#meta 2019-06-09

2019-06-09 UTC
Here’s my first note! I want to try this as a way of posting small, random chunks of content. Hope to start posting some interesting tidbits. #indieweb https://apurvmishra.xyz/notes/2019-04-11/
gRegorLove_ and gRegorLove__ joined the channel
deleted /de-duplication "the referred target doesn't exist anymore"
[Michael_Beckwit, [xavierroy], argovaerts and [kevinmarks786] joined the channel
That really is meta
[Rose] joined the channel
↩️ @jeffbigham @WordPress Indieweb has conversion tools to pull wordpress to static.
nellkate1[m], ben_thatmustbeme, argovaerts, [smerrill] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
https://twitter.com/brholland/status/1137320357583609856?s=20 our idea for scales is just off... 30 million dollars
argovaerts joined the channel
↩️ A follow-up to the post about Elizabeth Warren and the open web. #indieweb #openweb #medium #toobigtofail http://scripting.com/2019/06/09/143335.html
Gonna do a print run of shirts again, who wants one?
[schmarty] joined the channel
IndieWeb Meetup (aka HWC) NYC starting our quiet write-up hour
discussing dates for /Planning#NYC
schmarty, sorry I keep missing you guys
I need a list of all those tshirt slogans jgmac1106 has been collecting
schmarty, tell me what you decide
[Rose] and [kevinmarks786] joined the channel
I'd like one, but the order button asks me to login as [aaronpk]
[aaronpk] joined the channel
I should clarify, this is not an order form
I’m going to order a bunch to be delivered to me for summit. We can deal with shipping elsewhere later
aaronpk: What is the size range?
It doesn't say.
I'd order a new one. Different design
Never mind. Found it
Max S-2XL and 'runs small'
They have other materials that go up higher
if you can find me one on that site in the right size i can make sure it appears at summit
aaronpk: I'm only asking because I doubt I'm the only large person
[mifga] joined the channel
Gildan Ultra Cotton Tall T‑shirt comes in 3XLT
So does Port and Co...
But they both have minimum orders
Oh well.
this is probably only feasable as a US order?
edited /User:Martymcgui.re (+370) "/* Personal Site - martymcgui.re */ -finished itches"
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sebsel, suggest alternative vendor for Europe perhaps
I am just trying to get shirts for Summit right now. I want to figure out a long term solution for international shipping tho.
yea I'll pass this round, but am interested in one shirt eventually :)
gRegorLove__ and [Rose] joined the channel
created /events/2019-06-22-homebrew-website-club-nyc (+2600) "next IndieWeb Meetup NYC 2019-06-22"
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[schmarty] joined the channel
I will find out my availability that day
But no venue yet?
[jgmac1106] and [tantek] joined the channel
Hey folks, there seems to be an absence of evidence online that Domains Camp is an actual IRL event that’s happening in 2019 (only one twitter result for “domainscamp” and it’s a post from [chrisaldrich] from last year) so I’d like to comment it out on /events until there’s actual evidence it’s happening (specific dates & times, organizers etc) and anyone bothering to sign-up / show up
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
it's not supposed to be an in-person event, is it?
No, it's entirely online...
It's being run by @cogdog and @greeneterry who tweet about it, though I don't think theres an official hashtag to follow it by there.
The last email I got from them at the end of last week indicated they had 30 people signed up.
Based on last year, they expect to be posting content every Tuesday that can be done asynchronously through the week.
edited /events/2019-06-11-DomainCamp2019 (+94) "Article about getting ready for camp, note about duration"
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edited /events/2018-07-10-DomainsCamp (+383) "YouTube videos for Domain Camp 2018"
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gRegorLove__, [Rose] and chrisaldrich joined the channel
For background Alan Levine is doing the day-to-day for Domain Camp on behalf of Ontario Extend. He helps get several hundreds to thousands of educators set up on WordPress or other tools as part of the DoOO movement every year.
He's been nibbling at the edges of the bigger IWC space, but could be a tremendous advocate for us in the education space. He's also pretty good at WordPress theme hackery, which we could all use some help with.
@jgmac1106, are you doing Domain Camp this year (as a camp counselor)?
edited /events/2019-06-11-DomainCamp2019 (+378) "Activities for week 1"
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[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] I may dip my toes in but I teach two online classes startibg 7-1
@jgmac1106 I'm aware, but looking at some of the pieces from last year's camp and the couple Alan has posted this year, you may be able to borrow pieces for your class as well. :)
Ohh yes, need to dig into the curriculum. Especially since #edu522 is basically same thing
gRegorLove__ joined the channel