#meta 2019-08-10

2019-08-10 UTC
edited /Main_Page (+31) "/* IndieWebCamp */ update manually"
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[jgmac1106] joined the channel
Just wrapped up dinnwr. Gotta get kids to bed. Will update NYC and tutorial to reflect in morning
Thanks for help tantek and aaronpk
edited /Main_Page (-87) "/* Upcoming IndieWebCamps */ better for the space"
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edited /2019/Amsterdam (+79) "/* Schedule */ +1 Pre-IWC Meetup"
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[jgmac1106] main question is about charging for tickets. IWC NYC 2018 did not charge. Was there a reason for changing that to charge this year?
(couldn't find any discussion about it anywhere so wasn't sure if that was a conscious decision or a copy/paste error, or ...?)
I think that's the key thing blocking registration at this point
[jgmac1106] I'll keep creating and stubbing wiki pages for 2019/NYC to try to help get some of those details taken care of while you focus on the bigger questions / challenges
like are we doing a Friday 10/4 pre-IWC social/pre-party?
created /2019/NYC/Planning (+4495) "move from [[Planning#NYC]]"
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I was jist using the Summit as the guide. Every tix is an exact copy
oh no because that's absolutely not how we've done IWC tickets in the past
We also had a massive cancelation like north of 70%
and we even made decisions at Organizers Summit to make changes from Summit for next year's Summit
so please do not copy paste from Summit 2019 tito
you were there at Organizers Summit for that discussion! 😝
Okay. I wanted to just copy an event but folks wanted a clean install from launch... Discussions aren't templates. Will use your feedback to improve the template
there is no template according to Zegnat
Gotta get kids to bed. I know. Trying to make one. So please be as critical as possible. Will fix
edited /Planning () "(-3923) 2019 NYC planning archived, ticketing available for Brighton and will be flipped on real soon now for NYC, update my Denver prefs, note name.com prefs for 2020, move to new cities section"
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like Zegnat said, there isn't even necessarily a template to create, because each event makes different decisions about ticketing
so it's more like a series of questions to ask, which determine which options in tito to enable
Good point
there should at least be documentation of common patterns
focus on what events have in common, rather than giving up because each event is different
e.g. every event MUST ask for agreement to Code of Conduct
Like i might want a nuisance charge in nyc because od high no show rate last year
then do you have to collect sales tax too?
i'm very glad I live in oregon where there is no sales tax so I don't have to think about collecting and remitting it
let's call it a "commitment charge" instead please 🙂
Ohh bc we aren't legally a non profit?
we aren't legally anything 😛
MatrixBridgeDisc left the channel
Yeah.. Ermmm?
That makes it weird.... Gonna do free.
maybe taking a no-show deposit doesn't require tax?
I gotta go. Will look through back log... And think about tutorials as a matter of more FAQ and If/Then
[jgmac1106] #1 priority is to fix the 2019 NYC tito so we can flip it on for registration
tutorials second
we'll ask Zegnat to capture commonalities
because he had some ideas about them
IWSlackGateway joined the channel; WidgetBotiocli1D and DisWeb0142[m] left the channel
edited /Planning (-9) "fix heading levels, sort new locations vs reactivate past locations, remove past / already booked dates"
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[tantek] joined the channel
!tell ChrisAldrich what are the chances of organizing an IWC LA this December?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
edited /Planning (+16) "move new, more, and reactivate cities to 2020 because we haven't heard from potential organizers in a while, or we've heard and they prefer 2020. feel free to bump any specific city back to 2019 if there's a chance of making it happen!"
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PermawebEmbedDis, [tantek], IWSlackGateway, Hey, [Lewis_Cowles], rainmanjam, [Rose] and [fluffy] joined the channel
Hmm, I like aaronpk’s take: “more like a series of questions to ask, which determine which options in tito to enable”.
With things like: do you want to offer a choice between different ticket types? Now you will have to put an attendence cap on an activity, and offer an unlimited number of each ticket.
So a flow chart which gives instructions?
Maybe? Like I have said every time, even though I now have some vague grasp of the UI, Tito is still a mess to me :P
I do think some of the things discussed around Summit should be carried over to the IWCs. E.g. get rid of the Indie RSPV ticket (per aaronpk who noticed it being used weird).
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
If you only hve the 1 entrance ticket option, you also get rid of all the annoying attendence limiting through activities. Though maybe we still want activities for the checkin lists? I forget ... which is why I was asking for a time where several of us were available simultaneously to go through it together.
jeremych_ joined the channel
In my limited experience, Ti.to is trying a bit too hard to be helpful, especially with things like activities, where it is trying to ensure that the total for activites is less than the overall total, I think.
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
do I keep contribute to the IndieWeb? support the travel funds tickets?
I do not remember what was said about that. Note that I wasn’t at the org meetup at IWS.
I just went with regular, supprt, and contribute
I set it to free because I do not want to worry about figuring out if I can charge and not do sales tax
the tix are live
Do support and contribute still count as “sales” in the US? As you are giving someone a “ticket” in trade for money?
I don't know will use don't ask policy
I could add a line, This is not a ticket but make sure to purchase a regular ticket as well...???
Zegnat: afaik since we aren't a non profit, any income is taxable. Whether it counts as sales for sales tax I don't know. Selling tickets to an event sounds like it needs sales tax to me, even if the entity receiving it is in a state that doesn't have sales tax. So it sounds like a grey area if the event page has a "contribute" option since it's not a sale of a ticket and also the money lands in
"As a business, you are not usually required to collect sales tax from individuals who purchase items from another state, unless you have a physical presence in that state."
which sounds to me like I don't need to charge sales tax to anyone for open collective contributions for example. But as soon as we run an event in a state with sales tax, that becomes less clear
[Rose] joined the channel
[tantek] I would've had a post for indie news this week but haven't had as much chance to work on my setup for notes - hopefully next week!
[davidmead], [fluffy], IWSlackGateway, [Lewis_Cowles], [snarfed], EDMhotdog and [tantek] joined the channel; EDMhotdog left the channel
[snarfed] got plans Nov 1-2? If not, consider WordCamp US in St. Louis. Details to follow.
[svandragt] joined the channel