#meta 2020-03-17

2020-03-17 UTC
petermolnar joined the channel
I almost replied with the image from my bandwidth today....and I am only doing 720p
started to add torrents for my video, want to look into a peer tube instance
I still think early access is better than video quality, especially for my potato videos
torrenting as a video hosting solution is a bit insenstitve to one's bandwidth capabilities
I used to run a peertube instance
but after they were steadfast on not allowing conventional video streaming from a server, I gave up and removed it
just need to start convincing people to share media like its 1999
mailing cd-roms?
yeah nah lol
500 free hours!
sorry, making a spotify list doesn't show the same love as a mixtedtape...even if it is a burnt CD...
[jacky] and [tantek] joined the channel
catching up. or trying to
immediate question is HWC SF
gRegorLove, were you intending the online HWC SD to be SD only? Or would you be open to making it a HWC PDT?
possibly just point people to join virtual HWC san diego
(do we need to segment online meetups by city?)
I don't mind changing the name at all
I thought of that earlier when aaronpk asked about SF
Great. I figured we can hold a combined online one for us in the PDT
I think some past meetups were "Virtual HWC West Coast" or something
I'll cancel HWC SF then
wonders if that feature got added...
deathrow1 joined the channel
Thanks gRegorLove. I'm seeing the "ONLINE: " pattern on https://events.indieweb.org/ so that's probably good to stick with and for location, "West Coast" is fine, better than a named timezone 😛
Feel free to rename and edit any description text
I figure it's your event so I'll leave renaming in your hands 🙂
Then I'll be happy to contribute to description text
edited /User:Kaja.sknebel.net/upcoming-hwcs (+34) "update from events.indieweb.org"
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[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
Is it safe to link to a zoom room from the event in advance or should I wait till closer?
I'd wait til closer cause our rooms aren't set up as individual events
If they were set up as meeting IDs that only existed during the event time then it'd be fine but that's a lot more admin work
sounds good
nickodd joined the channel
edited /User:Kaja.sknebel.net/upcoming-hwcs (+2) "update from events.indieweb.org"
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[chrisaldrich] and jacky joined the channel
nickodd left the channel
created /User:Itsjustk.com (+59) "Created page with "<span class="h-card">[https://itsjustk.com K Foster]</span>""
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[g33kcentric] joined the channel
gRegorLove, swentel and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
okay I am struggling with giving Karma to Slack users, keep messing up
[jeremycherfas], [Ana_Rodrigues] and deathrow1 joined the channel
I use yourls as my url shortner...stopped working on me, will try to reinstall it, anyone else have a fav url shortner? #edtechchat #IndieWeb (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/2hf2Zo)
[LewisCowles] joined the channel
created /HAR (+218) "prompted by [LewisCowles] and dfn added by [LewisCowles]"
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thank you folks for building out those pages, just terms people bandy about often
[grantcodes] joined the channel
edited /User:Kaja.sknebel.net/upcoming-hwcs (+138) "update from events.indieweb.org"
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edited /User:Kaja.sknebel.net/upcoming-hwcs (+36) "update from events.indieweb.org"
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jeremycherfas, [jeremycherfas] and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
edited /IndieWebCamp_Organizing (+177) "/* After */ Link to instructions of how to upload videos"
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[Ana_Rodrigues]++ thanks
[Ana_Rodrigues] has 2 karma over the last year
edited /2020/London (+43) "/* Day 1 */"
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edited /2020/London (+42) "/* Day 2 */"
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[tantek], [jeremycherfas], DioBrandonDiscor, NetherwolfDiscor, gmelodieDiscord[, dy5es41Discord[m, UsDiscord[m], hvergaraDiscord[, aaronpk[m], Senshi[m], l^discordDiscord, cardDiscord[m], blzDiscord[m]1, poofDiscord[m], XierumengDiscord, kevinkDiscord[m], [grantcodes], gRegorLove and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
aaronpk++ for the pleasant subtlety of timezone conversions in events: https://events.indieweb.org/local-time?date=20200318T1800&tz=America%2FNew_York
aaronpk has 62 karma in this channel over the last year (201 in all channels)
SnowballDiscord[ and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
I'm joining remotely. How about you? Have questions about improving your website or want to show off something you've gotten working on it? #DoOO #EdTech Come join us: https://boffosocko.com/2020/03/16/online-indieweb-meetup-nyc-march-18-2020/
FYI while IndieWeb wiki content and uploads are CC0, videos are being uploaded to the Internet Archive with a SA-BY-NC license
Typically this is because they have people in them, and we'd rather err on the side of caution with re-use of videos of people.
that is smart, we should never assume how people's likeness should or could be used commercialy
apologies I gave Ana wrong advice this morning
technically if someone did want to republish a CC0 video that includes a person, they still need that person's permission, but i suspect most people don't know that and it's not worth the risk, so the more restrictive SA-BY-NC license makes more sense
...I didn't know that...and I been doing CC for awhile...thx
model release is not part of copyright
ahh okay I usually record a thumbs up folks are okay with the license I choose, but the restriction makes sense
no that's fine, i mean if someone took your video and wanted to republish it or edit it, they need to get their own permission release from the people in it, regardless of what copyright license it's under
instead of having to note that on each wiki page with embedded videos we might want to put the video license in the footer
...oooh I didn't know that, thanks
but anyway the point is this kind of stuff is too in the weeds so it makes sense to put clearer restrictions on the videos in the first place
I thought the "thumbs up" was a model release writ large
it is for *you*
but unless you explicitly say something like "and this will also let other people publish this video" then it doesn't include that
it's also the kind of thing that isn't a problem until it is
but i don't want to empahsize the legal aspect of this too much anyway, because it's more about tantek's original point of we want to err on the side of caution
@wencesg says: "we're facing the unethical evolution of many social platforms, but there is a movement called the #IndieWeb that understands you're done with others owning your content and your identity!" https://buff.ly/2pTyo6E #startup
yeah its a good idea, I liked his idea of doing the same for photos as well
[jacky] joined the channel
I think we should consider doing the same for HWC/IWC group photos (switching to a SA-BY-NC license). WDYT folks?
(just realized that was sitting in a "Slack failed to send" state)
especially now that mine will involve minors
aaronpk, what would it take for:
1. File upload on mediawiki to have the SA-BY-NC license as a option along with CC0
2. if file type (name) is .jpg / .jpeg, the default to SA-BY-NC license, else CC0 (presumably PNG screenshot or SVG/GIF diagram)
for #1, probably editing one of the system messages here https://indieweb.org/Special:AllMessages
edited /San_Diego (+37) "/* San Diego IndieWeb Members */"
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i doubt we can do #2 easily
edited /2020/London (+82) "/* Blog posts */ Add pre-event blog post link"
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aaropnk, I feel like a little bit of JS monitoring onchange for the input type=file could pull that off
aaronpk 🙂
maybe, but I am wary of doing anything too custom in mediawiki because it makes upgrading it harder later
true, we'd have to add it to the list
what are mediawiki customizations
impossible to mortals...that's what they are
[Michael_Beckwi], [Rose] and nickodd joined the channel
edited /2020/London (+112) "/* Blog posts */"
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XOXO is cancelled however dConstruct is still a go AFAIK: https://2020.dconstruct.org/
(e.g. for any IWC Brighton planning)
edited /Events () "(-530) clean-up a bit more, see also IWC Organizing for more discoverability"
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edited /Planning (+169) "/* Dusseldorf */ BT postponed, del current dates, wait for new BT date"
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[fluffy] joined the channel
Regarding video licenses should that also have a ND if we’re concerned about usage of people?
Like BY-SA-NC doesn’t prohibit re-editing something for trolling purposes
[fluffy] has 14 karma in this channel over the last year (63 in all channels)
I think CC has veered away from ND because it had too many unintended negative consequences. I don't recall the details though.
Might still be worth it though. Worth considering ND
I thought NC was the more difficult one?
I think it may block things like playlists or making a combined video of appending multiple IWC videos.
NC has not been problematic AFAIK
NC had a few questions about what exactly is "commercial" (Although I think one of the bigger legal cases got resolved supporting the CC position)
yeah NC’s got a lot of open questions when it comes to, for example, advertising-supported sites or whatever
right, I think the one that was resolved was about paying someone to reproduce NC material, which was found fine
ND does mean that the video file can’t be modified, which implies you can’t do things like transcoding it for bandwidth/quality purposes (or chunking it into an HLS stream) but otherwise I don’t think that prevents any usage in a playlist.
right, transcoding counts too
licensing is tricky, who would have thought :D
edited /User:Kaja.sknebel.net/upcoming-hwcs (+177) "update from events.indieweb.org"
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hm, should I have Kaja exclude cancelled events there? ^^^
yeah. I posted some ideas about canceled events as a feature in github issues on Meetable
didn't know where to post anything like that for Kaja 🙂
good consuming case for a cancellation microformats property
just say stuff here and mention me, the only real issue tracking kaja has is my brain right now
[Michael_Beckwi] joined the channel
heh, never noticed it's cance*l*ed in US english
goes patch Kaja again
i can never keep track of which one it is
i think i use double-l more often
edited /User:Kaja.sknebel.net/upcoming-hwcs (-189) "update from events.indieweb.org"
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so, too lazy for regex, so this will hit "CANCELCON Meetup" too but I worry about that if something with that name happens...
it's ok to cancel CANCELCON IMO
Online: SocialDistancingCon is still on, though.
edited /User:Kaja.sknebel.net/upcoming-hwcs (-176) "update from events.indieweb.org"
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limited to next 60 days too
good call
we're probably not going to do as extreme pre-creating now it's easier, but still seemed sensible to have
[schmarty], [KevinMarks] and [jacky] joined the channel
So speaking of all this, when are we going to start worrying about whether to cancel indieweb summit?
I know it’s really early right now but is there anything ruminating about that?
[jgmac1106] joined the channel