2019-12-05 UTC
# 00:06 [tantek] In particular I thought I had started to gather examples of actual RSVP-like text replies on twitter as prior art to try to create a text-based RSVP design, and I don't remember anyone ever replying to any of my tweet events with "rsvp yes" or "rsvp no"
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# 00:23 [tantek] good thing about proposing a new syntax like that (as opposed to existing text patterns) is less chance of false positives
# 00:23 [tantek] also it maps very well to the existing property name and value
# 00:38 [tantek] I didn't touch my markup nor the embed code if you were asking that
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# 00:41 [tantek] Jeremy Keith and Jen Simmons tito tickets are not showing up still so no, the tito thing is not sorted
# 00:44 gRegorLove Yeah, I meant on the indieweb.org side. I'll take a look and see if there's anything I can do about the indie rsvp. Tito I'm not familiar with / don't have access to
# 00:53 [tantek] I still need to figure out what if anything I changed in my code or was it a regression in the mf2 parsing code that *.indieweb.org is using
# 01:06 gRegorLove Working on a fix for showing the indie rsvp photo and name if no author URL
# 01:06 [tantek] in general we should not be testing for property A in order to display property B
# 01:07 [tantek] e.g. if you want to conditionalized displaying property B, then test for property B directly!
# 01:07 [tantek] happy to review pull request. thanks for taking a look
# 01:16 [tantek] gregorlove, absent the author URL, might as well link the author image directly to the RSVP permalinks
# 01:26 aaronpk now none of that will show up if there isn't a name property
# 01:28 aaronpk which is the same problem as before, except now with the "name" property instead of the "url" property
# 01:29 [tantek] Yeah I tend to construct logic for these things differently with building up a string rather than PHP template style
# 01:30 [tantek] there may be no other solution other than to do all the combinations
# 01:30 [tantek] like start with adding an "else" clause for the name and then similar nested if else as the "if" clause for the name
# 01:33 gRegorLove wait. what should show in the name section if there's no name property?
# 01:35 aaronpk there are three properties: name, url, photo. that means all combinations of each need to be shown in some way
# 01:35 aaronpk name+url but no photo, name+photo but no url, photo+url but no name. only name, only url, only photo, all three
# 01:38 gRegorLove Ok, will redo. And yeah if you don't mind I may change it to build up the strings
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# 01:49 aaronpk it was not set to show the new "Free Ticket" type
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# 02:42 aaronpk as soon as that gets merged the missing RSVPs will appear ^^
# 02:46 Loqi gRegorLove has 31 karma in this channel over the last year (62 in all channels)
# 02:46 GWG gRegorLove: Shouldn't you be under Remote?
# 02:47 aaronpk oops indie RSVPs aren't grouped by remote or not remote
# 02:47 aaronpk it's hiding the tito registration because it found your indie RSVP
# 02:47 aaronpk which is the opposite for tantek where it's showing his tito registration because there is no url in his indie RSVP to match on
# 02:57 Loqi [gRegorLove] #108 Fix indie RSVP display
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# 16:00 [tantek] !tell [email096] 8:30 at Mozilla SF on Saturday would be great. I’m going to need help with getting coffee & breakfast snacks
# 16:00 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 16:04 [tantek] Also going to need help sorting supplies because I don’t have an IndieWeb “kit” And I’m too booked with other meetings etc to assemble one before Saturday morning :/
# 16:05 [tantek] Maybe GWG can help? GWG, are you bringing an IndieWebCamp kit to SF? I forgot what we discussed in Berlin
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
# 16:06 [tantek] I’m also going to need to source a supply of mini breakfast burritos (what’s called breakfast tacos in other places)
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# 16:59 GWG [tantek]: aaronpk was supposed to ship the stuff there and I was going to take it home
# 17:08 [email096] [tantek] I’ve got told. :-)
# 17:08 [tantek] also FWIW I have no idea where to get an order of say 2-3 dozen *small* breakfast burritos in SF on a Saturday morning.
# 17:17 [email096] They only place I know that could pull such an order off is a Guatemalan restaurant/bakery that’s open early on Saturday/Sunday. It’s really really good, but I’ll have to investigate the name and if it’s still in business. I don’t believe they have a presence online. I’ll ride out there today.
# 17:19 [tantek] whoa that would be amazing. also would be great to support a local small business like that especially one that doesn't otherwise have online presence
# 17:20 [email096] Exactly. That’s the way I (and my belly) think too.
# 17:27 [tantek] (bunch of IndieWeb references! worth IndieNewsing that 🙂 )
# 17:29 [KevinMarks] Isn't the ferry building farmer's market on saturday? Usually did stalls there
# 17:31 [tantek] single-american-sized-meal-servings. which are not "small" 🙂
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# 17:46 Loqi [aaronpk] good that's enough time for me to order new pins if we need
# 17:47 aaronpk well it's not too late for me to overnight something
# 17:48 aaronpk i assume i can ship to mozilla addressed to tantek?
# 17:55 aaronpk i can ship pronoun pins and stickers, and the whiteboard sheets too. anything else i should try to include?
# 17:56 GWG I should have asked again though, as it was Thanksgiving
# 17:58 GWG [tantek]: For sharpies, is there an office supply store near Mozilla or should I find some?
# 17:59 GWG aaronpk: The dry erase fine tips then?
# 17:59 GWG [tantek]: Where's the nearest office store just in case?
# 18:00 GWG aaronpk: I will leave room in my bag to take it home and keep as a kit for next time
# 18:00 GWG Do I need to go to a local place for badge stuff?
# 18:12 GWG I had to buy a new suitcase. My old one died en route back
# 18:26 [email096] Found them on yelp.
# 18:26 [email096] [tantek] Ok, I biked out there and hunted it down. Still in business (since 1983). It’s not a ‘breakfast burrito’ kind of place, and there’s zero vegetarian options. But... if someone who knew Spanish well could call them (no one there spoke English), many of their items could be made that way, especially their cute lil’ torta sandwiches. Family run place and yes they bake their own bread. Super legit and amazing. And they open at
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# 18:40 [tantek] GWG I think there’s still an OfficeMax downtown on 3rd street near Market. Just a few muni stops away
# 18:42 GWG I think we are only missing name tags then
# 18:42 aaronpk huh i am apparently out of the stickrs with "indiewebcamp" on them
# 18:53 aaronpk Ok well some stuff is gonna show up at Mozilla tomorrow Tantek
# 18:55 [email096] My interaction there really drove home that fact.
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# 19:07 Loqi aaronpk has 57 karma in this channel over the last year (201 in all channels)
# 19:07 [tantek] tomorrow is perfect, I will watch for it and ask mailroom for it
# 19:25 [tantek] TBH every California resident should be at least English/Spanish bilingual IMO
# 19:31 [email096] Agreed. And I used to be fluent enough to get by (Nicaraguan relatives) but I was feeling super rusty and we couldn’t meet each other half way. Mandarin places however I seem to do pretty well in. :-)
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