@MitchWagnerEvery time I read up about IndieWeb get a headache. So confusing.
I get that regular people may never be interested in IndieWeb but the technology is downright hostile to people who don't already understand it. (twitter.com/_/status/1219854812545609733)
voxpelli, gRegorLove and [tantek] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
@kevinmarks↩️ Sorry to hear that. I'm very happy to talk about it here or at http://chat.indieweb.org
The basic idea is straightforward - have your own website and post things there.
The various specs are a our supporting that goal, and connecting personal sites to social media silos. (twitter.com/_/status/1219896483111227393)
[Rose]No, but reading that tweet and knowing what I know about Mitch, he's trying to find out how something like a reply works, and then getting stuck because he wants a few sentence summaries on what different parts of the "plumbing" are and how they work at a high level
[Rose]I think a lot of people don't see micro.blog as the place for them necessarily, so this article would help fill the gap between "super simple intro" + use micro.blog and "figure it all out entirely by yourself"
[Rose]Personally I want more flexibility in many things than micro.blog offers/has offered in the past. But I don't know what others want, because I'm not them
@ModernRetroMeI own all my content. You'll find everything I post to social media on my own blog. My social media accounts aren't really mine & can disappear tomorrow if the company wills. If you'd like to learn more about IndieWeb technologies, drop me a line. I'd love to share. #indieweb (twitter.com/_/status/1219903210900656131)
jeremycherfasWhich is why I used a modifier. Now, you and I may disagree on what exactly "almost as" means in practice, but I am certainly happy to describe it that way, particularly in light of what [Rose] and you said about "Something perhaps below a developer level intro and above a generic "what is the indieweb""
[tantek]I admit this is presuming need to use a command line, which Withknown now requires since there are no longer any webhosts that let you flip a switch to get a withknown instance
[tantek]We really should do what we can to make the main #indieweb channel welcoming to anyone (per CoC) with any level of personal interest in their own site, even if they don't have one yet
[Rose]Perhaps, but the nature of chat is that it flows by quite quickly, which is one reason I asked some time ago if there was a forum, it's easier to scan and see if there are topics that apply to you.
[tantek][jgmac1106] that's what I mean, hence I'm trying to understand in what frame of reference could [jeremycherfas] consider withknown "almost as easy"
jgmac1106i think he meant once set up everything just works, except now you have to do manual updates, just need to get the insllatron plugin fixed and every webhost will put Known back in cPanel
jgmac1106I have talked to name.com and reclaimhosting.com about adding micro.blog butit isn’t LAMP so harder for most, not open source and they aren’t set up for a revenue share or freemium modwl
jgmac1106might be something gwg and WP crew could look at as well, a fully packaged WP with all plugings ready to go that could be launched from a cPanel, pine.blog has been new and interesting to watch, mblaney and ihazawebsite ifs making progress
jgmac1106Users I interact with the issue they have with micro.blog is not understanding how they build a homepgae and website from the splash page, they see it as JUST a community from first glance
[jgmac1106]Reclaim will add it again but the installatron plugin needs to be installed, maintenance of mantaining launcher themsleves got to be too much after 0.9.2
[jgmac1106]speaking of which they did a good job on their website redesign kinda of speaking to the "how it works" audience while not getting too jargony for john q. public
[tantek]The challenge of "how do I make a home page that represents me" vs. "how do I post on my stream" is kinda fascinating and I'm wondering if that's worth an #indieweb channel discussion
[jgmac1106]I think in the mitch case it is a user who has had a website for X number of years and wants to then add all the building blocks, support indieweb, collect and display webmentions....that is difficulut, I could never do it
[jgmac1106]my 2020 goal is to spend the year trying to get webmentions to display on my site....really by Summit...but I will proably need the summer months
jgmac1106rose, tantek had idea, we should use MDN for a clearer how to guide than the wiki. Get folks who use and built the specs to create docs for all the building blocks
[tantek][jgmac1106] where is irrelevant if you don't have good enough what. We can use MDN once we have stuff that's "good enough" on the wiki. The problem is not use MDN vs use IndieWeb wiki, the problem is actually writing the good accessible content.
[jgmac1106]A page for webmentions, IndieAuth, micropub, and microsub.... Where it is just documentation and not our text structure of IndieWeb examples, non examples, brainstorming, criticism
[jgmac1106]I am happy to read and punch up technical content but should be written by people using tech.... Techincal writing is the most difficult genre.... Beyond honest reflection
[jgmac1106][tantek] I also find major individual page rewrites noy too effective... Saw it happen with Get Started WP....there are like five versions but the live page doesn't change
[tantek][jgmac1106] agreed on "whole cloth rewrites", and frankly, they're usually far too ego-centric, as if that one author has the magical empathy to understand the "real" perspective that is needed and no one previously did.
LoqiVisual representation, sketch notes from talks, building block logos, images, and slide deck templates you can use in your talks https://indieweb.org/diagram
[Rose]I think that's kind of what I mean, but people looking for this kind of content might also be trying to compare it to terms they already know, such as RSS.
[Rose]The diagram is good, but I think we definitely need more spacing, and the steps listed out one after another with the diagram being built step by step would be good. And samples of "an app to log into uisng the IndieAuth" standard
[Rose]I would define curious as "has read the general description and is looking for more detail, but is not yet ready/willing/lacks the technical knowledge to read the developer docs"
[Rose]Possibly, but we could start with a generic "more detail than the simple intro we have" version, and then source opinions from those groups as to what it's missing and go from there
tantek.comedited /environmental_impact (+263) "IndieWeb Examples: rhiaro's post counts as at least a documentation of her practices to reduce / minimize impact" (view diff)