#meta 2020-02-24

2020-02-24 UTC
Had a great time at #IndieWebCamp Austin. Everyone was great. Together we further the future of the Web.
edited /2020/Austin/explainindieweb (+131) "/* Articles */ adding article"
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edited /IndieWeb_Questions (+125) "/* Articles */"
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@sonicrocketman Hey Brian, it was great to meet you at #IndieWebCamp! I'm glad we have similar taste in food so we had the opportunity to talk (:
It was so surreal this weekend to be with people who use and power the #IndieWeb. We need more people on board!
tbbrown, [aaronpk], [David_Bryant], [Brian] and [Erika_W_] joined the channel
↩️ I’ve been happy with Wordpress. With indieweb plugins and http://brid.gy I’ve been able to pull most external replies (twitter and MB) back into my blog as comments. I do miss the simplicity of blogging on http://micro.blog. It has such a nice clean interface.
oh_that_courtney and [gRegorLove] joined the channel
edited /discovery (+151) "/* IndieWeb Examples */ Feed Directory on pine.blog"
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[chrisaldrich], nickodd and [dave] joined the channel
Sorry I slept through demos. I will have to catch the video when it goes up
next step in my fancy self-hosted livestream is to automatically archive that video somewhere too
aaronpk: I need to upgrade my infrastructure for next time also
That's why I was watching your atem mini videos
i'm gonna use that at donut.js on tuesday, the first time in a live event environment, i'll let you know how it goes!
aaronpk: I was thinking about getting the webcaster x2 though
that is what i will be using on tuesday with the atem mini!
I keep having challenges I need to overcome for a good and simple setup
yes it's definitely a challenge
And those Android boxes I have been using don't seem to be able to use the full resolution of the webcams
edited /rel-subscribe (-14) "follow button no longer on homepage; note for one at https://aaronparecki.com/follow"
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edited /comments (+1273) "Curating Comments Threads on CSS-Tricks; Peter Woit quote about curating comments; Zach Leatherman and snarky comments"
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gRegorLove joined the channel
edited /Koype (+409) "/* Features */ add notes on how koype plans to implement this"
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edited /User:Kaja.sknebel.net/upcoming-hwcs (+343) "update from events.indieweb.org"
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shiraeeshi joined the channel
Added a Recent Photos embed to my homepage sidebar (or bottom of the mobile view) at #IndieWebCamp Austin projects day! Still tweaking, yet quite happy with how it looks, e.g. compared to an @Instagram profile. #indieweb #takebackyourweb #ownyourphotos… https://tantek.com/2020/054/t2/added-recent-photos-embed
edited /Falcon (+116) "/* mobile friendly recent photos box */ completed a first version! will cleanup later (along with a new photo emeds page)"
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[tantek] joined the channel
↩️ IndieWeb http://bit.ly/2PlbwXn 하고도 맥락이 닿아있는 것 같은데 연계는 없는건지?
nickodd left the channel
edited /IndieWeb_for_business (-262) "/* Companies offering IndieWeb as a Service */ link to IaaS page and moved examples"
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edited /IndieWeb_as_a_Service (+347) "previous services (Known); emojicon;"
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edited /Pine.blog (+330) "See also; pagelogo; Brian Schrader self-dogfooding"
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Naptra joined the channel
edited /why (+154) "/* Emotional Support */"
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edited /Pine.blog (+132) "features and roadmap links"
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edited /IndieWeb_as_a_Service (+154) "/* Services */ Pine.blog"
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[chrisaldrich], [KevinMarks], swentel, mblaney, [jgmac1106], [datashaman], [tantek], tbbrown, [dave] and aaronpk joined the channel; mblaney left the channel
Thanks everyone who attended IndieWebCamp! This was our best turnout in Austin and I personally got a lot out of the weekend. There are more IndieWeb events this year, including London next month and Portland in June.
[schmarty], [datashaman], [jeremycherfas], [gRegorLove], [KevinMarks], [Michael_Beckwit, [grantcodes], M59NAA8GT7111114 and gRegorLove joined the channel
edited /2020/Austin/Demos (+127) "/* See Also */ Adding my non-demo"
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SpencerDub and [tantek] joined the channel
Trying to get my WordPress blog working as a proper #indieweb-type hub, with microformats2 support, is turning out to be a real pain. Currently, the Post Kinds plugin seems to be duplicating data and just conflicting hard with anything I add in the Classic Editor.
Hey folks, if someone here could update the Events section on https://wiki.mozilla.org/WeeklyUpdates/2020-02-24 with this week's HWC meetups that would be great! See the previous week(s) for examples to copy/paste.
tantek, my account must have been culled, reapplied. If I get approved quickly will make change
Did you have to create a new account or were you able to recover your old account? DM it to me in Slack and I’ll see what I can do
Maybe [schmarty]? ^^^
[schmarty] joined the channel
i'm tied up right now and won't be able to get to it 😩
[yo] and [manton] joined the channel
I went through new account approval. Like everything else it is jgmac1106
Already approved Tantek. I will look at it
jeremycherfas joined the channel
well that was easy, only one event this week. Mine
[Michael_Beckwit and jolvera joined the channel
edited /read (+868) "See also: projects in the wild - FediReads, Readlebee, Josephine, Hans de Zwart"
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and then I get a text message from my co-organizer and venue canceling the event for an emergency...now deleted from wiki
[Sadik_Shahadu] make sure to add upcoming GOIF meetings to events.indieweb.org I don't see any
...and I need to have curriculum and stuff ready
[Sadik_Shahadu] joined the channel
[calumryan] joined the channel
Latest signup count for IWC London is up to 85 people attending - of course not all may turn-up on the day but looking good so far
did you charge for tickets?
I'd expect 50% dropoff rate then, which is still a really good number!
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
edited /User:Www.jvt.me (-81) "/* Itches */"
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Hit by $240 in hosting and domain renewals this month. Annual costs but still a budget surprise. Debating moving everything to S3/GitHub Pages and reconfiguring my DNS, but at the same time... meh. #webhosting #indieweb
jeremycherfas, [gRegorLove] and [schmarty] joined the channel
looks like we have some IRC bots in #indieweb talking to one another :/
wolftune is a real person. I dunno what the other one is. I'm about to take off tho so I can't deal with it right now
They just quit the channel anyway
deleting from slack then.
Feel free to delete from the logs too
i am going to leave that for someone else as i don't remember the process 😬
[tantek] joined the channel
What is delete from the logs?
It looks like we don't have a page for "delete from the logs" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "delete from the logs is ____", a sentence describing the term)
(Hint it’s on /IRC - want to make that a redirect for it?)
delete from the logs is [[/IRC#How-to_remove_spam]]
created /delete_from_the_logs (+35) "prompted by [tantek] and redirect added by [schmarty]"
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[jgmac1106] joined the channel
just got to the airport
[manton] joined the channel
↩️ @DynamicWebPaige did you dream attend IndieWebCamp Austin?