#meta 2020-03-10

2020-03-10 UTC
↩️ @t @optoutools @indiewebcamp how do you have the handle of the letter t
gRegorLove, [jgmac1106], [chrisaldrich], [Michael_Beckwit and [tantek] joined the channel
my guess is luck and timing
petermolnar, [Michael_Beckwit, nickodd and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
Also courtesy - by picking a short handle Tantek allowed longer replies to. Him in classic twitter
cal, gRegorLove, [g33kcentric], [KevinMarks], [calumryan], [jgmac1106], [LewisCowles], [jeremycherfas], [grantcodes], Kopsi, [Rose], [snarfed] and jolvera_ joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
edited /citation (+898) "photo citations; Alan Levine Flickr Creative Commons Attribution Helper; Pfefferle example and WordPress plugin; fix excess brackets; presentation of blockquote and spelling; proper nesting of silo examples"
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jolvera_ joined the channel
A quick question for the IndieWeb community here, how do you send the webmentions? Is it automated on posting? Is it part of the micropub or an independent script? Are there ready resources, scripts or tools available? I couldn't find much on http://indieweb.org.
[tantek] joined the channel
^^^ good FAQs to add
[Michael_Beckwith] no luck. It was an early optimization, and at the time pretty much everyone else thought one letter usernames were dumb or tried them and switched to longer names
I have a post about this somewhere in my archives
[snarfed] and [Nicolas_Hoizey] joined the channel
[Cheuk_/ Cherrie] ++ for very well written email to IWC London participants
i would like to see that, is it posted anywhere?
I think I can link it from the email
I think it's worth posting as a sub-page of https://indieweb.org/2020/London also
Good to show the cautious yet rational steps we're taking
[Michael_Beckwith] I couldn't find my post recounting the history, however, I did find this gem: https://twitter.com/t/status/128033
renames self to "T" to increase max chars per msg - thus setting off single char name landgrab.
Should I add as a section, or let [Cheuk_/ Cherrie]? It doesn't contain any personal info, but it is quite lengthy to add to the wiki.
(of course the landgrab didn't actually start until 2008!)
There seems to be no web-link
it's just an email
I say organizers should make that decision
[Cheuk_/ Cherrie] [calumryan] [Ana_Rodrigues]
maybe at /2020/London/Regarding_COVID-19 (essentially how the subject of the email started)
[KevinMarks] and [Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
dang, 2006
IDK if I'm more impressed Twitter is >14 years old, or that [tantek] was one of the first 26 in on quite a popular letter
How many of the single letter people do you know personally
i’m curious how quickly Tantek tries to get “@t” for other social media sites he might find interesting
I know @j and @_
[Ana_Rodrigues] joined the channel
I reckon it could be added as section between `accessibility` and `remote participation.` We can add at the top a link to that new section and from that section a link to `remote participation`. I will wait and see what the others think.
gRegorLove joined the channel
I think a separate page would be good as it is a dated, specific announcement
and important enough to have its own page, linked to from those other pages
[LewisCowles] very few people (maybe 5-6?) actually grabbed a single character username originally. the rest were squatted by spammer(s) and locked down. Eventually a few folks at Twitter unlocked them and released the to individuals one by one back when they were more liberal about releasing usernames from squatters.
Note that there are actually 37 such (possible) accounts. 🙂
I now feel unimaginative squatting `lewis` before I left a company that pivoted to a network model.
[tantek] I've been through the letters checking. `@l` has upset me. It's even got a profile photo to match me
I quit twitter in 2019 though so I can't really be too sad
37 🙂
whoa, did you post about quitting? add yourself to /silo-quits !
I did not post about quitting publicly. I have a private set of reasons, but I considered it more insulting to archive privately, then leave
after deleting
created /2020/London/Regarding_COVID-19 (+1319) "Creation of subpage regarding COVID-19 for IndieWebCamp"
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thanks [Ana_Rodrigues] ++
edited /IndieWeb_Questions (+130) "/* How */ simplify verbiage; link to itches; encourage documentation"
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edited /2020/London (+96) "/* RSVP */"
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Thanks for the suggestion : )
[Ana_Rodrigues] ++
[Ana_Rodrigues] has 1 karma over the last year
edited /2020/London (+152) "add section to highlight a dedicated page for COVID-19"
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edited /2020/London/Regarding_COVID-19 (+23) "link IWC, note London for context in text"
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I'll forward responsibility to [aaronpk] who asked and [tantek]. I may write to eventbrite that emails should have a web-link so that they can be viewed in a browser though. Surprised there was no "view this on the web" in my inbox
maybe I'm showing my age in that expectation
Kopsi joined the channel
[github] Pull request opened by ohhelloana: https://github.com/indieweb/2020.indieweb.org/pull/31
edited /2020/London/Regarding_COVID-19 (+6) "Highlight status of the event"
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[Rose] joined the channel
[github] Pull request merged by kevinmarks: https://github.com/indieweb/2020.indieweb.org/pull/31
[github] Successfully deployed indieweb/2020.indieweb.org to https://2020.indieweb.org
Cancelled physical attendance at #Indieweb London this coming weekend due to considering it inadvisable to get too close to so many people on public transport in current #SARSCoV2 situation. #SadButSaferChoice. Might have to do similar for upcoming @barcamplondon if stays bad.
[yo] joined the channel
could be a good chance for those who aren’t yet in the chat space to mingle with everyone else 🙂
should we run more of these online? hwcs?
Zegnat and I recently discussed and felt like we couldn't guarantee a regular online HWC series right now
[AlisonW] joined the channel
but others are always welcome to run some
I still like them
Same here. But schedule is still all over the place or me even after move. Really am hoping to pick up on them again at some point!
that makes sense!
even at work, having people hang out across TZ casually is hard
dougbeal|iOS and Naptra joined the channel
Seems like a good opportunity to try out some more virtual events!
It’s not your data if you don’t control it. See https://indieweb.org
[tantek] joined the channel
What is email provider?
It looks like we don't have a page for "email provider" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "email provider is ____", a sentence describing the term)
What is email hosting
email hosting is a service for receiving and sending email on the internet https://indieweb.org/email-hosting
email provider is /email-hosting
created /email_provider (+26) "prompted by [tantek] and redirect added by [tantek]"
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That ndw tweet should be added there ^^^
[Joe_Crawford] thoughts on whether we should cancel SD HWC?
we could switch to a virtual meetup too; we've done that a few times.
I'm leaning towards virtual for the 18th
On the fence myself for HWC SF then
Feel free to use our zoom account
tho I think they made all the free plans have no time limits now too
Nuve8, [LewisCowles] and [yo] joined the channel
but no phone dial ins
ah that makes sense, that has higher actual cost
edited /rsvp (+27) "/* How to RSVP with HTML */"
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yup 😞
plans page still shows 40m limit
created /User:Pikseladam.com (+359) "Created page with "<div class="p-summary"> {{Infobox person |name = Tuna Çağlar Gümüş |url = https://pikseladam.com |photo_url = https://pikseladam.com/avatar.jpg |summary = |elsewhere = {...""
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ah they're doing it for schools
Nuve joined the channel
created /Template:pikseladam (+124) "Created page with "<span class="h-card">{{pikseladam| http://pikseladam.com/avatar.jpg}} [[User:pikseladam.com| Tuna Çağlar Gümüş]]</span>""
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edited /Template:pikseladam (-124) "Blanked the page"
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edited /code-of-conduct (+44) "/* Signed */"
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Pikseladam, [snarfed] and [LewisCowles] joined the channel