#meta 2019-07-29

2019-07-29 UTC
kor, [Rose], [Michael_Beckwit, jjuran, gRegorLove, [snarfed], [mapkyca], [KevinMarks], MrKapowski, [pfefferle], Salt[m], discord[m], freethinkingaway, aaronpk[m], card[m], Nebulous[m], manfred[m], sfroment[m], andrewxhill[m], sander[m], iiogama[m], new0ne[m], Giyomu[m], npfoss[m], sacha[m], rittme[m], drbh[m], Ja3ood[m], tom85[m], gnunicorn[m], romaric[m], ritewhose[m], Romaric[m]1, RealSnazzy[m], Lolicon[m], mZ[m], gorhgorh[m]1, Tianyi[m]1, mikeal[m], Tianyi[m], Senshi[m], vasa[m], Keegen[m], enricomarino[m], macerbi[m]1, Mairkur[m], prtfw[m], placer14[m], rklaehn[m], maparent[m], cesarosum[m], drshamoon[m], gozala[m], gorhgorh[m]2, chris[m]1, CryptoEmpress[m], CantiTurtleCoin[, AXEL-Lee[m], celso[m]1, celso[m], M[AXEL]Darr[m], pierreboc[m]1, aeddi[m], Rick[m], oed3[m], JeffMaherVegas[m, phynite[m], jenncloud[m], fozzie[m], carsonfarmer[m], Expherience[m], AXEL-Brian[m], WidgetBotiocli1[, msena3[m], eddy[m], silent_Activist[, johanherman[m], lyon[m], Gorka[m], Clment[m], hvergara[m], Akshay[m]1, Lilz|BetaMe[m], johanherman[m]1, balupton[m], AuHau[m], discord[m]1, NatoBoram[m], jimpick[m], Oxy[m], Valium[m], RockSteadyTRTL[m, PermawebMatrixBr, kanej[m], JustMaier[m], pierreboc[m], jwheeler[m], Microsoft_techni, h2[m], Dendi[m], NatoBoram[m]1, James|Colony[m], bengo[m], UtopicUnicorn[m], KYZITEMELOS93[m], swedneck[GMT1][m, AndrewB[m], gregjeanmart[m], jklepatch[m], funwhilelost[m], Turtle1331[m], Magnus[m], phynite[m]1, CarboClanC[m], lauren|Microspon, swedneck[m], M[AXEL]Julian[m], coryl[m], linarcx[m], infominer[m], prc[m], ryanchristo[m], shokunin[m], nellkate1[m], swedneck3, Swedneck_, jamietanna[m], grantcodes[m], jgmac1106[m], ketudb[m], [JuJu], [grantcodes] and [xavierroy] joined the channel
Anyone who is involved in the indieweb org on github or packagist have any input on: https://github.com/grantcodes/future-micropub-endpoint/issues/1#issuecomment-515968453
[grantcodes] Everything here sounds like a good idea to me. I think there might be an argument to be made that `micropub-express` could count as a abstract module, but definitely if the smaller pieces are under the indieweb name then that is more than good eno...
We're discussing rules about when stuff can be published to organizations
I couldn't find any info with a quick search of the wiki / github org
[JuJu], [eddie], [timothy_chamber, [schmarty], [kimberlyhirsh], deathrow1, jeremych_, jackjamieson, [renem], [snarfed] and gRegorLove joined the channel
edited /why (+100) "/* Why have your own website */"
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[xavierroy] joined the channel
edited /statistics (+250) "indie map"
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[tantek] joined the channel
[aaronpk] FYI 02:38 today in here "incoming-webhookAPP [2:38 AM] _Due to a high volume of activity, we are not displaying some messages from this incoming webhook integration._"
Aside: underscore meaning italics is one of the dumbest non-intuitive things in Markdown--
Markdown has -1 karma in this channel over the last year (-2 in all channels)
anyone <!here> got any more IndieWeb related events planned for July? If not, gonna move July to the past on our /events page so actual Upcoming events this week (e.g. /HWC /Brighton) show up at the top
hmm guess it's time for a real fix
aaronpk: [tantek] left you a message 2 days, 16 hours ago: I've booked the MozPDX Commons for 2019-09-04 evening for HWC PDX!
hmm this might be enough reason to finally add IRC->Slack into my gateway project
edited /Events (-15) "move July events to the past, August is here this week!"
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[fluffy] and [benatwork] joined the channel
[KevinMarks], [renem], [snarfed], jolvera, [davidmead], [Rose], [grantcodes], [JuJu], [tonz] and [schmarty] joined the channel
hmm thinking of making a template for cartoon embeddings, especially XKCD
edited /mobile_create (+84) "XKCD cartoon"
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^^^ for stuff like that
whoa I just got recommended videos (like a grid of 9) after watching the "welcome" to IndieWeb Summit 2019!
On archive.org?
took a screenshot
also I fell down a rabbithole looking up t-shirt neckline styles because I couldn't remember what variety we got for Summit
can you tell I'm writing a very late blog post? 😂
welp so much for avoiding the algorithm
wat. i was using google search
which algorithm?!?
oh the video recommendation thing
I think it's "just" title keyword based. nearly all had "welcome" and "summit" in the title. or another one (from you aaronpk) had "indie web"
keyword association is much less creepy than if you liked that you'll be addicted to this
Still has the potential for turning up undesirable associations
Which was the specific complaint, rather than vague notion of creepiness
much *less* potential than the weird addiction algorithm stuff
also assuming we're deliberate about titling them in boring literal ways, we can control it to some extent
the complaint wasn't *potential* but *actual* undesirable associations
also why does IA have that feature? they don't show ads or have any monetary reason (AFAIK) to increase views of their videos like that
That's what i mean. vs "creepiness" which wasn't the complaint
there were multiple complaints not just one "the"
part of it related directly to YouTube / Google as an org and abusive of content in that way (their monetization thereof)
their hosting of hate-videos was another
[benatwork] joined the channel
association (by way of recommendations) with conspiracy theory or other shallow sensationalist (limbic hijack) content was another
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
Also setting corporate goals based on maximising minutes watched
created /emergency (+21) "prompted by [tantek] and redirect added by [tantek]"
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making progress on adding IRC->Slack rate limiting/buffering
[cjwillcock] joined the channel
edited /emergency (+4) "r--"
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YouTube << A few summary reasons why NOT to post on YouTube: <br/>1. Dislike of YouTube and/or [[Google]] as companies and how they monetize content in general <br/>2. YouTube hosting of hate videos (specifically high traffic anti-gay videos during Pride month 2019) <br/>3. Associating your content/posts (by way of sidebar, autoplay, and after-viewing recommendations) with conspiracy theory or other shallow sensationalist (limbic hijack) conte
ok, I added "A few summary reasons why NOT to post on YouTube: <br/>1. Dislike of YouTube and/or [[Google]] as companies and how they monetize content in general <br/>2. YouTube hosting of hate videos (specifically high traffic anti-gay videos during Pride month 2019) <br/>3. Associating your content/posts (by way of sidebar, autoplay, and after-viewing recommendations) with conspiracy theory or other shallow sensationalist (limbic hijack) conte" to the "See Also" section of /YouTube https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=64008&oldid=62144
so close
edited /YouTube (+169) "why, why not"
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ok, got it working in my test instance
only trick is I haven't ported over the IRC->photo code yet
gotta figure out the best (generic) way to do that, since this is open source and theoretically other people are using it