#meta 2019-07-06

2019-07-06 UTC
sorry for the flickr link. some day i'll have these on my own website
!meme soon
lolol unexpected
i've only been thinking about it for like 5 years
I don’t want to think about how long I’ve been thinking about some of the features I’ve brainstormed / designed for my site 😭😭
2 days of content is a *lot*!
i forgot about the second day intro session videos
This might be a record amount of content for a camp
i'm confused, there appears to be something in the Yellow room from before the IndieWeb 101 session
ohh that got stuck into the schedule page I see...
edited /2019/Schedule (+21) "/* Sunday */"
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There was a lot of initiative this year
initiative has 1 karma over the last year
edited /2019/Schedule (+53) "/* Sunday */"
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[zach] and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
ooookay, exporting 5 more videos!
thankfully no captions so this will be much faster
captions are awesome but they do take a long time to post-process
[cleverdevil] [jgmac1106] do you want me to publish the video of the Known call?
[miklb] and [Jeannie] joined the channel
created /2019/building-blocks (+649) "Created page with "= Developer Intro to IndieWeb Building Blocks = '''<dfn>IceCondor</dfn>''' was a session at [[2019|IndieWeb Summit 2019]]. Watch: {{videoduration|link=https://archive.org/de...""
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[jackjamieson], strugee and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[aaronpk] yes please publish video of Known call
I need to watch that video and type up all the q&a
tinbox << watch [[2019/building-blocks]] video and type up q&a
ok, I added "watch [[2019/building-blocks]] video and type up q&a" to the "See Also" section of /tinbox https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=63385&oldid=62268
created /2019/indieweb-101 (+1144) "Created page with "= IndieWeb 101 = '''<dfn>IndieWeb 101</dfn>''' was a session at [[2019|IndieWeb Summit 2019]]. Watch: {{videoduration|link=https://archive.org/details/indieweb-summit-2019-i...""
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gRegorLove joined the channel
edited /2019/Schedule (-53) "/* Sunday */"
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edited /2019/Schedule (+95) "/* Sunday */"
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edited /2019/Schedule (+403) "/* Sunday */"
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all done
14.5 hours of video!
jjuran joined the channel
Aaronpk++ goodness sakes!
Aaronpk has 58 karma in this channel over the last year (237 in all channels)
2019/Planning << result: 14.5 hours of session videos!
ok, I added "result: 14.5 hours of session videos!" to the "See Also" section of /2019/Planning https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=63394&oldid=63331
2019/Planning << result: 51 people signed in day 1! (Of 60 registrants)
ok, I added "result: 51 people signed in day 1! (Of 60 registrants)" to the "See Also" section of /2019/Planning https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=63395&oldid=63394
[Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
↩️ @TatianaTMac Come over to http://chat.indieweb.org and talk to people there about it - we have people who've used lots of ssg's
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
Looks like TatianaTMac is in portland so if we do get HWC going there again, invite her?
gRegorLove and [fluffy] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
anyone ever try a meidawiki issue tracker plugin? https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:IssueTracker
aaronpk saw the note about 2gigs..been my experience with archive.org as well, no stated limit but anything over 2 craps out before upload is finished
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
does this vary by browser?
I haven't tested that I am usually using FF Dev...got browser parity once they finally switched the flash upload tools...which reminds me I need to redo my tutorials
ordered my YouTube takeout weeks ago to finish m migration..when..if ..it ever comes in will be able to try again..can't imagine having to do the captions as well
thank you so much aaronpk
Will indie social media save us? The New Yorker took a look at the IndieWeb could help democratize, decentralize and diversify the internet better. #socialmedia #indie #BetterInternet #BlockchainSummit https://buff.ly/30qy7pg
[mapkyca] and gRegorLove joined the channel
POSSE https://indieweb.org/POSSE macht Probleme, wenn die Grenze der maximal verfügbaren Zeichen des zu syndizierenden Inhalts inmitten einer URL verläuft. Da muss man sich was überlegen. #indieweb. Wie lösen das denn andere Tools?
djmoch, [grantcodes] and Clment[m] joined the channel
That ActivityPub video starys off with [tmiller] reviwing name prununciation.. Makes me want to add mine to my h-card like [Zegnat]
[kimberlyhirsh] and [tantek] joined the channel
When a tweet comes in here that merits discussion, is it better to discuss it here “in context” or to copy paste the tweet URL into the proper channel and then discuss it there? (Example the one about POSSE)
↩️ Any link to the cost of the conference? Thinking about "Mindsets? Just get kids to finish this line, "My url is.... and minds will follow." Demo all the cool #IndieWeb tools of the modern social web (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/8ZTKc)
aaronpk has 59 karma in this channel over the last year (236 in all channels)
@mjordancodes I stumbled on your site while reading up on the latest IndieWeb event and really liked your design. The SVG backgrounds are really cool, especially the animated fishtank.
edited /Google_Search (+416) "Featured Snippet"
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edited /Google_Search (+56) "/* Featured Snippet */ add screenshot"
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edited /Twitter (-62) "/* POSSE abbr note to twitter */ update maths, and schemeless ccTLDs have been tco'd for a while,"
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↩️ @TatianaTMac @fiinixdesign Some indieweb people have built things with it and written about it https://indieweb.org/Eleventy
edited /tinbox (+10) "g"
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[kimberlyhirsh], [KevinMarks] and [jackjamieson] joined the channel
After a conversation over drinks at IndieWeb Summit, I am re-reading Y: The Last Man, and have realized that I never finished the entire series the first time around. Such a great graphic novel! /cc @atmlutter
[cleverdevil] and [schmarty] joined the channel
airtable has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (3 in all channels)
strugee and [zach] joined the channel