#meta 2019-12-02

2019-12-02 UTC
[tantek] joined the channel
GWG, I’d say top priority is 1. getting the two IWC Berlin2 keynotes punished (as separate videos), then 2. intros, then 3. Hackday demos, then everything else (as separate session videos)
The session videos, save two, are up as they don't usually get editing.
I have a audio plus screen version of Yulia's keynote set up.
[tantek]: That is a priority for IWC SF?
I just finished, with the help of a family member, testing the upgrades to the equipment for IWC SF
[fluffy] joined the channel
To address the feedback, I got an inexpensive wireless microphone that I can place at the podium as well as a second microphone that can feed into the HDMI recorder
The tests came out well.
So, the next recordings will be even better
GWG, priority to get them done before IWC SF so they’re not part of a backlog that always raises the bar for having them ever get done
Great to hear about the sessions! I forgot to check /2019/Berlin2/Schedule for links!
How about Teresa’s keynote?
I can upload a version of it and iterate on it later. I'm not sure I can merge all the pieces together, as I've never done that, quickly.
What pieces?
There were 3 sources.
1. The video camera in the back.
3. The HDMI recorder coming out of Teresa's laptop.
2. The audio recorder on the podium
So, the best audio probably came from the audio recorder. The video of the podium is good quality. And the HDMi recorder picked up her screen.
I've never merged two videos together in post production, as my experience is mostly audio.
So, I may have to ask for help on that.
Due the time crunch.
I want to practice that.
Also, the two sessions that didn't fully record, I have to figure out what to do with the partial sessions.
if you have adobe premiere or final cut pro it takes only a few minutes
aaronpk: I don't either run on Linux
I have a friend who is otherwise a Linux user who told me that he keeps a Windows computer to do his video production.
yeah, the tools aren't quite there on linux yet
I need to figure out what to use that will work for me.
strugee joined the channel
GWG: looks like kdenlive can do it
aaronpk: I started playing with kdenlive.
[schmarty] joined the channel
Anyone know if you can replace an archive.org video later?
Hmm...looks like you can.
Okay. I may need help. I just crashed twice. Maybe watch some how to videos.
for audio replacement and simple video compositing, ffmpeg can do all that stuff
it lets you build up fairly complex input/output graphs
not that I recommend it, mind you, but it’s an option 🙂
[fluffy]: Yes, just not sure I can learn how to do that in the next 72 hours
cramjaDiscord[m] and mblaney joined the channel
can it sync multiple tracks by matching up audio? That's the trick
mblaney joined the channel
not automatically, I don’t think
there are probably helper tools to do that but I’d have no idea where to find them
edited /National_Blog_Posting_Month (+69) "/* IndieWeb Examples */ +2019"
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oof adding an entry to a wiki calendar is not intuitive
that + this fixed width on the wiki :(
like I'm tempted to have each day linked to a sub heading below the calendar :/
edited /2019-12-indieweb-challenge (+66) "add scheduled post about things on 1 dec 2019"
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[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
Reaper DAW will run on Linux and can handle video well, but the learning for video is steep.
[Rose], [KevinMarks], jeremych_, jeremycherfas, [tantek], skillman623Disco, gorhgorh[m]1, M0zAND1zDiscord[, AXEL-Lee[m], drbh[m], gauthamDiscord[m, KarlDiscord[m], pierreboc[m], TeamIanDiscord[m, JaoheahDiscord[m, wcharginDiscord[, Keegen[m], NastyEbilPiwateD, JustMaierDiscord, gregjeanmartDisc, silent_ActivistD, PeevesDiscord[m], carstenmunkDisco, yabirgbDiscord[m, CatManDoooDiscor, thomasbDiscord[m, olizillaDiscord[, tadpole256Discor, flower88Discord[, CantiTurtleCoinD, peatDiscord[m], Giyomu[m], SmileRobotDiscor, iKonixxDiscord[m, NatoBoramDiscord, chmanieDiscord[4, oed3[m], oed3Discord[m], LethalLadders041, Tianyi[m]1, Lilz|BetaMe[m], sacha[m], matschafferDisco, Canti0001[m], mikeal[m], Hsiu-PingNichola and buztedDiscord[m] joined the channel
Jacky it is a deliberate copy editing design challenge 😜
You should see how hard I custom tweaked entries for days for last year’s calendar to make them minimal, fit nicely and still have a meaningful summary
Useful point: check last year’s (and year before) for copy edit patterns you can re-use :)
Separately, wondering if it’s worth renaming the challenge a bit to better communicate its focus / intent / purpose
Since it’s already being misinterpreted/ confused with 100 days style projects
Something like IndieWeb Gifting Challenge maybe
To better clarify that no it is not just about your own site
edited /National_Blog_Posting_Month (+55) "/* IndieWeb Examples */"
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Gifting, as a word, happens to be a personal pet peeve of mine, but don't let that stop you.
Other suggestions welcome
Trying to come up with a short word or phrase to make it clear it’s not about you, it’s about work/service for other people
Giving sounds like a donation drive
That's what giving is. Transferring something from yourself to others.
A financial donation drive
Eg “giving campaign”
Which this is not
Now likely to be a gifting campaign.
Anyway, I'm not going to put up a fight.
The two words are very different
Bad framing. It’s not a fight. It’s brainstorming
And one is, in my view, used far too often as a substitute for the other.
I think the IndieWeb Community Challenge doesn't sound too bad, it's clear that it's a group effort, and implies it is _for_ the community as well.
Bad framing: you tell me you don't like a word I like. Sounds like it is about more than framing. Tell me, instead, how gifting differs from giving, without nouns on either.
Contextual use I’ve seen has been quite different
I would point out, too, that the religious significance of advent is a secondary meaning. I could, for example, refer to the advent of the IndieWeb, referring to discussion between tantek and aaronpk that, in my understanding, lead to the ideas gaining traction.
Nah, this is about de-religioning the specific capitalized Advent
So, don't capitalize.
Not about the generic word advent
No because we want want the n days of December meaning specifically
Anyway, as I say, I am not going to insist that anyone else follow my usage.
Because as you point out the generic term is much more broad
Why did you choose December, I wonder?
Why does Advent happen in December?
That’s why
I could argue that you are trying to religionize IndieWeb Challenge.
Again, there are plenty of prior art for these kinds of projects (Eg 24days)
Yeah when you start phrasing with “could argue” then you’ve likely crossed over from useful discussion toward a goal to argument to argument sake so it’s the rest of the statement is best pruned
You want to piggyback on the idea of Advent in December, which is 25 days long if wee are going to be pedantic, without using the word advent and without sticking to the time limit. And I ask, why bother?
Yes we stared with 24 days long if you want to be pedantic but extended it because 24 wasn’t special to the community
Seems to be this season is also a time of giving gifts, so that's my own preference. But [Rose] has a good point about Community, which could also be at any time of year.
Because we were inspired by similar projects like 24days
If you don’t want to bother you don’t have to, that’s ok too
Since you’re asking lots of historical questions, I’ll redirect you to viewing the history of the first IndieWeb challenge (2017 I think) and its edit history and the chat archives around the time of its creation
Bad framing: it isn't a question of bothering. It is a question of whether and how I might be able to contribute, and you have already persuaded me that I am better off doing my own >7<101 days of challenge.
Great! Helping distinguish and better communicate these options will help folks choose what best works for them!
The other thing we have is 2020-01-01-commitments
created /2020-01-01-challenge (+35) "prompted by [tantek] and redirect added by [tantek]"
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created /2019-challenge (+35) "prompted by [tantek] and redirect added by [tantek]"
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I think “challenge” may be misimplying a “personal achievement” context to it (hence the more appropriate redirects to the commitments projects)
[Rose] how does the word “community” provide sufficient meaning to indicate you are making something *for* others, rather than just implying do something to be a part of something (which is true, yet loses the desired focus)
My automatic understanding would be something done (together) for a collective. But that's me.
That makes sense
Many things here are “too big” to just do alone, or are better done together
[LewisCowles], [manton] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Would anyone be up for helping with video editing till I can teach myself a Linux based tool?
till I learn Linux based video editing....so you need help forever?
yeah I can help
oryxshrine6555[m joined the channel
but that is for more live streaming, dunno about post production capabilities
GWG I really think you coudl do all the video editing necessary in either wevideo or screencastomatic which are web based
[jgmac1106]: I intend to do an edit regardless, I just don't want people to wait for me
So I will do a director's cut later
I would, but not this week. Just to busy with paid work that will not wait.
dougbeal|iOS, gRegorLove, [schmarty], [Ramiro_Ruiz], [grantcodes], [dougbeal], takev[m] and [Rose] joined the channel
edited /MediaWiki:Sidebar (+0) "next HWC!"
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edited /events/2019-12-04-homebrew-website-club (+1) "/* Nürnberg */ Europe is now in GMT+1"
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[jgmac1106] joined the channel
Woo hoo. Just met with person where Elm City Webmakers is moving. Have a local school that will provide free transportation.
Starting Jan 27th since first Monday of the year is Three Kings Day
[fluffy], kckasumi, [schmarty], testy, [tantek] and chrisaldrich joined the channel