#meta 2019-08-07

2019-08-07 UTC
jjn324 joined the channel
edited /dogfood (+199) "/* Negative gender and cultural associations */"
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[fluffy], [Rose], [tonz] and [sebsel] joined the channel
[grantcodes], jujudario, swentel, BeingOptimist, [jgmac1106], [prtksxna], [kimberlyhirsh], [Lewis_Cowles], [tonz], [schmarty], aphelionzDiscord, SebDiscord[m], AXEL-LeeDiscord[, brewskiDiscord[m, JordanKrageDisco, sanderDiscord[m], HeishDiscord[m], oed3Discord[m], npfossDiscord[m], gorhgorhDiscord[, AuHauDiscord[m], dignifiedquireDi, LSJI07Discord[m], CantiTurtleCoinD, GorkaDiscord[m], RickDiscord[m], neilDiscord[m], RealityDiscord[m, kanejDiscord[m], postablesDiscord, msena3Discord[m], manfredDiscord[m, wcharginDiscord[, MatrixBridgeDisc, NebulousDiscord[, hazDiscord[m], dpinnerDiscord[m, aeddiDiscord[m], realChainDiscord, hyde__Discord[m], rxninDiscord[m], AkshayDiscord[m], ClmentDiscord[m], JayWelshDiscord[, TH0RynDiscord[m], PeevesDiscord[m], eshohetDiscord[m, LeFDiscord[m], pusherDiscord[m], sfromentDiscord[, fexra|TRTLDiscor, BossMANDiscord[m, jamiedubsDiscord, DiscordRSSDiscor, andrewxhillDisco, [Rose], [Rolando_Hernand, Kenzo3Discord[m], IWSlackGateway, ritewhoseDiscord, braditzDiscord[m, cwchristerwDisco and RyonezCoruscareD joined the channel
vanderven.se martijn
edited /2019/Oxford (+185) "Add Summer of Hacks event, link to actual live domain, and link to actual sign-up"
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JerbsDiscord[m], JustMaierDiscord, M5310Discord[m], Dazuck-3BoxDisco, catmanDiscord[m], thatguyDiscord[m, ValiumDiscord[m], carsonfarmerDisc, shokuninDiscord[, WidgetBotiocli1D, KubeWorshipperDi, GiyomuDiscord[m], AXEL-BrianDiscor, M[AXEL]DarrDisco, berDiscord[m], JaoheahDiscord[m, OboDiscord[m], snapDiscord[m], MairkurDiscord[m, cyluDiscord[m], porshDiscord[m], M011000100111014, tobowersDiscord[, LokeLDiscord[m], thomasDiscord[m], MichaelTenDiscor, buztedDiscord[m], zakatonDiscord[m, farhad312Discord, alphapapaactualD, TianyiDiscord[m], RDeckardDiscord[, vamsiDiscord[m], PhillmacDiscord[, drbhDiscord[m], eddyDiscord[m], Ja3oodDiscord[m], lamborghiniDisco, mZDiscord[m], GuillaumeDiscord, JohnnyMilkshake7, abhi_Discord[m], foxcoolDiscord[m, pbvieDiscord[m], flower88Discord[, KubeDiscord[m], gozalaDiscord[m], rittmeDiscord[m], RealSnazzyDiscor, combrayDiscord[m, [tonz], new0neDiscord[m], rozgoDiscord[m], gnunicornDiscord, JeffMaherVegasDi, denzukoDiscord[m, dqxDiscord[m], hubaDiscord[m], olizillaDiscord[, truthDiscord[m], rklaehnDiscord[m, planetary_devDis, cristobalDiscord, vasaDiscord[m], tom85Discord[m], mZDiscord[m]1, XierumengDiscord, nocentDiscord[m], zegordoDiscord[m, lyonDiscord[m], chmanieDiscord[m, EugeneDiscord[m], sbpDiscord[m], johanhermanDisco, OxyDiscord[m], skillman623Disco, peterkDiscord[m], neohexDiscord[m], crestDiscord[m], zwelsternDiscord, foxcoolDiscord[4, ShadowLingDiscor, CatManDoooDiscor, katakotoDiscord[, ddahlDiscord[m], M4eekDiscord[m], Luna14Discord[m], zoink92Discord[m, [KevinMarks] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
IWC oxford links to: https://wonderful-panini-7c4e6c.netlify.com/#2019:4-indiewebcamp - and it doesn't sound like it's following "standard" 2 day IWCs
[prtksxna] joined the channel
I don't mind the overlap. Different contexts and the Oxford a decidedly local context
fozzieDiscord[m], Lilz|BetaMeDisco, dhenzDiscord[m], ZedDiscord[m], dindustriesDisco, SteffDiscord[m], cwDiscord[m], NastyEbilPiwateD, jimpickDiscord[m, codynhatDiscord[, benaszabDiscord[, celsoDiscord[m], hvergaraDiscord[, RomaricDiscord[m, grvhiDiscord[m], sukarDiscord[m], KarlDiscord[m], JungleHeartDisco, sprayDiscord[m], TryptophanDiscor, SenshiDiscord[m], ShmultzDiscord[m, mhzDiscord[m], rappelDiscord[m], NooooooWayyyyyDi, vexlDiscord[m], koalalorenzoDisc, nyarlathotepDisc, AtiqDiscord[m], OrkunDiscord[m], jmank88Discord[m, drshamoonDiscord, pps96Discord[m], malaclypsDiscord, megadogberthehi7, AblibuDiscord[m], allgoDiscord[m], KinnardDiscord[m, romaricDiscord[4, jenncloudDiscord, braditzDiscord[4, the_nikinDiscord, panDiscord[m], chinsuDiscord[m], nijynotDiscord[m, mattcDiscord[m], [tantek], SchwartzDiscord[, [Zegnat], KinnardDiscord[4, SmileRobotDiscor, xtream1101Discor, MesaDiscord[m], jessicaschilling, cesarosumDiscord, felixschlDiscord, jazzy-jeff^_^Dis, freethinkingawa4, marcocastignoliD, SweatDiscord[m], bitspillDiscord[, paulmahoneDiscor, leoalvarezhDisco, aaronpkDiscord[m, nebulerDiscord[m, TeamIanDiscord[m, DamirDiscord[m], ExpherienceDisco, TianyiDiscord[m4, CocoonCrashDisco, modigDiscord[m], deltaDiscord[m], gtsDiscord[m] and thestevewayDisco joined the channel
edited /mod_security (+36) "update - mod_security issue resolved on {{jackjamieson}}'s site"
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enricomarinoDisc, cardDiscord[m], prtfwDiscord[m], placer14Discord[, EdmundMDiscord[m, n9tDiscord[m], jackjamieson, aswiththewildDis, sachaDiscord[m], felixschlDiscor4, tangoDiscord[m], CryptoEmpressDis, silent_ActivistD, PamileissonDisco, MatthDiscord[m], godparticleDisco, ArunDiscord[m], UserDiscord[m], SuikaDiscord[m], l^discordDiscord, cristobalDiscor4, HeysteinDiscord[, ithithDiscord[m], r5723013Discord[, celsoDiscord[m]1 and JonwelDiscord[m] joined the channel
I updated the Netlify link, petermolnar. It has actually been on the books for a long time as a confirmed event. But you are right that it does not follow our usual format.
KisulkenDiscord[, UsDiscord[m], test123Discord[m, amatuniDiscord[m, KinnardDiscord[7, IgutinDiscord[m], DioBrandonDiscor, OlegStotskyDisco, plexusDiscord[m], ad87657Discord[m, zazikiDiscord[m], mikealDiscord[m], RDeckardDiscord4, MisterGoreDiscor, ksDiscord[m], KeegenDiscord[m], LordFenixNCDisco, leoalvarezhDisc4, marcusrbrownDisc, zcopleyDiscord[m, johanhermanDisc4, iiogamaDiscord[m, maparentDiscord[, robinzzzDiscord[, macerbiDiscord[m, te0dDiscord[m], nofwayyDiscord[m, chmanieDiscord[4, chrisDiscord[m], ngamboaDiscord[m, PhiDiscord[m] and boomshroomDiscor joined the channel
Heads up - nov 9-10 no longer works for IWC Berlin
We are looking at nov 23-24
In case anyone <!here> is at HWC Karlsruhe or Nürnberg, how is 23-24 November for an IWC Berlin?
[grantcodes] and [fluffy] joined the channel
[Rose], Zegnat, sknebel, WDYT of 23-24 Nov for IWC Berlin? Would that be doable for you?
Can't think of a conflict right now at least
[tantek] works for me (I had a potential with Coder DojoCon, but that’s earlier that month)
Thank you sknebel & tonz! I’ll switch the dates on the wiki
[snarfed], samix7, jackjamieson, [KevinMarks], [jgarber] and [Lewis_Cowles] joined the channel
edited /Planning (-5) "new primary date for Berlin2"
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updated ^^^
skenbel, [tonz] please confirm your availability / strength of preference for 11/23-24: https://indieweb.org/Planning#Berlin2 - thank you!
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[Rose] joined the channel
[tantek] Sounds good!
[Rose] you too - please update https://indieweb.org/Planning#Berlin2 !
Will do later, about to record a podcast 😉
edited /Isso (+1650) "/* IndieWeb users */"
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www.zylstra.org blog
edited /Planning (-142) "/* Berlin2 */ add my availability nov"
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[pfefferle] joined the channel; linarcxDiscord[m left the channel
[aaronpk] I have problems with the login to the indieweb.org site
using the WP plugin
i'm guessing it's a wordpress problem ;-)
now im getting a `too many redirects for https://indieweb.org/Main_Page` error
Do you do any fancy cookie blocking / cleaning with browser extensions? I think I have gotten in a loop like that once
have you changed the login to indielogin recently
it's been... a while
like, a year?
[Zegnat] no, just the plain firefox settings
nothing has changed with indielogin or the wiki in quite a while. have you updated the wordpress plugin lately?
hmmm… [dshanske] did some changes I think…
so I no wikiing for me today…
maybe try clearing cookies and try again?
no chance… tried it in different browsers
ok… verified that it is a plugin problem… v3.3.1 works… the latest not…
[pfefferle] #154 Login on IndieWeb.org does not work with latest version
hey at least the error reporting is working! that's indielogin.com saying it got that 500 error response from your website
that'd be for the request to verify the authorization code
edited /events/2019-08-07-homebrew-website-club (-8) "/* London */ missing IndieEvent link"
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edited /events/2019-08-07-homebrew-website-club (+195) "/* Photos */ Add London"
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gRegorLove joined the channel
edited /Planning (+15) "/* Berlin2 */ Add last weekend in November"
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[fluffy] joined the channel
[grantcodes], [Rose], dopplergange and [David_Bryant] joined the channel
edited /events/2019-08-07-homebrew-website-club (+213) "/* What */ IWC AMS open for sign-ups, IWC NYC date & venue set"
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tbbrown, DaekiDiscord[m], [timothy_chamber and strugee joined the channel