LoqigRegorLove: [tantek] left you a message 1 minute ago: updated indiewebifyme PR looks great. just reviewed and approved. feel free to merge etc. hopefully that auto-deploys 🙂
[tantek]!tell aaronpk looks like there's multiple things broken with the Registrants / RSVPs display on https://2019.indieweb.org/sf - adactio and jensimmons aren't showing up, and it's not showing my name or icon either for my Indie RSVP (which has always worked for me before, haven't changed my permalink markup for a while either)
Loqiaaronpk: [tantek] left you a message 10 hours, 43 minutes ago: looks like there's multiple things broken with the Registrants / RSVPs display on https://2019.indieweb.org/sf - adactio and jensimmons aren't showing up, and it's not showing my name or icon either for my Indie RSVP (which has always worked for me before, haven't changed my permalink markup for a while either)
[tantek]no in the balance between publisher and consumer, the consuming code should be fixed first, rather than add an odd non-obvious requirement to publishers
[fluffy]Oh hey I just saw the discussion around the name. Yeah I feel like the current name is a problem and while I like the connotations of “gift” I don’t think calling it a “gift calendar” is huge improvement. But it’s better than the current name.
aaronpkok so I don't store the raw HTML that the event saw, but I do store the xray-parsed page. and it definitely did see an author URL property for the berlin RSVP
[fluffy]anyway when I think “advent calendar” I specifically think of a box where the gifts are planned out over the month and it’s opened up, like from the perspective of the giver, not of the recipient
[tantek]I'm fairly convinced that using those terms ("simply", "just", "easy") in speech tends to be an implied non-inclusive barrier to new folks in any community
[fluffy]Not that advent of code necessarily has anything to do with an IndieWeb thing, especially when the word “advent” hasn’t been even proposed in the context.
[fluffy]yeah, I just feel like it’s better if it’s not implied, and instead “hey I did this thing today and it benefits IndieWeb” is like a thing that can happen throughout the month
[fluffy]I love having daily releases throughout the month but at the same time I don’t like the implication that everyone should release one thing every day. That’s a recipe for burnout.
[tantek]alright I'm going to give it til tomorrow morning for other options/opinions and if nothing better has come up, going to do the rename tomorrow morning PST
[tantek]aaronpk, hmm, I'm not sure including challenge in the dfn is helpful (I think it may still cause too many misconceptions due to other uses of challenge in these sort of contexts). also one+ 🙂
[fluffy]okay so thinking about the scope of what qualifies as an IndieWeb gift has me wondering (per discussion in #indieweb-chat) if simply fixing a minor UX flaw in Authl qualifies. I felt that my Pushl and indieweb.js updates do because they actually solved interop problems with things that are easy/straightforward to use in a greater IndieWeb context, but Authl… not so much
[fluffy]like Authl *could* be used by anyone with a Python-based publishing stack (which is why it’s separate from Publ) but the thing I’d be fixing is just a minor UX gripe
tantek.comedited /2019-12-indieweb-challenge (+179) "reduce dfn use of challenge, clarify one or more, encouragement to use a personal commitment as a way to come up with ideas also" (view diff)