2019-06-28 UTC
# 00:01 [tmiller] I have no preference, this is my first time in the area
# 00:03 [tmiller] Googling prasad it says they close at 8 not sure if that's accurate
# 00:12 [tmiller] I'm okay with that as well, just need to figure out how to get there on the transit
# 00:15 [tantek] it's maybe a couple of blocks from Mozilla, so if you figured out how to get to Summit, then you've figured it out
# 00:16 [tmiller] Yeah the transit seems pretty easy, not as confusing as NYC
# 00:22 aaronpk haha backhanded compliment. it's only easier than NYC cause it's so much worse 😂
# 00:23 [tmiller] It doesn't seem to have as many confusing lines
# 00:24 aaronpk I mean it's fine if it goes where you want, but it doesn't cover very much ground
# 00:26 [tmiller] Yeah I can see how that may be inconvenient
dougbeal|imac and [kimberlyhirsh] joined the channel
# 00:52 GWG tmiller, looking forward to seeing you again. I seem to have to travel thousands of miles to do it though
# 01:03 [tantek] GWG can you expand the /VPN dfn to include the indieweb relevance, perhaps noting any existing indieweb examples or attempts, or adding new indie VPN thoughts to a Brainstorming section?
# 01:04 GWG I am trying to think of Indieweb relevance. I was in an off topic chat because I wasn't sure about it
# 01:05 [tantek] using your own site/service that you setup to do VPN is quite indieweb IMO
# 01:09 GWG I was in the middle of writing on the Microformats h-entry repo
Valium8862[m] joined the channel
# 01:52 gRegorLove it showed up! Not a fancy checkmark or "yes", but it shows your comment under RSVPS
# 01:55 gRegorLove I think that was one of many mvp things I pushed out and never got back to. If only there were an event I could work on some of those things...
# 01:59 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[schmarty] joined the channel
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# 02:15 gRegorLove [schmarty], FYI, they close at 9. Sounds like you'll be fine, but just in case.
[aaronpk] and [tmiller] joined the channel
# 02:31 [tmiller] I'm on my way now, I can never do anything from my phone
mblaney joined the channel
# 02:58 mblaney I'm at Los Gorditos and hoping I've got the right place?
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
# 03:41 GWG I am missing it too. Over Wyoming
# 03:45 jacky A lot of good food spots out here close at 9
[benatwork] and [tantek] joined the channel
# 04:39 aaronpk Don't party too hard! ;-) we have a meeting tomorrow!
# 04:48 jacky I'm by Colonel Summers park (other side of bridge)
[snarfed] joined the channel
# 05:03 [tantek] So much rain! Jacky eta? We’re thinking one more thing here?
# 05:13 GWG Descending into PDX ahead of schedule
gRegorLove joined the channel
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# 06:34 [fluffy] gah how do I get a list of templates on the wiki? I’m trying to find if there’s an existing one for “not to be confused with…”
gRegorLove and [tantek] joined the channel
# 06:36 Loqi sknebel has 31 karma in this channel over the last year (119 in all channels)
# 06:36 [tantek] There’s a not to be confused with template?!? Maybe part off MW default install?
# 06:37 [fluffy] I just want to clean up the way that the two Publs link to each other because “see also” isn’t really appropriate when the two things aren’t at all related
# 06:37 [tantek] GWG do they bake the cookies themselves or did they get them from a 3rd party?
# 06:40 [fluffy] gah screw it, I don’t feel like re-re-re-relearning mediawiki yet again 😛
# 06:43 beesbuzz.biz created /Template:distinguish (+290) "Created page with "{{#invoke:Distinguish|distinguish}}<noinclude><!-- splitting these lines causes {{Documentation}}
template to terminate green shading when Distinguish is used in /doc pages. -..."" (
view diff )
ichoquo0Aigh9ie and Salt[m] joined the channel
Mikaela|XMPP, discord[m], sfroment[m], sacha[m], aaronpk[m], freethinkingaway, aeddi[m], npfoss[m], card[m], iiogama[m], Nebulous[m], manfred[m], Giyomu[m], new0ne[m], balupton[m], sander[m], andrewxhill[m], carsonfarmer[m], Lolicon[m], drbh[m], rittme[m], ax[m], RealSnazzy[m], romaric[m], tom85[m], ritewhose[m], Romaric[m]1, Mikaela[meow], Swedneck_, infominer[m], nellkate1[m], shokunin[m], swedneck[m], jgmac1106[m], jamietanna[m], ketudb[m] and grantcodes[m] joined the channel
[jgmac1106], [kevinmarks786], MrKapowski, [chrisaldrich] and placer14[m] joined the channel
# 08:47 petermolnar IWC AMS plans, response from my Xth round with managers: "[..] I would gladly support something that has a clear and positive (biz)case for the track/dept/company but unfortunately I am still not seeing that. [...]". I think I'm out of options.
Ja3ood[m], jeremych_, gnunicorn[m] and gorhgorh[m]1 joined the channel
Tianyi[m], [mrkrndvs], neverstopeating[ and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
# 11:23 [jgmac1106] What universitiew are in Amsterdam? I can go through and see if I have contwcts at any
MrKapowski joined the channel
# 11:54 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
Keegen[m] and djmoch joined the channel
# 12:44 Zegnat I think one of the biggest unis in Amsterdam is simply called UvA (Universiteit van Amsterdam)
# 12:45 Zegnat I don’t know if I would even want to do a session at my first ever MozFest. I also wouldn’t know what I would propose
[tantek] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
# 13:10 [tantek] Hey IndieWeb Summit folks - anyone <!here> awake and up for a quick run into Forest Park? Get some greentime before so much screentime?
[Zegnat] joined the channel
# 13:15 [Zegnat] Just a note: Slack–IRC bridge seems to have some issues. I see messages here that didn’t make it over.
# 13:16 [Zegnat] I just saw my note pop up, but I don’t see your writing, [jgmac1106], nor did I see on IRC that you told me I would rock MozFest.
# 13:18 Zegnat Everything on chat.indieweb.org is what I also see on IRC. On Slack I see a little more.
# 13:20 jgmac1106[m] I do see everything in Riot... Prolly better practice... Keep me out of other chats
# 13:20 Zegnat They have their own IRC bridge. So from Riot you are basically chatting straight to the Freenode server
[jgarber] joined the channel
# 13:21 Zegnat Good to know, [jgarber]. It is just a little annoying because it means we are losing out on logs
# 13:21 jgmac1106[m] Due to a high volume of activity, we are not displaying some messages from this incoming webhook integration. • Details
# 13:26 jgmac1106[m] tantek, I am at University Place, gonna head out for a bit. Welcome to join but if you looking to do 5-8 miles... Find other victim
# 13:27 jgmac1106[m] Ohh jgarber a lot of interest in rebooting some kind of IndieWeb meet up in Bmore if interested
# 13:28 [jgarber] jgmac1106[m]: Cool! Baltimore is a bit of a stretch for me during the work week, but good to hear there’s renewed interest.
# 13:28 [jgmac1106] Ohh yeah you are DC, nvm.. We can savecthat for an IWC DC.. Sure [eddie] might get involved in that
# 13:29 aaronpk Shoot did we finally max out the slack webhook rate limit?
# 13:29 [jgarber] [jgmac1106] :thumbsup::skin-tone-2: :thumbsup::skin-tone-2:
# 13:30 jgmac1106[m] Curious, what was everyone's Lyft ride? I took a cab because it was a union owned co-op... Or has most misleading name ever
# 13:30 aaronpk jgmac1106[m]: Radio Cab is the best cab company here
# 13:33 jgmac1106[m] Good to know about Radio Cab.. And loving the growing co-op response to ride shares
# 13:35 petermolnar so my personal line of duty is in fact pretty much far from indieweb
# 13:35 Zegnat glances to his work monitor. * glances back at his IRC monitor.
# 13:36 Zegnat I guess it is publishing in a way of the word on both monitors :P
# 13:36 Zegnat Also, petermolnar, [frank] asked what capacity venue you were thinking of in Amsterdam. His message never made it from Slack to IRC.
# 13:39 jgmac1106[m] No problem with opt-in big data or folks crawling feeds for insights... Sounds like it's a no go but willing to write up a "big data" story that fits
# 13:39 [tantek] [aaronpk] if there's some way to detect when we cross webhook limits or get close to them, perhaps throttle (or drop) bridge for chat to prioritize the logged channels so that stuff said from Slack gets logged in archives
# 13:39 petermolnar I've been lightly told to stand down, jgmac1106[m], so thank you, but don't
# 13:40 Loqi petermolnar has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (20 in all channels)
# 13:41 jgmac1106[m] Well off to go for an early morning exploration of the area around PSU
[frank] joined the channel
# 13:43 [frank] [petermolnar_] What size venue are you aiming for in Amsterdam?
# 13:44 Zegnat Fun to see all the folks go out exploring! sebsel is doing the same here in Gothenburg as he is an early arriver for the mini IWC in Åmål
# 13:47 [tantek] Zegnat, any number of the sessions you've led at IndieWebCamps would work well at MozFest
# 13:51 [tantek] will head-up Burnside towards Forest Park and see how deep into the trees I can get in ~30ish minutes before turning around. Or a loop if I can make it to Pittock Mansion.
# 13:51 aaronpk I have 0 idea if there's a way to tell, and also no time to write any code to fix it if I did
# 13:52 [jgmac1106] If there are real runners awake you mayvwantbto hold off on me but happy to get moving
# 13:53 [tantek] [jgmac1106] have a good run. I'm going to see what I can get up to starting soonish from the Ace, and maybe ~1hrish long. Hopefully more than 5mi. We'll see.
# 13:53 Zegnat Huh, it looks like the IRC bridge is now catching up?
# 13:54 Zegnat This is going to make for some really confusing logs :P
# 13:54 [jgarber] aaronpk: Maybe? But I wouldn’t jump to any conclusions this morning given Slack’s service disruptions.
# 13:56 [jgmac1106] Yeah not sure what channel but we got a warning message from the irc app
# 13:58 tantek_ @aaronpk stopgap: stop bridging the Slack #chat channel at least for the weekend
tantek_ joined the channel
# 13:58 [tantek] [aaronpk] stopgap: stop bridging the Slack #chat channel at least for the weekend
# 14:20 sknebel Things people could be excited about this weekend: one of the most famous music festivals... Or indiewebcamp :D
[benatwork] joined the channel
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# 14:46 [tmiller] I'll be heading out soon
# 14:53 [jgmac1106] Oops I am far from Kure I think. Some nice bikers have a coffee station set up by some bridge.
# 14:54 aaronpk anomalily normally hosts that at one of the bridges
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# 15:18 [schmarty] lol whoops we went to the wrong Kure. My bad. I knew I would make that mistake someday.
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# 15:24 aaronpk [schmarty]: oops did you go to the new one in the pearl?
# 15:28 GWG Sitting at a railway station got a ticket for my destination...
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# 16:07 [jgmac1106] Wow Cleverdevil.. I thought you weren't coming for some reason.. Stoked to see you again
[jackjamieson] and gRegorLove joined the channel
# 16:20 Loqi aaronpk has 52 karma in this channel over the last year (237 in all channels)
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# 17:56 aaronpk maybe it won't take effect until we restart the meeting here
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# 18:20 gRegorLove Slack update "We're seeing some signs of recovery, though we aren't in the clear yet. We'll continue to keep you posted on our progress.
# 18:24 [cleverdevil] I’m gonna head to my hotel but I want to watch the USWNT in the women’s World Cup once I get settled. Anyone else is welcome to join me! I’ll likely find a watering hole near my hotel.
# 19:02 mblaney cleverdevil I would be up for watching the game, let me know when you find a spot!
# 19:03 GWG mblaney: Hope your day is going well
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
# 19:11 [jgmac1106] !tell cleverdevil let me know where you end up, still in organizing meeting
# 19:11 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 19:19 Loqi [cleverdevil]: [jgmac1106] left you a message 7 minutes ago: let me know where you end up, still in organizing meeting
# 19:20 mblaney yeah I realised it had already started so just put the tv on.
[schmarty] joined the channel
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# 19:59 [tantek] !tell skenbel can you turn off Kaja for updating /live ? We are switching streaming setup away from YouTube
# 19:59 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 20:35 jeremycherfas !tell [tantek] typo on sknebel so he may not see your message about kaja.
# 20:35 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[tantek] joined the channel
# 21:07 jacky putting some finishing styling on my slides
# 21:08 jacky I forget but I should opt for less color in them to work with the displays?
# 21:08 jacky wanted to slightly theme it to go with the IndieWeb brand colors
[fluffy] and vasa[m]1 joined the channel
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# 21:33 [tantek] !tell sknebel can you turn off Kaja for updating /live ? We are switching streaming setup away from YouTube
# 21:33 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 21:33 [gRegorLove] [tantek] just pastries n snacks, sorry. We grabbed food truck food beforehand
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# 22:44 [jgmac1106] since we are sold out should we change the Register Now link to a See You at the Summit page and redirect to the wiki page on indieweb.org
# 22:46 jacky ^ - perhaps having it point/suggest going remote
# 23:01 [aaronpk] <!here> I forgot to ask for one more volunteer role for tonight! I need some people to come to the party early to help me stake out tables. 5pm is probably fine, but I'll be there in about 15 minutes if you wanna come earlier too
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
# 23:02 [cleverdevil] [aaronpk] I’ll swing by early. My hotel is super close and I am wrapping up other things now.
# 23:02 [jk] Cheryl and I can head out earlier, too
# 23:03 [jgmac1106] I am sitting by a pool......thank you volunteers and especially tantek and aaronpk for pulling all of this together.....
[schmarty] joined the channel
# 23:04 [jgmac1106] yes trying to finish up a syllabi: need to redo a class....students did not enjoy my IndieWeb approach...retreating back to the LMS
# 23:15 [jgmac1106] A session called "Silly Things with CSS"....you get put into random teams of two, get 20 minutes to make something and we then debrief for twenty minutes on techniques
[fluffy] joined the channel
# 23:38 [jgmac1106] another session idea, Paper to post, replicable evidence shows we retain more on paper, how do we reliably get that on our websites in a machine consumable form....prolly to sci-fi or too expensive digital pen
gRegorLove joined the channel