#meta 2019-07-09

2019-07-09 UTC
what is a playlist
A playlist represents a collection of audio or video of some significance to the list's creator https://indieweb.org/playlist
I see nothing in the UI that suggests how to add an item to a playlist, or how to create a playlist
overall I am not very impressed with the UX around uploading stuff to archive.org
talk about a dev-heavy UI
playlist << Example: Internet Archive supports (at least audio) playlists with a nice UI to skip to next/prev track which changes the URL accordingly for the specific track/episode! https://archive.org/details/playlist_20160215
ok, I added "Example: Internet Archive supports (at least audio) playlists with a nice UI to skip to next/prev track which changes the URL accordingly for the specific track/episode! https://archive.org/details/playlist_20160215" to a new "See Also" section of /playlist https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=63426&oldid=63183
edited /playlist (+235) "[tantek] added "Example: Internet Archive supports (at least audio) playlists with a nice UI to skip to next/prev track which changes the URL accordingly for the specific track/episode! https://archive.org/details/playlist_20160215" to "See Also""
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yeah I give up
if anyone can find instructions I am all ears
I literally did this in HTML5+JS like 9 years ago but have completely forgotten how 😂
"this" - autoplay across a sequence of HTML5 video assetts
I mean that's another option, but i'd really rather not go there
I will say this is definitely one of the downsides of not using youtube for our videos
not go to indie playlist posts?
there's a lot of UI development and maintenance that would need to go into that
I'm very tempted to do a one-off blog post that recreates this
please do :) I have no interest in maintaining that JS on my site :)
aaronpk this is the closest to a playlist on archive.org https://archive.org/details/knownandreclaim
is that 5 files uploaded into the same "item"?
you eithe rupload everything all at once or if it is like a podcast (I host all mine on archive.org you click on edit event
I'm thinking more along the lines of putting the code here into a blog post: http://thenewcode.com/909/Create-An-Automatic-HTML5-Video-Playlist
yes but you can return to an item and add files
tantek and that is where I was saying you need to chande the word detail to download in the url to any video
should I not have uploaded these individually?
playlist << Possible How To for a Video Playlist post on your own site that plays a series of video files (ogg, mp4, ...) http://thenewcode.com/909/Create-An-Automatic-HTML5-Video-Playlist
ok, I added "Possible How To for a Video Playlist post on your own site that plays a series of video files (ogg, mp4, ...) http://thenewcode.com/909/Create-An-Automatic-HTML5-Video-Playlist" to the "See Also" section of /playlist https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=63428&oldid=63426
aaronpk, no I think you did the right thing
probably not a rigth or wrong answer
what tantek said
it is way easier for average user to share one file then to know how to share a video in a playlist
^^^ this
ok that was my next question
yeah they only provide you an iframe embed to embed using html5 you have to get the url of the specific video and then alter the link
we can't put raw JS on the wiki, can we?
I'm assuming not, for *reasons*
[snarfed] joined the channel
tantek I did this but no js autoplay, of course if I just embed the iframe then the autplay will work: https://jgregorymcverry.com/hwcpagetutorial.html
[J. Gregroy McVerry] Video Guide to HWC Pages
looks like I messed a bit of CSS on the first one
i havent played with the favorites feature on archive.org which is for building collections wonder what you can do with that
playlist << Another possible How To for an audio playlist post on your own site that plays a series of audio files like mp3s http://devblog.lastrose.com/html5-audio-video-playlist/
ok, I added "Another possible How To for an audio playlist post on your own site that plays a series of audio files like mp3s http://devblog.lastrose.com/html5-audio-video-playlist/" to the "See Also" section of /playlist https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=63429&oldid=63428
alright that's enough notes for now, thinking a "binge watch IWS 2019" post could do well on Friday early morning (for our EU & UK friends) for folks that want to spend Saturday (or their Friday night) catching up on all things IndieWeb Summit
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
Playlist should be an html element. You need the browser to do it to make it seamless.
I mean, you can do it with low level audio code and js but that's crazy
To do playlists seamlessly, you need to concatenate audio samples, which is a bit fine grained for js.
It should be simple and declarative, but it's been made messy for years.
[benatwork] joined the channel
I disagree completely seeing as the vast majority of video and audio players do not cross fade between items
Kevinmarks no I did it seamlessly back in 2010 with JS
there's various things you can do with preloading etc.
that being said, it should be doable declaratively rather than depending on JS, thus I agree there should be a declarative mechanism (perhaps a new element if that's really needed)
You can do it with small seams, but if you try to play through an album where the tracks are continuous you hear gaps.
I've been building clunky sequence engines for 30 years...
in practice playlists on the internet are not albums
they're like mix tapes
[gRegor Morrill] Here is the playlist I made for IndieWeb Summit 2019: “Awake”, Tycho “Me the Machine”, Imogen Heap “Shout”, Scandroid “Computer Love”, Kraftwerk “Light On”, Maggie Rogers “Joy Rides”, MUTEMATH “A Praise Chorus”, Jim...
No, they're made as single file through mixes.
yeah that's true 😞
If you care about seamlessness
or rather, they made "as a soundcloud"
back to the Internet Archive kludginess
[zach] joined the channel
since that was the actual meta topic (IWS videos)
Hm. But that one died
it is *bad* to require that individual tracks/episodes be specifically uploaded to a "playlist" item
bad design that is
because that limits each item to exist in only one playlist
it is quite common in music mixtapes that the same track is in multiple mixes
For our videos we could easily make a few different playlists. Keynotes only, dev track, Wordpress track, design track, etc
especially including related videos from different IWCs
pours one out for QuickTime agaib
↩️ Lol that’d be wild! So I’m posting from my site first then sending it to Twitter using this IndieWeb service called https://brid.gy. (https://v2.jacky.wtf/post/7f62d450-a814-4287-be1d-745697c0ca14)
considering one of those ironic comparison tables of "Stranger Things Season 3" and "IndieWeb Summit 9"
jacky++ my goodness that thread 🤦‍♂️
jacky has 21 karma in this channel over the last year (78 in all channels)
So in #IndieWeb chat I said I was built for binging. @schmarty came back and said it should be the tile of my memoir or something. @t then suggested a run of Breaking Badges...so naturally I had to make this: http://jgregorymcverry.com/breakingbadges.html #OpenBadges (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/2hWI9f)
🤦‍♂️😂 I really need to not just idly chat every clever naming idea/pun that comes to mind
why not? we just have to come up with fun ways to turn them into memes
realized my last movie poster was for IWC Online and had an h-event embedded
created /even_happening_today (+19) "prompted by [tantek] and redirect added by [tantek]"
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RockSteadyTRTL[m, [wtmonroe], [cleverdevil], gRegorLove and GWG joined the channel
Oh, so, freek.dev is the second member of Spatie.be that starts using Webmention. They are kind of big in the Laravel community, so pretty sure more people will follow
also, too bad that they reduced Webmentions to having Twitter on their site, but hey, that's a thing too.
Do we need some outreach of getting that nuance across before the Laravel devs jump on bridgy? :P
hm, also, it's not that bad... he's not actually saying that it's just that. He says he has them, and then one way to use it https://twitter.com/freekmurze/status/1148377805815767041
Webmentions are now active on my blog. If you like, respond to or retweet this tweet, your interaction will, after a few minutes, be displayed on https://freek.dev/1390-improving-assertions-on-laravel-fakes
Just start commenting on the post by sending webmentions directly :-)
Can't see it in the chatlogs, but there is whitespace between those sentences :)
I didn't actually read that as webmentions=Twitter
haha, that's the best way, indeed
but bridgy is a very compelling reason to add webmention support and also something easy to demonstrate
yea, because then a lot of people support a form of webmention. With native, you can only interact with a bunch of IndieWeb nerds atm.
deathrow1 and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
My known webmention didn't show up
Website owners of London — it’s Homebrew Website Club tomorrow from 7pm at ProvenDough Deli+Bar (Covent Garden). Come along and we’ll work on our personal sites together. https://indieweb.org/events/2019-07-10-homebrew-website-club (https://calumryan.com/note/2874)
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
edited /User:Danielmoch.com (+25) "Update p-summary style and info"
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[Vincent] joined the channel
Morgen trifft sich wieder der Homebrew Website Club in Karlsruhe. Komm vorbei und bastle mit uns an Deiner Webseite: https://indieweb.org/events/2019-07-10-homebrew-website-club#Karlsruhe #HWC #IndieWeb
edited /Events (+1335) "/* July */ adding July Monday Education Meet Ups"
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[Rose], [wtmonroe], jmac, swentel, [Jay_Hoffmann], MrKapowski, jeremycherfas and [schmarty] joined the channel
[tantek] and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
Been following that [schmarty] and the part that really bums me out is that Zoom seems completely unaware of how foolish their response has been.
[Rose] joined the channel
And their "oh yeah we scripted something so users in Safari don't have to click "OK" every time, lolz security" thing really bugs me.
Saving a click at the expense of privacy/security is just plain foolish.
“But, this is our product differentiator!”
"And we're not the only ones doing it!" - so, it's _not_ a differentiator?
Heh, good point.
[grantcodes] joined the channel
The #indieweb and Microblog should reach out to Center for Humane Tech, both efforts goals are very alligned. https://humanetech.com/about-us/#primary
JustMaier[m]1, [benatwork], gRegorLove, [cleverdevil], [snarfed], [eddie], [davidmead] and [mapkyca] joined the channel
created /Chaos_Monster (+206) "prompted by [eddie] and dfn added by [eddie]"
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[cleverdevil] joined the channel
edited /Chaos_Monster (+38) "update dfn"
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[Rose] joined the channel
edited /Chaos_Monster (+368) "add in-depth explanation"
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edited /User:Eddiehinkle.com (+27) "Add chaos monster to projects"
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edited /webmention.io (+47) "added my own site as a webmention.io user"
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edited /Chaos_Monster (+53) "sknebel added "low level: slow network responses" to "See Also""
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[grantcodes] and [schmarty] joined the channel
We believe everyone has the right to define their own identity. We don't just stand for an independent web: we stand for an independent world, where everyone can represent themselves on their own terms and build safe, nurturing communities. #indieweb is the future.
[fluffy] joined the channel
Alright, this is for whomever has time. After the @indiewebcamp Homebrew Website Meetup at Mozilla tomorrow in SF, I'mma head to Oeste for a few birthday shots. DM me if you wanna know when.
oh shit
Chris Coyer
probably shouldn't curse in logged channels D:
Css Trick-ed: IndieWeb and Webmentions http://bit.ly/30suxtM #css #tricks #frontend
edited /Homebrew_Website_Club (+30) "/* Ask Organizers */"
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edited /Micropub/Clients (+387) "aaronpk added "https://twitter.com/ulyssesapp/status/1148578698288934912" to "See Also""
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[zach] joined the channel
well all be, I did not actually expect a response
[tantek] joined the channel