­ing online. We thought you might like it. Read the article and let us what you think! https://screenshot-magazine.com/visual-cultures/what-is-the-indieweb/
@Creative_Som Hey, we just published an article about The IndieWeb: a kinder, better way of network­ing online. We thought you might like it. Read the article and let us what you think! https://screenshot-magazine.com/visual-cultures/what-is-the-indieweb/
@Coachforyou Hey, we just published an article about The IndieWeb: a kinder, better way of network­ing online. We thought you might like it. Read the article and let us what you think! https://screenshot-magazine.com/visual-cultures/what-is-the-indieweb/
@MapCoupon Hey, we just published an article about The IndieWeb: a kinder, better way of network­ing online. We thought you might like it. Read the article and let us what you think! https://screenshot-magazine.com/visual-cultures/what-is-the-indieweb/
@WomenNetwo Hey, we just published an article about The IndieWeb: a kinder, better way of network­ing online. We thought you might like it. Read the article and let us what you think! https://screenshot-magazine.com/visual-cultures/what-is-the-indieweb/
@IndieWebCampDE Hey, we just published an article about The IndieWeb: a kinder, better way of network­ing online. We thought you might like it. Read the article and let us what you think! https://screenshot-magazine.com/visual-cultures/what-is-the-indieweb/
@CMSocialMediaUK Hey, we just published an article about The IndieWeb: a kinder, better way of network­ing online. We thought you might like it. Read the article and let us what you think! https://screenshot-magazine.com/visual-cultures/what-is-the-indieweb/
eli_oat joined the channel
}Promotoers gonna promote.
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
And another article that uses Mastodon as their example of IndieWeb tech
I feel like that article uses the term indie as in created-by-small-team, rather than as actual IndieWeb.org-IndieWeb
eli_oat1 and [smerrill] joined the channel
All the talk this morning (well it was last night when I was sleeping) about to-do list in #IndieWeb chat inpired me to relaunch my to-do list on my blog. Trying something different using monthly https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2019/06/03/june-to-do-list (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/1vLD7C)
[Rose] joined the channel
oops I bet Loqi's API keys were one of the ones I deleted in the twitter app purge
eli_oat1 and swentel joined the channel
Areyou willing to leave the likes, followers and sensation of self-fulfilment to join the movement of Indieweb? http://qoo.ly/xrgpe
haha what
we have likes on the indieweb!
Like that tweet from your own site and link them to it? :P
[schmarty] joined the channel
do we have "sensation of self-fulfilment"???
all those awful spammy screentshotmag tweets 😒
also hello good morning meta 😅
Hello [schmarty]
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[eddie], eli_oat1 and [tantek] joined the channel
just imagine! 🙂
eli_oat1 joined the channel
Reading historical video game research as try to define agentive #appretinceships in learning newtorks like #ds106 and #IndieWeb...this quote struck me: The more collegial Sims learning communities stress and model high standards for design, learning… https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2019/06/03/reading-historical-video-game-research-as-try
[Rose] and jackjamieson joined the channel
created /events/2019-06-09-homebrew-website-club-nyc (+2525) "another weekend HWC NYC"
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edited /events/2019-06-12-homebrew-website-club () "(-660) /* New York City */"
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[tonz] what say you want to bring back BlogTalk research at an IWC? I was thinking lighting poster sessions or just hanging up posters to increase the amount of travel funding scholars can use and because that research from 1999-2003 is awesome
gRegorLove joined the channel
[schmarty] joined the channel
hey folks! adding a neat example to /private_posts and had a Q that may have an obvious A
it's still an "IndieWeb Example" as long as it's something on someone's personal website, right? they don't have to particularly hang out in the community or edit the wiki?
personal website is the key really
jackjamieson joined the channel
uploaded /File:Screenshot_from_2019-06-03_13-59-25.png "Example of a Patreon login wall to read a backers-only post on a WordPress-based site https://indieweb.org/File:Screenshot_from_2019-06-03_13-59-25.png"
jackjamieson joined the channel
edited /private_posts (+438) "/* IndieWeb Examples */ +beckystern.com"
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edited /private_posts (+131) "/* Becky Stern */ add link to Patreon WordPress plugin"
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[smerrill] joined the channel
TIL Patreon has an API. Nice!
[schmarty] joined the channel
looks pretty oauth-y!
which, hmm, means it could be pretty straightforward to add to indielogin.com
[eddie] joined the channel
created /sign_in_with_apple (+290) "prompted by [eddie] and dfn added by [eddie]"
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edited /sign_in_with_apple (+84) "[eddie] added "https://developer.apple.com/documentation/signinwithapplerestapi" to "See Also""
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edited /sign_in_with_apple (+224) "Add IndieWeb Example stub and brainstorming sections"
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[Ian_Forrester] and [dougbeal] joined the channel
@t: I'm not going to be able to attend IWS in person, should I cancel the Tito ticket?
yes plz, helps us keep an accurate count for food
and sorry to miss you!
[tantek] joined the channel
@pfefferle Sach mal, kann es sein, daß das Webmention-Plugin bei normalen Kommentaren das Mailformat ändert? Als ich die drei Plugins für Webmentions Indieweb,Semantik Web und Webmention) an hatte, wurde das Template auf englisch gesetzt und war ohne Autordaten und Content.
[calumryan] joined the channel
↩️ Good questions. I am thinking that or #HomebrewGdl can be dual purpose of #IndieWeb and about open source operating systems and tools.
Can't find an email, so I don't think I registered with Tito yet anyway.
dougbeal|iOS joined the channel
[schmarty] joined the channel
you will be missed [dougbeal]!
edited /sign_in_with_apple (+56) "/* See Also */"
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[dougbeal] joined the channel
Thanks [schmarty]
[tantek] joined the channel