#meta 2019-09-28

2019-09-28 UTC
[fluffy] joined the channel
CJ Eller is committing to an experiment in using a form of “letters to the editor” as a means of response to blog posts, and a system with the “flexibility to make the conversation public or private” is something I think the indieweb should pursue. https://blog.cjeller.site/letters-to-the-editor-with-submit-as
[Michael_Beckwit, ichoquo0Aigh9ie and [tantek] joined the channel
Okay, 5 hours till sessions, or 4 till Intros.
[fluffy], [schmarty], [frank] and [tantek] joined the channel
[aaronpk] and [tonz] are working on the projection setup in the auditorium
On my way to #indiewebcamp in Oxford. I love the open web, but I couldn't eat a whole one.
edited /2019/Amsterdam (+113) "indie event"
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GWG Meeting ID 495 535 8768
going to #IndieWebCamp Amsterdam TODAY 10:00 at Codam Coding College with @aaronpk @ton_zylstra @schmarty @adactio @david_bryant & more! Looking forward to great #indieweb demos & #barcamp breakout sessions! about: https://indiewebcamp.nl/ wiki: https://tantek.com/t52n1
Ton is kicking off #IndieWebCamp Amsterdam with some housekeeping - we've already been having some chance to chat and get to know each other, very excited for the rest of the weekend! #IndieWeb
De livestream van IndieWebCamp is gestart op https://zoom.us/j/4955358768 (mss download nodig). Helaas heb ik de ochtend moeten cancellen door familiezaken...
Ton is sharing some insight into why the #IndieWeb and #IndieWebCamp movement is so important, with the agency it provides us and the chance for us to take back the power from the "corporate Web"
#indiewebcamp AMS @ton_zylstra: To me, the web was always about agency and providing ways for individuals connect to each other in ways they couldn’t before. #indieweb https://tantek.com/t52n2
Kicking off @indiewebcamp Amsterdam with @ton_zylstra giving an intro to what is the #IndieWeb! https://t.co/BHrV7zhVao
#indiewebcamp AMS @ton_zylstra: “The next big thing will be a lot of small things.” #indieweb https://tantek.com/t52n3
Into the Zoom feed.
#indiewebcamp AMS @ton_zylstra: shows and summarizes the #indieweb building blocks of #openweb standard protocols & formats: #webmention #microformats http://micropub.rocks #indieauth & more https://indieweb.org/building_blocks https://tantek.com/t52n4
[frank] joined the channel
"I found #IndieWeb and I hope it can make me less lazy" - love this! #IndieWebCamp
I think I'm getting photos of everyone who demo'd so far. just missed David Bryant if anyone got him!
[aaronpk] joined the channel
I think I got everyone too
Except me
I think I got you
Enjoyed demos. Dosing till session board is up
Getting started at the Indieweb Camp Oxford in the "new" Westgate library (which is a nice facade on the 1970s building - sort of a React frontend on a old PHP App)
We're starting to plan the schedule for today's #IndieWebCamp Amsterdam - it's off with a Bar Camp / unconference style setup, looking at what folks want to talk about related to #IndieWeb
"a great first harvest" - we've got some great topics so far that we want to talk about at #IndieWebCamp Amsterdam! And this is before we've even broke out for more conversations!
[jgmac1106] and srtsrtsrtsrtsrts joined the channel
jgmac1106 joined the channel
!calc 16:30 cest to edt
10:30:00 am EDT | Saturday, September 28, 2019
shoot will be at cub scouts, converted our camout to day trip to not be otuside after 5:30 because of the EEE mosquito outbreak, will catch recordings if any
created /2019/Amsterdam/Schedule (+5192) "initial schedule copied from summit and heavily edited"
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edited /2019/Amsterdam/Schedule (+356) "/* Saturday */ morning sessions"
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edited /2019/Amsterdam/Schedule (+53) "/* Saturday */ add zoom links"
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edited /2019/Amsterdam/Schedule (+1269) "/* Saturday */"
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aaronpk++ for the schedule! and schmarty++
schmarty has 31 karma in this channel over the last year (67 in all channels)
aaronpk has 47 karma in this channel over the last year (185 in all channels)
didn't know you could give karma to two people with one message
aaronpk, are the sessions getting recorded?
yes, just what you see on zoom
That is fine, I think my internet connection is also adding stuttering, which is not helping the already somewhat stuttering mic. Don’t think I will be able to attend.
Hopefully by the time we get to post-Brighton IWCs I will be on fibre! <3
eep no what
oh haha it's not on twitter
didn’t know you could retweet a non tweet through Loqi
I cheated and did it through monocle
At #indiewebcamp in @OxonLibraries, trying to derive a numerical "coldness" rating from a list of comments such as "moderate to chilly", "cool to cold", "nippy", "bring a yak", etc. ❄
edited /private_posts (+284) "/* Unsolved issues */"
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edited /private_posts (+32) "/* Static Websites */"
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edited /2019/Amsterdam/Schedule (-111) "/* Saturday */"
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aaronpk, when building software, never include a backdoor, not even for yourself ;)
I have the indiewebcamp twitter listed as a destination in monocle
I didn't even realize what I was reading wasn't from twitter! I think that's a good sign :)
edited /review (+428) "/* Silo Examples */ Added Google Maps as a review silo"
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[aaronpk] and djmoch joined the channel
Interesting start to the morning at #indiewebcamp Amsterdam - we've spoken about accessibility of the Web and #IndieWeb, and about how private posts and privacy should work https://www.jvt.me/mf2/ca21ff57-0265-4f3a-ad17-6f61e4d5f42c/
edited /archival_copy (-87) "Undo - some testing it seems not that helpful"
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CrocodillianDisc, jgmac1106 and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
edited /2019/Amsterdam/Schedule (+0) "adjust times to match reality"
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[tantek] joined the channel
edited /2019/Amsterdam/Schedule (-110) "/* Saturday */ remove accidental copy"
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imgabidotcom joined the channel
edited /2019/Amsterdam/Schedule (-106) "/* Saturday */ update 15:40 row"
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Since you only have 2 things, why not put one in Guitar where there is a recording?
[schmarty] joined the channel
they're moving the recording setup
[schmarty]: More recordings = better
[grantcodes] joined the channel; ryanchristoDisco left the channel
edited /event (+0) "move capacity limits from "how to" to "brainstorming""
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edited /event (+73) "/* Jamie Tanna */"
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edited /Add_to_Calendar (+135) "/* Jamie Tanna */"
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created /User:Www.charliegeorge.dev (+184) "Created page with "<p class="h-card"> <a class="p-name u-url" href="https://charliegeorge.dev">Charlie George</a> <a class="u-email" href="mailto:hello@charliegeorge.dev">hello@charliegeorge.dev...""
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Portland Peeps Top story: @aaronpk: 'Kicking off @indiewebcamp Amsterdam with @ton_zylstra giving an intro to what is the #IndieWeb! ' https://t.co/w3MkvNhlPz, see more http://tweetedtimes.com/v/1662?s=tnp
Crunch9960[m], weed9950[m], [aaronpk] and jeremycherfas_ joined the channel; Crunch9960[m] left the channel
It's been an awesome day at IndieWebCamp Amsterdam! The afternoon was chatting about licenses and ownership, then looking at how to migrate folks from silos to IndieWeb with a long term strategy, then some discussions about events, RSVPs and calendars... https://www.jvt.me/mf2/b0648b55-99ab-4b14-a1ee-40ca3bbae885/
It's been an awesome day at #IndieWebCamp Amsterdam! The afternoon was chatting about licenses and ownership, then looking at how to migrate folks from silos to IndieWeb with a long term strategy, then some discussions about events, RSVPs and calendars... https://www.jvt.me/mf2/b0648b55-99ab-4b14-a1ee-40ca3bbae885/
Great day at #indiewebcamp learning from @mapkyca how to install my @withknown site properly. Now I'm feeling much more confident about migrating stuff there and about asking for help in future.
[tonz] joined the channel
@JmacDotOrg If one wanted to set up a #indieweb equipped web site slash blog slash whatever, where would you recommend starting? (Assume I know nothing & if this is inconvenient to answer, feel free to ignore me.)
mapkyca has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (9 in all channels)
[dougbeal] joined the channel
↩️ @frankmeeuwsen Weinig over Indiewebcamp gelezen, te druk met erover praten?
↩️ Als je op https://indieweb.org/2019/Amsterdam/Schedule de etherpad links aanklikt zie je live notes van alle sessies. Te druk inderdaad om te tweeten etc, na de opening.
www.zylstra.org blog
edited /2019/Amsterdam (+51) "/* Venue sponsor */"
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[fluffy] joined the channel
www.zylstra.org blog
edited /2019/Amsterdam (+103) "/* Photos */"
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[schmarty] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] and [tantek] joined the channel
IndieWebCamp Amsterdam day 1 was amazing! Lots of great discussions, and as usual, I end the day with so many more ideas for what I want to create for my website next. Tomorrow's challenge will be to figure out which I can accomplish in a day, and then do that.
I totally forgot Oxford was going on today also
[Michael_Beckwit and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
gwg bad with dates myself. When mapkyca suggested we we do another Known Open Collective meeting at Oxford... I said we we should wait for Amsterdam... Doh