Loqimblaney: jgmac1106 left you a message 8 hours, 41 minutes ago: want to keynote IWC Online and talk about ihazawebsite? We can prerecord if the time shift is too much or simply shift the keynote time
@jeffpaul↩️ We should chat soon about IndieWeb stuff, as that’s on my (admittedly unpublished) 2020 list as well, would seem wise to see if we can tackle some things together (twitter.com/_/status/1214044917867130881)
@phirephoenixIt is definitely very Titanic deck chairs-y but I've been working a bunch of indieweb migrations and now my personal sites finally have proper TLS encryption (which were a pain to set up at my previous host, yes I know about LetsEncrypt) and I'm lowkey delighted about it (twitter.com/_/status/1214192811748331520)
[LewisCowles], pankajmendkiDisc and [Marlin_Forbes] joined the channel
[jgmac1106]!tell gwg, chrisaldrich I had an idea, why not do a live recording of your IndieWeb WordPress podcast as a keynote...if you could keep it to 20ish minutes
Loqi[davidmead]: [jgmac1106] left you a message on 2019-02-24 at 5:19pm UTC: anyone else remoting...do we have a jitsi room set up not relying on the bandwidth in Austin?
@bascht↩️ I think it's either self-hosting or bit-rot. None of those silos are there for longer than a VC deems them necessary. As a first step towards #indieweb -ifying my online presence I started to aggregate as much as I can onto my own domain. (twitter.com/_/status/1214277459140628482)
@bscht↩️ I think it's either self-hosting or bit-rot. None of those silos are there for longer than a VC deems them necessary. As a first step towards #indieweb -ifying my online presence I started to aggregate as much as I can onto my own domain. (twitter.com/_/status/1214277590040694786)
[schmarty], [jgmac1106], [anika] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
@bradenslenI have a theory that #indieweb #webmentions like we see on Wordpress, help excite Googlebot. Webmentions, between blogs encourage longer, more frequesnt replies/comments to a post. Googlebot responds to that added activity and text. Sample is limited tho. (twitter.com/_/status/1214303163089641473)
[schmarty]the major things i need from a co-organizer is ... accountability nudges to make sure we schedule new ones, coming to events, and sharing them out to your network as you are comfortable. nice-to-haves include scoping out potential venues and doing more expansive marketing.
jmacSo I have attended zero HWC events outside of the big portland summit in 2018 (which was great) and the medium-sized conference that [jgmac1106] held at Pace later that year
[schmarty]oh right! i am talking about smaller more frequent events. once per month would be great. twice per month amazing. meeting for ~2 hours (quiet writing hour + one hour for meetup).
LoqiHomebrew Website Club is a growing world-wide network of meetups for everyone who wants to take back their web experience from social media silos, and own their online identities & content, or just want support with blogging! https://indieweb.org/hwc
jmacSo naturally I'd like to attend one or two before committing to anything longer term but I invite you to consider me quite interested in being an ad-hoc co-organizer for those one or two.
jmacI am good at organizing stuff like this and full of all kinds of troublesome opinions. If all's you need is encouragement and gad flying I can do this.
jmacSure. Did you have a date (range) and venue in mind? My schedule is alarmingly clear after mid-month. I am, how you say, pre-employed at the moment
[schmarty]the meetups can be truly easy to organize but i get discouraged when i think i might end up alone. also i get really anxious trying to hold table space at coffee shops, so backup for that is very welcome.
[jeremycherfas]Further to this, why not ask people to do a lightning myurlis? A few questions, same for everyone. My site is ... because ... I use ... tools and the next thing I would like to do is ... [jgmac1106] [schmarty]
jmacDo you/we have any potential resources for venues? My wife works at Columbia (that is why I live in New York now) and I can ask if there are any spaces we could borrow for a small meeting
[schmarty]looks like Jan 22nd would be the next meetup date that matches with the "global" HWC (so we'd be on the same date as other cities), but I have a class that night. i could do something the evening of Tuesday the 21st.
[schmarty]i have a slack conversation open with some regulars so i will ping them and see what they think. [dmitshur] is a very reliable attendee, [mifga] attends pretty often, [tmiller] sometimes helps organize, and GWG makes the trip into the city on occasion.
[schmarty]in terms of location i have been suggesting places around NYU 'cuz i live in the area. we've hosted at Think Coffee on Mercer St, the one near 14th St and 8th Ave, and The Bean near St Marks/Astor Pl. i also did one in Brooklyn. i still haven't found a location i really like tho'.
jmacI'm 100% willing to follow your lead in terms of venue, and I love coffee shops. They give me concern that they'd be quite fast to outgrow if more than a handful show up though? (Which, good problem to have, I suppose)
[schmarty]jmac: i think the max i've seen is 5 so far! i bet we could get a lot more but i feel sort of chicken-and-egged on finding venues that accommodate more before i do outreach. also, i am not plugged in enough to groups in NYC that I know exactly where to start with outreach.
jmacHmm.... well, looking beyond January, *would* you (and others) be willing to consider upper Manhattan? Since ya boy is married into the Columbia community, I just might be able to find some larger accomodation.
[schmarty]basically what i bring to the table is i know how to edit the wiki and events site, i am a friendly face, happy to answer any questions about the indieweb, help people on their projects, and chat, and am diligent about the photo- and note-taking to document what everyone's been doing.
[dmitshur]Quick message cuz I’m busy right now and can’t catch up until later, but just want to quickly say I’m super excited for an HWC event at end of Jan and will definitely make it!
jmacI also know folks on NYUs faculty and can ask them what they know about spaces there. (They're all ex-MIT and can understand my hunger for just grabbing a classroom for dumb reasons now and again.)
[schmarty]my spouse could set us up with space as well. she has a whole lab, lounge, and classrooms in brooklyn which would make a perfect indiewebcamp space for a full weekend event.
[schmarty]i am less sure about just picking an NYU space for the more regular meetups, since i don't want to require people to RSVP for security desks if i can avoid it.
[schmarty]let's do! i'll ping the regulars and see how that looks. would you be able to make on one the afternoon of the 25th if other folks can't do the 21st?