#meta 2019-07-30

2019-07-30 UTC
edited /2019/Photos (+373) "subheads and re-order a bit, cluster by time"
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Hey if anyone else has been hanging onto photos from IndieWeb Summit, don't be worried about posting them "too late" β€” just upload them! πŸ™‚
I filtered through my photos (didn't take that many) and picked "faves" to post. Mostly cropped them, and now uploading one by one, sometimes recropping
edited /2019/Preparty (+92) "/* Photos */ add a couple more pre-party photos"
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edited /2019/Photos (+101) "/* Check-in and mingling */ a couple more photos"
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edited /2019/Photos (+144) "/* Keynotes */ a few more photos"
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edited /2019/Photos (+47) "/* BarCamp Session Planning */ session grid"
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edited /2019/Photos (+170) "/* Sessions */ a few more photos"
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edited /2019/Photos (+99) "/* Sunday June 30 */ a couple more photos"
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and with that, I've uploaded the few decent photos I took at IWS, and embedded / linked to them from /2019/Preparty and /2019/Photos sections accordingly! Check them out
excellent, got a hacky version of profile photos working
whoa - for IndieAuth?
for the new slack gateway
and I think I have ~90% of the text written for my first actual blog post about IWS 2019 (which is only about the very start / welcoming πŸ™ˆ)
chat icons - got it
it's kind of an essential part of the gateway
slack would look really sad without them
yes it would
one of the reasons why IRC always looks sad to me
or at least, dehumanizing
haha true
remember when we had chat icons in our archives *before* we had Slack integration?
pretty sure IRCv3 has support for avatars so maybe some day IRC clients will adapt to that
so at least our archives would look more human that the IRC chat UIs?
oh boy, I'm bracing myself for which avatar/profile/contact spec they decided to use (or make their own - hopefully not)
really hope they used vCard4 at a minimum
Didn't finish early enough to be confident enough to launch this before I get on a plane
so I'll probably launch this Thursday when I'll be home for a few days in a row
I wanna make sure I can have both IRC and Slack open at the same time for most of a 24 hour period
aaronpk: What will be the pros and cons of this change?
Nothing new on the IRC side
but slack has been seeing rate limits so not all the IRC messages are making it to slack
Hopefully this should come with no cons
Oh the one side effect is that there will be a new bot user in IRC, but it won't say anything
ichoquo0Aigh9ie joined the channel
edited /2019/Photos (-2) "TOC top, no longer a stub"
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edited /2019/Photos (+99) "move summary to Saturday, call for better alt attributes"
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[prtksxna], [xavierroy], doubleloop, mblaney, [tonz] and [Michael_Beckwit joined the channel; prtksxna left the channel
edited /User:Www.sonniesedge.net (-60) "Updated site info and bio pic"
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sonniesedge, [fluffy], [xavierroy], Loqi, [jgmac1106], [frank], [prtksxna], [eddie] and [schmarty] joined the channel
edited /Chaos_Monster (+70) "[eddie] added "idea: for those that opt in? Send spam webmentions" to "See Also""
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[Jacob_Michelsen, [Rose], [davidmead], [tantek], [jgarber], [kimberlyhirsh] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
!tell jgmac1106 still meeting w/ Pace folks re: IWC NYC 2019 today? please let us know how it goes!
schmarty 2:30pm – 3:30pm (EDT) should I hold off on confirming until we hear from Glitch or go with a date if offered?
[jgmac1106]: [schmarty] left you a message 15 minutes ago: still meeting w/ Pace folks re: IWC NYC 2019 today? please let us know how it goes!
jgmac1106 Glitch is still a big maybe as they are working on their own events strategy, so I say go for it if Pace can host. please make sure to ask about ways to mitigate our issues last time like security turning people away, closing too early on Saturday, etc.
we collected several at /2018/NYC/Reflections
edited /issue (+86) "/* Complete POSSE backfeed solution */ chris aldrich example"
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[KevinMarks], jackjamieson, balupton[m]1, jjuran and gRegorLove joined the channel
edited /Micro.blog (+169) "/* Themes */ added arabica"
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edited /Micro.blog (+2) "/* Microformats in Themes */ added note about missing h-card"
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[snarfed] joined the channel
edited /Micro.blog (+114) "/* Microformats in Themes */ adding Hyde"
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edited /Micro.blog (+45) "/* Microformats in Themes */"
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edited /Micro.blog (+28) "/* Microformats in Themes */ added default"
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[jgarber] joined the channel
edited /Micro.blog (+82) "/* Microformats in Themes */ added Primrose"
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edited /Micro.blog (+68) "/* Microformats in Themes */ adding kiko"
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edited /Micro.blog (+90) "/* Microformats in Themes */ added Cactus"
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edited /Micro.blog (+58) "/* Microformats in Themes */ fixed Default to note missing h-card"
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[fluffy] and jgmac1106 joined the channel
!tell tantek I see you eleveted Berlin2 to a Save the Date should I assume you are a -1 for Nov 9-10th now for NYC?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[davidmead] and [Jacob_Michelsen joined the channel
wait what I did?
[tantek]: jgmac1106 left you a message 19 minutes ago: I see you eleveted Berlin2 to a Save the Date should I assume you are a -1 for Nov 9-10th now for NYC?
[jgmac1106] I haven't followed up with Yulia on that recently β€” assume that IWC NYC takes precedence in case of any conflict
I remember now, I think we put that down as a Save the date when we found out that Beyond Tellerand Berlin was the following W-F
doodlemania[m] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] https://indieweb.org/Planning#NYC is still accurate for my preferences. I'd rather have IWC NYC happen if that's the last possible date. Did none of the September or October dates work for your IWC NYC venue(s)?
tantek: i believe he is talking with Pace about those right now.
tho i was also surprised to see Nov talk.
edited /Planning (+168) "/* Save Dates */ note Berlin2 is more of a "one workable date" rather than other save the dates"
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[schmarty] from /Planning#NYC November is also bad for you right?
I'd rather see a different venue than seeing IWC NYC get pushed into November πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
!tell jgmac1106 if Pace can't do anything before Nov let's wait and see what Glitch says later this week!
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
that sounds very sensible
meanwhile - who else is going to XOXO and have you (hopefully!) already made flight and hotel plans?
since that's *early* september πŸ™‚
[Jeannie] and [Rose] joined the channel
Are the summit dates for next year pretty definite?
[Rose]: sknebel left you a message 4 days, 3 hours ago: the date after that (08-19) I can't reliably host vHWC EU, so someone else would have to do that (I'll be at CCCamp buildup, and if the field will have power or internet at that point is not guaranteed)
yes, venue is already reserved and everything too
[jackjamieson] joined the channel
tantek, schmarty, gwg @tmiller Pace is a go, they are fine with any of the dates in Sept or Oct. Melanie is just running the dates by the Dean
jgmac1106: [schmarty] left you a message 1 hour, 12 minutes ago: if Pace can't do anything before Nov let's wait and see what Glitch says later this week!
will leave more notes on /Planning
creates a TripIt event and plans to start wrangling Zegnat
Zegnat: sknebel left you a message 4 days, 3 hours ago: the date after that (08-19) I can't reliably host vHWC EU, so someone else would have to do that (I'll be at CCCamp buildup, and if the field will have power or internet at that point is not guaranteed)
I have almost a year's notice. I'll get you across the pond.
edited /subdomain (+879) "/* Silo Examples */"
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Hmm … are there any buses?
[Rose]: that way of phrasing it somehow evokes "shipping crate, labelled "wild animal"" ...
I didn't use the expression "herding"
The conference I spoke at this last weekend had a speaker wrangler, he was the one who chased us around with mics, bottles of water, and pleas to check our equipment worked with the projector, rather applicable to IWC/S, don't you think?
yes that would be a good Volunteer Role to add for future IWS
I thought everyone was a speaker wrangler at IWC? :P
since we don't do many (more than one?) pre-planned speakers for IWCs it's usually not an issue
It's like when there's a medical emergency, pick a specific person to handle things like that and then it will actually get done.
no Zegnat, at IWS I was definitely wrangling speakers πŸ™‚ fortunately we were working with some great responsible folks so it made it possible to do as an add-on responsibility rather than a specific person for that role
Rose, "pick a specific person to handle things like that" only works when you have a tons of funds or endless stream of reliable people you can depend on to delegate to
I know.
I meant it more in the tongue-in-cheek way off us voluntelling people to take a stand at some of the more recent EU IWCs ;)
Oh yeah that's fair πŸ™‚
We did a little of that at IWS for day 2 sessions which we (organizers) had not fully planned out and had to wing a bit
But if we have volunteer roles then having one of them be "presentation wrangler" for events could be useful.
Speaking of getting things done, I need to get on to my boss tomorrow and see if I can actually do MozFest, and if so, send in an indieweb session proposal (if noone has done so yet)
we do have volunteer roles
pretty sure it's on the "IndieWebCamp Organizing" page
The but should have been an as, jetlagged Rose has vocabularly difficulties.
Zegnat, no, send in the proposal first
And spelling ones.
don't bottleneck on stuff like that
write your proposal first, then you can get feedback on it from folks here too
e.g. feel free to use your wiki user space or even start a Mozfest proposals page
what is Mozfest
MozFest is an annual conference organized by Mozilla in London England focused on open source and open standards efforts to help grow a more open and inclusive internet https://indieweb.org/MozFest
I was working on a blog post about webmentions, and kinda spinning it into a proposal simultaneously.
Will see if I manage to turn it into a good text tomorrow, will drop it on the wiki then too.
Need to leave now T-6 hours ’til alarm
I need to book travel for Brighton, and also sleep. Not at the same time
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
What are the extra xoxo days? I need to book my flights and may go via local airport and AMS rather than Heathrow this time.
It looks like we don't have a page for "extra xoxo days" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "extra xoxo days is ____", a sentence describing the term)
By the time I get to London on the train and then to Heathrow it's cost me more than I save on the flight.
KevinMarks we have HWC PDX on 2019-09-04 if you're looking for a start date to aim for (get in early enough to make it into town!)
[jgmac1106], ORAORAORAORAORA[, [Jeannie], [Jacob_Michelsen, mblaney, [fluffy], [snarfed] and strugee joined the channel