#meta 2019-11-04

2019-11-04 UTC
Following @adders. h/t to @macgenie and the micromonday podcast. I wonder how IndieWeb specific his version of journalism is? https://boffosocko.com/2019/11/03/following-adam-tinworth/
#PuxlTour19 Thanks for sharing with us your broad knowledge about #IndieWeb, David Shanske (@dshanske). It will help us a lot. #WCUS #STL #A11Y #WebDesign #AccessibilityFirst #framework
[fluffy] and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
↩️ Perhaps you might borrow set up of Homebrew Website Club so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel? You can change the name to something like #DoOO or Domains Meetup. Like @jgmac1106 indicated I’m happy to help remotely as well. https://boffosocko.com/2019/11/03/reply-to-cathie-leblanc-about-hwc/
↩️ You have to check out what we are doing with the @goifoundation and our #oer #IndieWeb network http://goifnetwork.org (trying to organize small conference 2-3k) if you know of microgrants please let us know. Huge wikipedia team (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/1SODwm)
dmcweeney joined the channel
I think I'm finally getting the hang of this Webmention stuff. Made some test posts and saw them show up on some other sites. Neat! #indieweb
[asuh], gRegorLove_, [chrisaldrich], [manton] and [fluffy] joined the channel
edited /events/2019-11-06-homebrew-website-club (+119) "more cities next week"
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maxwell joined the channel
edited /next-hwc (+0) "next! this month!"
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created /wcus (+43) "r"
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tomasparks, [schmarty] and [frank] joined the channel
edited /Template:Homebrew_Website_Club (+54) "add 11-16 for NYC"
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gRegorLove_ and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
edited /comments (+139) "/* Comments Embeds */"
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↩️ This seems to be a bit of a thing at the moment - for web-based stuff rather than FB/newsletters, Kicks Condor has been collecting lots of personal wikis, link directories, old-school blogrolls, 'indieweb' sites: https://www.kickscondor.com
edited /User:Jgregorymcverry.com (+261) "/* Done */ adding nav changes"
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[jeremycherfas], petermolnar, [KevinMarks] and [chrisbergr] joined the channel; petermolnar left the channel
Human life expectancy is ~80. A company's life expectancy ~15 yrs. As companies fold they'll take your data down with them. You can use platforms, but also having your own 'mothership' to host original material is ~5x more sustainable #indieweb https://www.zylstra.org/blog/2019/11/10804/
[LewisCowles] joined the channel
Correction: this is why we should not centralize ourselves around US-based services and build our own. #indieweb is the way, let these retards please whatever government they work for
strugee, [grantcodes], ecrosstexas and [Inigo_Garcia] joined the channel
IndieWeb Meetup this week in Austin! Wednesday at Mozart’s Coffee, 6:30pm. Stop by to chat about the open web and the upcoming IndieWebCamp. ☕
[KevinMarks], camelotbob, emraeshine and jjuran joined the channel; camelotbob left the channel
gRegorLove_, [jgmac1106], [qubyte] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
created /Kinja (+199) "prompted by [chrisaldrich] and dfn added by [chrisaldrich]"
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edited /Kinja (+141) "[chrisaldrich] added "https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/a359gz/go-media-says-its-deleting-all-personal-kinja-pages-amid-deadspin-reader-revolt" to "See Also""
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gRegorLove_ joined the channel
Issues with Kinja? http://IndieWeb.org has some useful ideas/solutions including backup for the possible site-death: https://indieweb.org/archival_copy. @palewire's http://savemy.news can help you quickly archive your pages. @karenkho @oppositelock1 @xor https://boffosocko.com/2019/11/04/55757108/
[tonz] joined the channel
edited /Kinja (+178) "expanded definition; see also: site deaths"
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amimDiscord[m] joined the channel
edited /site-deaths (+497) "Kinja personal sites may be taken down soon"
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edited /2020 (+90) "early registration open, add yourself to volunteers here"
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17 yrs ago today I started blogging. Some reflections on my tech advocacy (#indieweb #indiewebcamp #techpledge #infosec #ethicsbydesign and more) in the past yr. (https://www.zylstra.org/blog/2019/11/17-years-of-blogging/)
[manton], [Jeannie], [chrisaldrich], [fluffy], [chrisbergr] and [tantek] joined the channel
what is Kinja?
Kinja is a network of user pages maintained by G/O media primarily for commenting on sites like The A.V https://indieweb.org/Kinja
edited /Kinja (+31) "explicit p-summary"
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[jgmac1106] you have "hotel" spam on your principles post
how did that come in? via pingback? or webmention? can you tell?
also, [jgmac1106] where was the "principles" discussion that you mention in your blog post? you didn't link to it in the archives so I can't see the context of what you're reacting to
[bradleyallen] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
The web needs the IndieWeb, and more movements like it are needed for the greater internet https://indieweb.org/
created /fraidycat (+994) "Created page with "Fraidycat is a browser extension for Firefox or Chrome created by [https://www.kickscondor.com/ Kicks Condor]. Use it to follow people (hundreds) on whatever platform they cho...""
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Will look. That's an archive link i dug up that may fall into category of "this is what I believed at time of publish" in terms of spam..dunno will hunt down
[jgmac1106] also we did spend a bunch of time at this at Organizers Summit, did you completely forget that? Pretty sure you were there in the room on discussion of how to improve /principles to be more broadly applicable
Probably. Maybe. I dunno... Will look at dates of publish compare to Summit once home and kids in bed
goodness sakes it was last year. and YOU were the one that proposed the session!!! https://indieweb.org/2018/Organizers#IndieWeb_principles_split_and_reorg
That !!! is in the tone of 😂😂
I mean at least link to your own previous work on the subject 😄
Yeah just been a rough day losing all my kids data. Put me more in an unproductive funk for the day
awww sorry to hear that
you do still have the database right?
Have the database... Have internet archive. Just work
did other folks already offer to help with manual export of the database into an interchange format?
best bet might be to export into the blog interchange / archive format that [manton] came up with
But will track down that info tonight... Hoping... Known doesn't have best data storage system...
which would require writing a script to run on the database, but likely worth it
that's worth talking directly to [benatwork] about
I'm sure he's thought about how to export one's data from a raw Known database
I'm sure he's had to do it himself!
anyway if I can help with brainstorming recovery / recreating strategies, I'm here for you
Yeah bat signals out...g2g head home now. Will look at posts tonight
cool. I'll ping benwerd about it myself as well. having tools like this for a CMS is kinda key
jeremycherfas joined the channel
I'd love to see more support of the blog archive format. It's basically just an index.html with MF2 + a JSON Feed + folder of images or other supporting files, all zipped up.
what is blog archive format
gRegorLove: [tantek] left you a message 2 days, 6 hours ago: since you're capturing/documenting various upcoming HWCs, there's Barnsley coming up on 11/21: https://getdoingthings.com/blog/homebrew-website-club-barnsley-5/
It looks like we don't have a page for "blog archive format" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "blog archive format is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[manton] do you have a one pager on the BAF somewhere at least a blog post we can point to?
what is blog archive?
It looks like we don't have a page for "blog archive" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "blog archive is ____", a sentence describing the term)
blog archive format is a data format proposed by {{manton}} for the export of a blog, based on a zip file and top level HTML [[h-feed]] inside, that is supported by [[micro.blog]]. Original proposal: https://www.manton.org/2017/11/24/blog-archive-format.html
created /blog_archive_format (+286) "prompted by gRegorLove and dfn added by [tantek]"
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created /blog_archive (+32) "prompted by gRegorLove and redirect added by gRegorLove"
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map << Animated (click to play) map archive page of travel: https://adactio.com/archive/2019/10/map (and backstory: https://adactio.com/journal/16058)
Jeremy Keith
ok, I added "Animated (click to play) map archive page of travel: https://adactio.com/archive/2019/10/map (and backstory: https://adactio.com/journal/16058)" to the "See Also" section of /maps https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=66144&oldid=65817
[Jeannie] joined the channel
edited /follow (+520) "/* Follow posts */ agreed rhiaro use-cases, add POSSEing subsection with link to Bridgy Publish feature request"
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ecrosstexas joined the channel
ok backronym time
What is POSSE?
POSSE is an abbreviation for Publish (on your) Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere, a content publishing model that starts with posting content on your own domain first, then syndicating out copies to 3rd party services with permashortlinks back to the original on your site https://indieweb.org/POSSE
edited /follow (+279) "/* Greg McVerry */ noting the move of my follow posts"
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... syndication usually <M…> ?
(or unusually)
nah instead of a slight variant it should be a reference that re-uses some meaning of "Possum"
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
publish own site, syndicate unless mortal...
(I tried)