#meta 2020-01-07

2020-01-07 UTC
[tantek]: how likely do you think IWC Berlin in August will be? I see just some +/-0s from you here https://indieweb.org/Planning#Berlin
oh sheesh I have to look that far into the future
I'm still coping with fallout from 2019
i'm in full planning mode right now trying to sketch out my whole 2020
I'd want to have at least one local co-organizer from MozBerlin, I think Emilio said he'd been willing to help but not sure he can plan that far in advance, plus the Berlin events have gone particularly well when we've had [Rose] co-organizing
!tell [Rose] can you add yourself to the Berlin planning dates with your preference? https://indieweb.org/Planning#Berlin and encourage others to do so as well!
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
aaronpk, you can help by adding yourself to at least the two candidate dates as well, even if you are purely neutral on each. and have you contacted Marc about doing a workshop at btconf Berlin?
no but good idea
(because presumably that could sway your IWC Berlin participation)
and that question has fewer dependecies
similarly for the other btconfs, doesn't hurt to ask (your workshops are quite popular if I recall)
edited /Planning (+156) "/* Berlin */"
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[jgmac1106], [schmarty] and ketudb joined the channel
benharri left the channel
↩️ A lot of things I post to Twitter start as notes on my blog so I host the content, but right now I don’t link back from the tweet to the note as I find it messy. #indieweb
What is original post link
An original post link is a hyperlink from a POSSE copy to its original indieweb post https://indieweb.org/original_post_link
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
GWG: [jgmac1106] left you a message 12 hours, 55 minutes ago: I had an idea, why not do a live recording of your IndieWeb WordPress podcast as a keynote...if you could keep it to 20ish minutes
!tell [schmarty] Unable to attend an HWC as out of town till March
[prtksxna], [Michael_Beckwit, jacky, gRegorLove and EakzIT joined the channel
Reminder that it's the first #HomebrewWebsiteClub Nottingham of the decade tomorrow! Hope to see some of you there for building / working on your personal websites https://www.jvt.me/events/homebrew-website-club-nottingham/2020/01/08/ (https://www.jvt.me/mf2/2020/01/6q29m/)
lahacker, Naptra, deathrow1, rmdes and mblaney joined the channel
indieweb thot: need a personal site thing that has more gui than jekyll and can facilitate better media posting. in the process of writing this i remembered forestry dot io and i think it is a viable solution. thank ted talk
[LewisCowles] joined the channel
Morgen ist es schon wieder soweit und der nächste Homebrew Website Club in Karlsruhe findet im @cafenun statt. Kommt vorbei und bastelt ab 18:30 Uhr mit uns an Euren Webseiten: https://events.indieweb.org/2020/01/homebrew-website-club-karlsruhe-VQbxB2HjzbDR #HWC #indieweb
rmdes, [jgmac1106] and [Rose] joined the channel
↩️ i have been doing a case study on #IndieWeb and how web standards emerge openly by using lens of innovation systems and system agent network theory. (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/1APCAv)
Say it ain't so. The #IndieWeb community clearly still values writing. Right?
mblaney left the channel
Hey #literacies, #digped, #DoOO, #femedtech, #oer, and #openpedagogy folks we are organizing @IndieWebCamp Online Feb 8-9th, https://events.indieweb.org/2020/02/indiewebcamp-online-gUpSVUxbUKhv join us and lets learn together on how to build a better social web. (https://jgregorymcverry.com/notes/2020-01-07-1)
Naptra and [tantek] joined the channel
↩️ i want to get normal people back into simple web publishing; a reboot from deep-complexity + mountain-of-abstractions. imo 'indieweb' means going way back and everyone publishing HTML and linking to each others stuff directly. Angelfire Mk II but one <$5/mo host per person
[LewisCowles], [KevinMarks], sergiomanrique and [snarfed] joined the channel
We’ve got an IndieWeb Meetup in Austin on Wednesday, 6:30pm at Mozart’s Coffee. It’s a time to ask questions, work on your own site, or chat about web standards and blogging. We’ll also discuss plans for IndieWebCamp Austin, coming up in February. https://2020.indieweb.org/austin
[schmarty] and [manton] joined the channel
It's too late now, but I think IWC Online and Austin are kind of close together, especially since there are no IWCs planned for April or May that I know about. (Looking forward to a future where there are _many_ more IWCs, almost every weekend like WordCamps, but until then spacing them out makes sense to me.)
Augmented my Known site with the integration of #Indieweb #PESOS (Publish Elsewhere, Syndicate on Your Own Site) through #IFTTT #webhooks originating from @Feedly and @getPocket.
The new events site is great, and I double-checked that and the wiki first before saying anything. 🙂
there may yet be an IWCNYC in April or May. i'm giving myself a couple more weeks to figure out the skeleton of it.
Nice! Good luck.
Getting messages every time I message on IndieWeb channels from loqi about spam protection - is there any way to get whitelisted, so I don't get restricted? 🙏
yeah it'd be great to space them out at least monthly
jamietanna[m]: are you on /chat-names already?
tho i can probably turn off the spam filter. there was a little blip yesterday and i was worried it was going to get worse
I am, but I think it's my non-matrix username so that's a good thing for me to try to update
yeah that'd do it
Excited to be speaking at the @CivicTechTO hacknight this evening. I’ll be talking about #IndieWeb. Event starts at 6:30 https://www.meetup.com/Civic-Tech-Toronto/ Also on: (https://jackjamieson.net/?p=74329)
[CrowderSoup] and gRegorLove joined the channel
↩️ Their effort was truly heroic and I can’t thank them enough. They deserve Web Heroes trophies. Maybe the #indieweb folks will create awards for pioneers such as these.
uploaded /File:transcript_interface.PNG "View of UI for encouraging podcast listeners to create transcriptions on Listen Notes. https://indieweb.org/File:transcript_interface.PNG"
[CrowderSoup] and [schmarty] joined the channel
[tantek] joined the channel
created /transcript (+4644) "stub; definition; examples; sessions; services; see also"
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created /transcription (+24) "redirect"
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created /transcribing (+24) "redirect"
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> Homebrew Website Club is a growing world-wide network of meetups for everyone who wants to take back their web experience from social media silos, and own their online identities & content, or just want support with blogging! Next up: 2020-01-15 — https://roderick.dk/2020/01/07/hwc-berlin-2020-01-15/
chrisaldrich, [schmarty] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
edited /moderation (+338) "/* Brainstorming */ moderation and restorative justice"
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[kimberlyhirsh], [Rose] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[manton] yeah the timing of IWC Online was due to organizers being overseas and having time....I think it will draw a different crowd....but more likely will lead to more remote participation in Austin
[jgmac1106]: We still need to talk about that more.
[davidmead] joined the channel
much more as dates get closer, called organizing
[LewisCowles] joined the channel
created /CCPA (+1886) "Created page with "{{stub}} <span class="p-summary">The '''[https://oag.ca.gov/privacy/ccpa <dfn>CCPA</dfn> (California Consumer Privacy Act)]''' is a sweeping new set of data privacy laws tha...""
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[snarfed] and [tantek] joined the channel
let's see if my RSVP worked
nope didn't show up
aaronpk, somehow the new events site doesn't like my RSVPs, which haven't changed
[Tantek Çelik] hosting Homebrew Website Club SF! 🗓 17:00 tomorrow (2020-01-08) 📍 @MozSF 🎟 RSVP & more: https://events.indieweb.org/2020/01/homebrew-website-club-san-francisco-5UBvPIXX0gi0 ✉️ Join us! @AnoukRuhaak @JackyAlcine @benwerd @dietrich @AndiGa...
that's my attempt at manually constructing an RSVP that sort of looks like an event post since I'm no longer posting indie events for the HWC SF events
[Tantek Çelik] hosting Homebrew Website Club SF! 🗓 17:00 tomorrow (2020-01-08) 📍 @MozSF 🎟 RSVP & more: https://events.indieweb.org/2020/01/homebrew-website-club-san-francisco-5UBvPIXX0gi0 ✉️ Join us! @AnoukRuhaak @JackyAlcine @benwerd @dietrich @AndiGa...
h-event rsvp:yes and in-reply-to: to the event URL - all there
!tell aaronpk could you check to see where the RSVP got dropped on events.indieweb.org? The webmention endpoint was discovered and the webmention was sent ok from my site as far as it could see
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
hmm will look
aaronpk: [tantek] left you a message 8 minutes ago: could you check to see where the RSVP got dropped on events.indieweb.org? The webmention endpoint was discovered and the webmention was sent ok from my site as far as it could see
Do you look at the response from the webmention request? There should be some info there