#meta 2019-09-29

2019-09-29 UTC
tsrtiv^, NeroprojektDisco and jgmac1106 joined the channel
↩️ Remember when RSS and Atom were going to save us from that? Open standards for multiple publishers and all of that? https://indieweb.org/ the flame lives on, we could work on feeding it.
On my way to day 2 of #IndieWebCamp Amsterdam @codamcollege that I'm cohosting with @frankmeeuwsen aka @frank@me.frankmeeuwsen.xyz A day focused on doing something tangible. Three ideas I might work on. (https://www.zylstra.org/blog/2019/09/iwc-ams-day-2/)
[frank], [aaronpk] and [schmarty] joined the channel
Dag 1 van IndieWebCamp Amsterdam ging voor mij vooral om de vraag, hoe kunnen we het indieweb laten groeien, het meer publiek maken. Als dat al nodig is? https://diggingthedigital.com/indieweb-publiek
Dag 1 van IndieWebCamp Amsterdam ging voor mij vooral om de vraag, hoe kunnen we het indieweb laten groeien, het meer publiek maken. Als dat al nodig is? https://diggingthedigital.com/indieweb-publiek #indiewebcampnl #indiewebcamp
↩️ Ik heb me af zitten vragen waarom ik me maar heel beperkt tot Indieweb voel aangetrokken, terwijl ik van alles indie hou. Ik denk dat het is omdat het voor mij te technisch overkomt. Als iemand die wel van autorijden houdt, maar niet van sleutelen.
↩️ Dat was exact de discussie die gisteren gaande was. Ik loop tegen dezelfde beperkingen dat het me vaak té technisch wordt. Daarom organiseren we zelf de IndieWebCamps hier in Nederland om dat er juist wat uit te krijgen. Dus kom langs bij de volgende om er over mee te denken!
↩️ Het IndieWeb komt op mij over als veel suboptimaal ogende sites van mensen die veel praten over technische hacks. Ik ben meer geinteresseerd in wat mensen er mee doen dan hoe ze dat doen. Het voelt teveel techniek als doel, terwijl het voor mij techniek als middel is.
[Rose] joined the channel
↩️ @erwblo @frankmeeuwsen wat is het verschil tussen 'indieweb' en de gewone 'own your content' gedachte?
[tonz] joined the channel
↩️ Weinig. Indieweb gaat daarnaast nog over "own your identity" en "own your conversations". Zie ook https://indieweb.org/why (waarschuwing, veel ongeordende tekst...)
[tantek] joined the channel
edited /2019/Amsterdam (+146) "/* Blog Posts */"
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edited /2019/Amsterdam (+225) "/* Photos */"
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edited /2019/Amsterdam (+158) "/* Blog Posts */"
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We've got a tonne of great projects for the hack day at #IndieWebCamp Amsterdam today! Look forward to seeing what awesome things folks build #IndieWeb
jgmac1106 and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Random #indieweb question: has anyone ever POSSE'd from their site into the LinkedIn timeline? (https://www.zylstra.org/blog/2019/09/linkedin-posse/)
[Rose] and [jgmac1106]1 joined the channel
edited /rel-canonical (+967) "add Why, How to, IndieWeb Examples"
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#indiewebcamp AMS #hackday first project done: ✅ rel=canonical links from http permalinks to https permalinks See https://indieweb.org/rel-canonical for why and how to. https://tantek.com/t52o1
edited /Falcon (-19) "done: fix permalink rel canonical links to always link to https"
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[Lewis_Cowles] joined the channel
edited /Add_to_Calendar (+277) "/* How to make Add to gCal */ ctz per jvt"
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AceFaceDiscord[m joined the channel
edited /Add_to_Calendar (+134) "/* How to make Add to gCal */ use rawurlencode"
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mrcatmann, jgmac1106, [jgmac1106], [tantek], [frank] and [grantcodes] joined the channel
[schmarty] joined the channel
edited /Micropub-extensions (+13) "/* Implementations */"
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edited /Micropub-extensions (+403) "/* Query for Supported Properties/Queries */"
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jacki and [mapkyca] joined the channel
[aaronpk] joined the channel
edited /Events (+62) "/* October */ more cities for HWC 2019-10-02! And no HWC Brighton this week"
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De demo's van IndieWebCamp Amsterdam zijn zojuist begonnen. Livestream op https://zoom.us/j/6312221690 @erwblo @gvenk
First demo at #IndieWebCamp Amsterdam is a look at improving the onboarding process for new #IndieWeb folks by improving the front page on the wiki, looking at how comfortable folks are with the technical skills that could be required
A demo from @aaronpk at #IndieWebCamp Amsterdam is to support unlisted posts - although they're easily guessable, that's by design
We're at #IndieWebCamp Amsterdam hearing about some tweaks @schmarty has done to move some external images to his own infra, and moving his likes out of the main feeds
We've got an incredibly meta set of likes and complements from @adactio at #IndieWebCamp Amsterdam, as well as putting any links interacted with into http://archive.org
Adding rel=canonical and pointing it to https was @t's #IndieWebCamp Amsterdam's first piece of work, but also looking at better RSVP Twitter POSSE with some emoji goodness from @anna_hax
We've just had @Sebsel share his dark mode, and unlisted functionality in his Micropub endpoint at #IndieWebCamp Amsterdam
#IndieWebCamp Amsterdam co-organiser @frankmeeuwsen is remote and telling us about his #IndieWeb blogging for the day
edited /Add_to_Calendar (+655) "add myself and my POSSE event tweet!"
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We've had some issues with IndieAuth on a WordPress subdirectory, and sending Authorization headers to DreamHost but @david_bryant has still made some good progress at #IndieWebCamp Amsterdam!
#indiewebcamp AMS #hackday second project: ✅ ➕ Add to Calendar links in Event POSSE tweets with emoji! https://twitter.com/t/status/1178308711942504448 See https://indieweb.org/Add_to_Calendar for why and how to. https://tantek.com/t52o2
As mentioned at #IndieWebCamp Amsterdam, I haven't quite yet got Meetup syndication from http://brid.gy - but hopefully I'll be able to show it off other the next couple of days!
Maya has achieved her expectations and started her blog at #IndieWebCamp Amsterdam! http://caroflage.wordpress.com https://t.co/hfV7CooTmT
Events and RSVPs are now being owned by @anna_hax #IndieWebCamp Amsterdam - check it out at https://annadodson.co.uk/events/
We've also had a blog post from @ton_zylstra about the #IndieWeb, without even mentioning the term IndieWeb - clever stuff done at #IndieWebCamp Amsterdam
edited /Falcon (+78) "got Add to Calendar supported on Event tweets!"
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#indiewebcamp AMS #hackday first project done: ✅ rel=canonical links from http permalinks to https permalinks See https://indieweb.org/rel-canonical for why and how to. - Tantek https://tantek.com/2019/272/t1/indiewebcamp-hackday-canonical-https, see more http://tweetedtimes.com/topic/RWW/semantic-web?s=tnp
List of Amsterdam participants with public Web presences https://indiewebcamp.nl/participants-amsterdam-2019/
Participants in IndieWebCamp Amsterdam 2019
jgmac1106, [jgmac1106], jjuran, [Marten], [grantcodes], [frank], [Rose], [tantek], [aaronpk] and [schmarty] joined the channel
Amsterdam, #indieweb, and #viewsource friends, join us at The Jitterbug Saloon! Opened it up with @schmarty @sebandeweg @neb @aaronpk and expecting @adactio soon. Taking over tables in the back, plenty of room https://foursquare.com/v/the-jitterbug-saloon/5bf1c1521cf2e1002c48cce4 https://tantek.com/t52o3
It's a wrap at #IndieWebCamp Amsterdam. Some after event notes for @frankmeeuwsen @frank@me.frankmeeuwsen.xyz to take into account for next editions. #IndieWeb (https://www.zylstra.org/blog/2019/09/indiewebcamp-amsterdam-after-event-notes/)
[tonz], jgmac1106, [sebsel] and [aaronpk] joined the channel
gwg when you get a chance can you just make a checklist of supplies we will need? Maybe make a section on the planning wiki
Did we ever figure out what we had in terms of power?
edited /Micropub-extensions (+190) "/* Visibility */"
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They were well equipeed but I will email Melanie and ask about extension cords or bringing them. Power strips always a plus, more the merrier, might even offer half off your free ticket if folks bring one
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
jgmac1106 joined the channel
edited /2019/Amsterdam (+348) "/* Blog Posts */"
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jgmac1106 joined the channel