2019-12-04 UTC
ghjghjghjdgfhj, [davidmead], [KevinMarks] and [Ramiro_Ruiz] joined the channel; mblaney left the channel
[snarfed] and gRegorLove joined the channel
[fluffy] joined the channel
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
jjuran joined the channel
jjuran joined the channel
[LewisCowles], [LewisCowles]1, JellieDiscord[m], junyouDiscord[m], [KevinMarks], strep_viridans, jeremych_, [davidmead] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel; dindustriesDisco left the channel
# 14:05 [jgmac1106] gwg are the Berlin videos up in their best version? Gonna caption those as we are doing the NYC ones
# 14:05 GWG The sessions yes, still need help with the demos and intros
# 14:05 GWG I can upload them to that owncloud instance
[Rose] joined the channel
# 15:01 [Rose] It's designed as a structured challenge for programmers, I've done it for a few years now 🙂
jolvera, [fluffy], [email096] and chrisaldrich joined the channel
dougbeal|iOS and [schmarty] joined the channel
# 17:25 sknebel Advent of Code, the thing discussed immediately prior?
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
# 17:26 sknebel [Rose] completed for a few years? Respect, i've never stuck with it for more than two weeks
[snarfed] joined the channel
# 17:29 jjuran Would someone be interested in creating an IndieWeb leaderboard for Advent of Code?
# 17:31 Loqi Leaderboard has -1 karma over the last year
[Rose] joined the channel
gRegorLove, tbbrown and [fluffy] joined the channel
# 20:31 aaronpk chrisaldrich: i can give you this data if you want to look through it and publish some end-of-year karma stats :)
# 20:33 chrisaldrich aaronpk, I'm definitely up for that... and perhaps a useful community thing for the calendar?
# 20:34 chrisaldrich I'm definitely not surprised that a people-focused community gives most of it's karma to people themselves.
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
# 20:35 [jgmac1106] I like the days where you get karma but end the day with less as it expires
[manton], [schmarty] and [Rose] joined the channel
[tantek] joined the channel
# 23:20 GWG I am working on fixing syndication icons
# 23:21 GWG It's a surprisingly annoying matter
# 23:22 GWG I have a large icon set I update with a script
tbbrown joined the channel