#meta 2019-10-10

2019-10-10 UTC
[tantek] did you upload the day one img?
what do people feel about a "Hey this is the last time you will hear from us by email and we wanted to say thank you for coming. We encourage you to publish photos or posts to youe websites. Especially the new domains..."
beyond tellerrand does that and I like it
...if you share with the #indieweb hashtag by Friday 12 PST you can make this weeks newsletter
okay will draft one tonight
that last part isn't quite true
I know...
you need to do a *little* more than that
you could say if you share your post on twitter with the #indieweb hashtag...
I know didn't want to crowd chat with total draft
or link to the instructions for https://news.indieweb.org/en/submit
ohh cool idea
or encourage people to just drop a link to their post in chat
That ^^^
gonna give all the options in a nice bulleted list
[jgmac1106] re day 1 photo, did you check the usual place? ;)
oops thought I deleted that didn't mean to send, will go, hoping you rocked the names in the alt text so I can check my own day one photo
dougbeal| joined the channel
Nah both have just the number of people which is ok for alt txt
Names are better visible to all
Eg photo person tagging etc
yeah I did rows for figcaptions...really was just looking for everyone's name in the photo
I have no keynote photos,
!tell jgmac1106 to add to wiki debriefing need to make sure have person taking photos during keynotes
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[schmarty] joined the channel
!tell jgmac1106 before you send make sure to mention upcoming IndieWeb meetup in nyc oct 19. Link to indieweb.nyc. I'd like to have a shot at editing the draft if that's okay!
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
Sounds like a good reason to use an ether pad to write the draft [jgmac1106] [schmarty]
Marty feel free to take the lead be nice to get it out tonight
[jgmac1106]: [schmarty] left you a message 2 minutes ago: before you send make sure to mention upcoming IndieWeb meetup in nyc oct 19. Link to indieweb.nyc. I'd like to have a shot at editing the draft if that's okay!
Not able to tonight. Class til 10pm
[dmitshur] joined the channel
okay I will start a pad and get a draft going, didn't know you were back in school, good luck
got Day One of photos done...too tired to finish will add day two in the morning https://jgregorymcverry.com/iwcnyc2019 trying to do that whole photo storytelling thing
and haven't optimized images yet
..and really need to fix my footer ..tomorrow, night all
Like: Following People or Feeds in the #IndieWeb #mb #DoOO #edtechchat #literacies | Brad Enslen #indieweblife https://ramblinggit.com/2018/12/like-following-people-or-feeds-in-the-indieweb-mb-dooo-edtechchat-literacies/
created /consent_screen (+202) "prompted by [tantek] and dfn added by aaronpk"
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edited /consent_screen (+99) "aaronpk added "https://www.oauth.com/oauth2-servers/authorization/the-authorization-interface/" to "See Also""
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gRegorLove and [Rose] joined the channel
edited /events/2019-10-16-homebrew-website-club (+80) "/* San Francisco */ fix time, add my indie RSVP"
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[tonz], [Michael_Beckwit and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
created /multiple_languages (+34) "prompted by [tantek] and redirect added by [tantek]"
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gRegorLove and [Lewis_Cowles] joined the channel
Cet après-midi à #ParisWeb, je vous parlerai de #POSSE, un des principes clefs de @indiewebcamp ! (•_•) <) )╯Always / \ \(•_•) ( (> Own / \ (•_•) <) )> Your Platform / \
↩️ @nhoizey @indiewebcamp J’aurais tellement aimé être là... une pensée pour toi Nicolas !
dude joined the channel
[Rose] and [grantcodes] joined the channel
[pawel_madej], [pfefferle], [chrisbergr], jeremych_, [Lewis_Cowles] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
created /Bise (+243) "prompted by jeremycherfas and dfn added by jeremycherfas"
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edited /Bise (+72) "Adding link to stub"
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[Rose] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] GWG pretty sure we do have advice on our Organizing an IndieWebCamp page that says to designate a volunteer as a photographer
Thinking should be volunteer(s) so you aren't just photographing. But glad its already noted
[tonz], [JHSheridan], dopplergange, [grantcodes] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
#ParisWeb La première étape quand on est dans une démarche Indieweb c'est d'avoir sa propre url, son nom de domaine.
↩️ @nhoizey Première étape de l'indieweb : posséder et contrôler son URL. #ParisWeb
↩️ "Et voilà, on a POSSE - Publish (on your) Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere. Vous pouvez trouver des principes de POSSE sur http://indieweb.org" #ParisWeb
.@nhoizey Super intéressante ta conférence #ParisWeb sur le côté éphémère des plateformes de publication/syndication de contenus ! Merci à toi et à la démarche #POSSE #PESOS :D #webcontent #reseauxsociaux #socialnetworks #dataprivacy #indieweb
created /User:Beko.famkos.net (+842) "Add user page for "Beko Pharm""
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Very Primitive #Indieweb: I've made videos for understanding some patterns in learning the times tables, and shared them and the PPTX I used to make them (except when I couldn't find it). Now to continue learning enough JavaScript for quizzes :) #mtbos
[tantek] joined the channel
!tell schmarty, tantek here is the draft of post email: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/postnycemail Marty it should be saved in ti.to for you already
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[Lewis_Cowles] and [schmarty] joined the channel
ok! i did some edits to etherpad. a few placeholders to fill in.
[schmarty]: [jgmac1106] left you a message 11 minutes ago: here is the draft of post email: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/postnycemail Marty it should be saved in ti.to for you already
gRegorLove joined the channel
!tell tantek: did you get a group photo at IWC NYC Friday social? i'd love to add it to the final IWC NYC mailing if you're okay with that!
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
Au passage, cette page listant mes confs utilise la technique #PESOS d’@indiewebcamp : - Je saisi les données dans l’excellent @benotist - Notist met à disposition un JSON des données : https://noti.st/nhoizey.json - Je l’intègre dans mon site généré avec @jekyllrb #ParisWeb
[schmarty] thought I did and uploaded but now I’m not sure
[tantek]: [jgmac1106] left you a message 27 minutes ago: here is the draft of post email: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/postnycemail Marty it should be saved in ti.to for you already
[tantek]: [schmarty] left you a message 5 minutes ago: did you get a group photo at IWC NYC Friday social? i'd love to add it to the final IWC NYC mailing if you're okay with that!
i remembered one being taken but don't see it on your site or the wiki
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
ooh found it
uploadlog has 1 karma over the last year
edited /2019/NYC/Photos (+673) "+ friday social, sat/sun group photos"
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brighton is so soooon!
↩️ @Kheltdire @CarineReignault @Nissone @judbd Je (et IndieWeb) ne parle pas du métier ou de la pratique, plus de l’objectif du projet.
[arush] joined the channel
!tell tantek,jgmac1106,tmiller,gwg finished up my pass on the post-IWCNYC email draft at https://etherpad.indieweb.org/postnycemail please give your thoughts by, say, 4PM Eastern today (2019-10-10)
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
Wow I did upload the Friday photos cool
[tantek]: [schmarty] left you a message 22 minutes ago: finished up my pass on the post-IWCNYC email draft at https://etherpad.indieweb.org/postnycemail please give your thoughts by, say, 4PM Eastern today (2019-10-10)
[manton], [tonz], [Will_Monroe], dougbeal| and [tmiller] joined the channel
[schmarty] draft looks good
[tmiller]: [schmarty] left you a message 2 hours, 48 minutes ago: finished up my pass on the post-IWCNYC email draft at https://etherpad.indieweb.org/postnycemail please give your thoughts by, say, 4PM Eastern today (2019-10-10)
[schmarty] joined the channel
[tmiller]++ thanks for the review!!
[tmiller] has 11 karma in this channel over the last year (12 in all channels)
[schmarty] been reviewing and making small tweaks, commas and such
tantek++ thanks! give me a heads-up when you're satisfied 😄
tantek has 48 karma in this channel over the last year (124 in all channels)
[fluffy] joined the channel
[schmarty] who was the sponsor for Saturday bagels?
& coffee?
do we have a URL for ReVIEW Talent Feedback System ?
made a few additions including a final P.S. reminder of last email from their sign-up and to sign-up for the newsletter to stay in touch with a direct link
review also sponsored bagels afaik
i sponsored coffee :shushing_face:
And now I want to put a Donate link in the bottom of the newsletter
to the Open Collective
good idea! arush was asking about how to donate for post-IWC things like video transcription
I remember this design detail from Scott Thomas from his work on the Obama campaign
Did we spend any Open Collective $? if so we should thank our Open Collective donors!
yes, that's the wording i meant. Open Collective sponsored bagels and fruit. :}
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
tantek++ great edits! thanks for adding the upcoming IWCs!
haha no need to name me for the coffee. let's lump it in with Open Collective
(i donate to the open collective, too!)
haha you're faster than me Marty 🙂
i had been typing those URLs out recently for the other mailings
they were on the mind 😄
↩️ Damned. Pourquoi est-ce que LA conf que je voulais voir était en même temps que celle que je présentais ?
Ok I think that's looking pretty good. I can't think of what else would be necessary or interesting to add to the email
reviewtalentfeedback.com is the the url, sorry can't help. Wife left for work so I got cherub duty till bedtime
[jgmac1106]: [schmarty] left you a message 3 hours, 29 minutes ago: finished up my pass on the post-IWCNYC email draft at https://etherpad.indieweb.org/postnycemail please give your thoughts by, say, 4PM Eastern today (2019-10-10)
↩️ Arf, c’est toujours comme ça ! La tienne m’aurait bien intéressé aussi. Heureusement que @ParisWeb fait bien les choses, avec l’enregistrement!
is now micro-copy-editing the email 😂
My only advice, and something I missed, your CTA should be in first sentence
But it's good enough... Sometimes over editing leads to longer copy and no one reads long email... Perfect always ruins good
totally disagreed about CTA first sentence
your first sentence should be thanking and recognizing the participatn
always. always recognize the human other person first. by name. Dale Carnegie 101
Yeah maybe right. Thinking too much drip campaign email marketing
In terms of work (off topic) always put ask in first sentence... At least with my colleagues
will update with ReVIEW url
and will ship this!
this looks great
we should archive this (wherever we are archiving the emails we send out for camps) as an example to re-use from for future IndieWebCamps!
i don't think we have a standard place, but that's a good idea
i've posted the ones i've sent for summit on my own website
that's fine too, as long as we have a discoverable place that links to them
what is indiewebcamp organizing
IndieWebCamp Organizing is a great way to bring together your local IndieWeb community, yet is also quite challenging, requires co-organizers, and key details to succeed that are documented in this page https://indieweb.org/IndieWebCamp_Organizing
aaronpk can you link to them in an Examples section here? https://indieweb.org/message-before-iwc
edited /IndieWebCamp_Organizing (+287) "add After section"
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edited /message-before-iwc (+70) "/* Examples */"
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edited /IndieWebCamp_Organizing (+48) "merge Afters"
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@schmarty when you're done, could you save the message in https://indieweb.org/message-after-iwc or clone https://indieweb.org/message-before-iwc and insert the message somewhere?
[tantek] did you want me to add an Open Collective CTA at the end?
nah, the newsletter sign-up is enough IMO
sounds good!
but then we should add an Open Collective CTA at the end of the newsletter
I'd rather we focus on retention in our "last message" so that's what they're left with if they never sign-up again, than asking for $
whereas a newsletter is an ongoing relationship and in that context I think it makes more sense
Oooh I've got mail!
I wonder who it's from? /bluesclues
gosh that reads so well. thanks so much for driving this [schmarty] ++
dopplerg- joined the channel
edited /message-after-iwc (+3970) "create from 2019-10-10 IWC NYC after-camp email"
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jgmac1106++ thanks for kicking that email off. and thanks for the edits tantek++
jgmac1106 has 52 karma in this channel over the last year (110 in all channels)
tantek has 49 karma in this channel over the last year (125 in all channels)
and thanks for the review tmiller++ !
that won't work.
schmarty++ but this will tmiller++
tmiller has 12 karma in this channel over the last year (13 in all channels)
schmarty has 36 karma in this channel over the last year (73 in all channels)
is pretty sure he was the first to do the double karma post :D
and it surprised aaronpk 😂
edited /message-after-iwc (+42) "[schmarty] added "[[message-before-iwc]]" to "See Also""
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Wow seeing email it is amazingly beautiful
aw i didn't get it because i didn't attend
nice followup email schmarty++ jgmac1106++ tmiller++
tmiller has 13 karma in this channel over the last year (14 in all channels)
Hmmm maybe every email should be a blog post...just lile every newsletter I don't want
dougbeal: the multikarma ways are a mystery
oh, max 2?
schmarty++ RE: nice followup email jgmac1106++
schmarty has 37 karma in this channel over the last year (74 in all channels)
jgmac1106 has 53 karma in this channel over the last year (111 in all channels)
one at the beginning and one at the end, as you have discovered!
[schmarty] I think if you wanted to blog that email on behalf of the organizers it would be totally appropriate
y'all put in a lot of work. totally worth blogging about it
i am doing a blog post now for my own posterity, haha.
that was too much writing not to put it on the web 😄
schmarty has 38 karma in this channel over the last year (75 in all channels)
The ussrname changes for karma gonna take some getting used to
Marty read email again... It is so good. Thank you
haha, yeah! thank you for kicking that off. and for all your work on venue and much more!
On another note gwg, [arush] didn't get to video today top of list for tomorrow
Thanks to everyone who made last weekend's #IndieWebCamp NYC a success! I still need to write up my personal takeaways, but here's a quick recap. http://mmg.re/52zMVs
edited /Special:Log/upload () "uploaded a new version of "[[File:2019-277-iwc-nyc-social.jpg]]""
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ooh, having some intermittent trouble (timeouts, 404s from nginx) trying to edit indieweb.org (attn aaronpk)
bavk in about 15 mins
was bad for a minute or two. snappy and functional now. 🤷
hmm. do we have a template for embedding tweets?
don't think so
(spoke too soon; gateway timeout)
looks like we have Template:twitter-link to link to profiles.
Not sure if we can do inline <script> in templates? If so we could make a template for it
thinking about how to put in tweets from IWC NYC. probably just gonna use the citation template.
edited /2019/NYC/Demos (+4127) "archive from chat logs, video link"
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deleted /File:2019-277-iwc-nyc-social.jpg "Deleted old revision 20191010214749!2019-277-iwc-nyc-social.jpg"
gRegorLove++ wowow
gRegorLove has 27 karma in this channel over the last year (51 in all channels)
Thought that'd be helpful if the email linked to it
you are extremely correct and i am very grateful for your quick editing!!
edited /2019/NYC (+1681) "/* Blog posts */ +wrap-up post, collect some of jgmac1106 short notes"
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Wow everyone demod on day 2!!! That might be a first!
Also *everyone* had a personal site that was also https!
10 for 10!!!
Pretty sure those are also firsts
Wait different than the photo. How’d that happen
doug demoed remotely and ... josephine didn't demo?
Just figure that out. Yes
Josephine has to leave early
ah right!
edited /Test (-47) "test"
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I don't see anything wrong with the server?
hm something was up. I think network glitches at linode
[fluffy] joined the channel
created /WCUS2019 (+752) "Created page with "<div class="h-event vevent"> <span class="p-summary description">'''<dfn class="p-name summary">WordCamp US 2019</dfn>''' is the North American national WordPress event <abbr...""
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