#meta 2019-08-26

2019-08-26 UTC
qotta_, qotta, JeanDiscord[m], [Michael_Beckwit and [tantek] joined the channel
[vendan], ZapierDiscord[m], gRegorLove and [snarfed] joined the channel
↩️ I hope that something like @indiewebcamp will result in something somewhere in between traditional blogging and microblogging to become possible, so the FOMO of microblogging can be soothed by an more boiled down to the core update stream
Please fill in the above with examples if you have
↩️ @sebmck @indiewebcamp Eg. @adactio’s link feed is an interesting example of a new such format: https://adactio.com/links
[Rose] joined the channel
Thinking of going to the @IndieWebCamp thing in October, which means I have to finally pull my finger out of my bum and code that Pelican site I've had on the back burner for years
jeremych_, [grantcodes], jjuran, [Rose] and gRegorLove joined the channel
edited /Indieweb_for_Education (+1640) "/* Articles relating to IndieWeb and Academe */ adding articles"
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qotta and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
That's a deep and breathtakingly fast dive into the indieweb and governance:
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
Another Mastodon = IndieWeb reference in the definition.
gRegorLove, [grantcodes] and [tantek] joined the channel
Yes people run their own Mastodon instance as their IndieWeb site. Just need to help them out with a few more building blocks so they can better interoperable
[schmarty], [jackjamieson] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
any other HWCs this week?
↩️ @schnarfed's IndieWeb Press This bookmarklets https://snarfed.org/indieweb-press-this-bookmarklets-for-wordpress gets you some way to what you're looking for. Perhaps it could be developed further?
gRegorLove joined the channel
↩️ Not sure I'd classify Mastodon as #indieweb per se (it lacks identity ownership / my data is under my control aspects, even though it's federated and outside the incumbent silos). Yes, if my own webpresence also is my Activitypub instance, or run a M instance on my own.
[snarfed], [schmarty] and dougbeal|iOS joined the channel
created /User:Wyrd.systems (+55) "Created page with "<span class="h-card">[https://wyrd.systems Matt]</span>""
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edited /User:Wyrd.systems (+630) "Hello everyone I am Matt"
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bupkes and [tantek] joined the channel
Wow — something to keep in mind for all organizers — the importance of early and often diverse outreach: https://twitter.com/bamadesigner/status/1165347620505739267
Wow. A PHP conference in Germany cancelled their conference and posted links to who they blame on the website. https://2019.phpce.eu/en/ The PHP community should be thankful to those who spoke up. Organizers with this behavior and mindset shouldn’t be leading influential events.
i like this: "They aren’t just looking at the talk content; they are looking for role models, people like them, people to inspire them" https://markbakeruk.net/2019/07/24/withdrawal-from-speaking-at-phpce-2019/
edited /timeline (+60) "/* Similar Resource */ http://music.ishkur.com/"
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Yes that's good
[vendan], [Michael_Beckwit, [fluffy] and gRegorLove joined the channel
edited /Micropub/Servers (+190) "/* IndieWeb Examples */"
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[snarfed], [KevinMarks] and [schmarty] joined the channel
wat that thread
[Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
edited /Add_to_Calendar (+953) "How to publish ICS stub with Apple Calendar gotchas, encouragement to use H2VX"
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Hammered my blog into shape with #SemPress theme by @pfefferle for proper #microformats support used especially on the #IndieWeb. https://wordpress.org/themes/sempress/
↩️ This maybe better source of current brainstorming. https://indieweb.org/pronoun thanks for continuing to push the world forward to a better place (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/2bEZPb)