#meta 2019-08-08

2019-08-08 UTC
[fluffy], tbbrown, Homie, gRegorLove, [prtksxna], [xavierroy], [pfefferle], [prtksxna]1 and IWSlackGateway1 joined the channel
edited /2019/Amsterdam (+12) "/* Schedule */"
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[Lewis_Cowles], [Rose], [grantcodes], [xavierroy] and [prtksxna] joined the channel
edited /2019/Amsterdam (+12) "/* Schedule */ missing space, add self"
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I approve of the Stroopwafel note! And I added myself as a volunteer again
If you are in Amsterdam anyway, make sure to walk over the Albert Cuypmarkt and get an actual freshly made on the spot stroopwafel instead <3
jeremych_ joined the channel
I did that on arrival in Utrecht, and it was extremely good.
jeremyc__ joined the channel
edited /events/2019-08-07-homebrew-website-club (+183) "/* Photos */ add teesside"
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[tonz] joined the channel
Freshly made beats everything yes.
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
edited /User:Jgregorymcverry.com (+229) "/* Done */ latest changes"
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jgmac1106, [Rose], [Lewis_Cowles], [aaronpk], [schmarty], [jgarber] and [tonz] joined the channel
!tell schmarty can you be on the look out for a good social event or idea for Friday night, figure keep Saturday self organized
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[kim_landwehr] joined the channel
!tell jgmac1106 👀
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[schmarty]: jgmac1106 left you a message 13 minutes ago: can you be on the look out for a good social event or idea for Friday night, figure keep Saturday self organized
I am going to handle the ticket registration stuff later today with ti.to
jgmac1106: [schmarty] left you a message 1 minute ago: 👀
[grantcodes] and [tantek] joined the channel
edited /User:Sixtwothree.org (+301) "/* Current */ Add authenticate.computer to Current Projects"
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j12t, [snarfed] and [aaronpk] joined the channel
!tell aaronpk another reason to upload each video to archive.org rathe than editing a single item is you do not get publication dates for files that were added after editing
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[KevinMarks] and [tantek] joined the channel
rooms booked for IWC Berlin2
venue confirmed
edited /Events (+1388) "add a few more h-events, date & venue confirmed for IWC Berlin2"
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edited /Events (+4) "/* September */ fix copy pasta for IWC AMS"
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[Lewis_Cowles] joined the channel
edited /Planning (-110) "/* Save Dates */ IWC Berlin2 date & venue confirmed"
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!tell Zegnat Can you make it to IWC Berlin2 23-24 November at Mozilla Berlin, and would you like to be a Code of Conduct contact again?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
edited /2019/Berlin (+8) "move a note to Notes & Tweets"
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created /2019/Berlin2 (+8348) "clone from 2019/Berlin, date & venue confirmed so let's start making pages!"
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edited /Template:IndieWebCamp (+14) "more confirmed dates and venues"
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[Will_Monroe] joined the channel
edited /Planning () "(-1424) /* Berlin2 */ move planning to Berlin2 specific page"
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edited /Planning (+85) "Berlin2 Past Planning Notes"
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edited /Planning (+12) "update Save Dates links to individual IWC pages"
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!tell [Rose] since you were such a huge help at IWC Berlin in May, and clearly know what you're doing 🙂 are you available to join us at IWC Berlin2 23-24 November at Mozilla Berlin, and want to help co-organize (like what you did in May but more official) ? https://indieweb.org/2019/Belrin2
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
created /2019/Belrin2 (+26) "typo redirect from chat 🤦🏻‍♂️"
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Rose has 13 karma in this channel over the last year (51 in all channels)
[Rose] joined the channel
I've already put the event in my TripIt. I'll check this weekend what's happening then and book flights/hotel to match and sign up for all the things! Including organising. :)
I have "the European kit", so I should make an effort :P
also shout out to all organizers <!here>: I've put down 2019-11-22 (the Friday before IWC Berlin2) as another Organizers Meetup, especially to all our European Organizers, would be great if you're able to make it! https://indieweb.org/2019/Berlin2#Adjacent_Events
edited /2019/Berlin2 (+273) "/* Adjacent Events */ UN Internet Governance Forum right after IWC Berlin2, also in Berlin!"
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Anyone going to be in Berlin already for this? https://www.intgovforum.org/multilingual/content/igf-2019 I'm thinking of staying for a day or two after IWC Berlin2 to participate!
[grantcodes], chris[m18, jjuran, IWSlackGateway, [Lewis_Cowles] and [tantek] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] [schmarty] I just (re)confirmed IWC Brighton with Jeremy (Oct 19-20) and he's setting up the tito for it tomorrow. Would be great if both October IWCs had Titos setup so we could announce them together!
[pfefferle] and [Will_Monroe] joined the channel
Okay I am on ti.to
[snarfed] and [grantcodes] joined the channel
hey GWG, do you have plans November 1-2? FYI WordCamp US is then in St. Louis Missouri
[tantek]: Why?
GWG: [tantek] left you a message 2 days, 16 hours ago: finally finished that first blog post about IWS 2019: https://tantek.com/2019/217/b1/indieweb-summit-2019-start
Likely will be in exile in Europe
But originally was supposed to be August so could slip