#meta 2020-03-18

2020-03-18 UTC
gRegorLove and [tantek] joined the channel; mblaney and nickodd left the channel
fluffy, it's under consideration. And my preference would be to postpone rather than cancel should it become necessary.
it will obviously depend at least on whether Mozilla Portland offices are open and available for hosting events at that time. Which we don't know at this time.
Or rather we know they're closed today. We don't know today what the status will be in late June.
IWC London organizers ([Cheuk] [calumryan] [Ana_Rodrigues]), looks like you made the right call. A week or so beforehand, though at a much larger conference in Paris: https://decrypt.co/22616/paris-eth-conference-16-and-counting-test-positive-for-coronavirus
nickodd joined the channel
I've been working on making some significant back-end tweaks to my wiki today. Among other things I've fixed, it should now be set up to accept incoming webmentions. Hooray! I've always wanted an IndieWeb wiki [more] https://boffosocko.com/2020/03/17/55769344/ https://wiki.chrisaldrich.net/Main_Page
nickodd joined the channel
↩️ here are the feed readers from http://indieweb.org https://indieweb.org/feed_reader #rss a place to start. start coming back... we were always coming back
[g33kcentric], swentel and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
Online meetings: how to run a conference remotely - @calum_ryan shares his experience of moving #IndieWebCamp from an in-person event to a remote conference + tips for using tools such as @zoom_us & @EtherpadOrg https://etherpad.org #HelpfulTips #EventProfs #RemoteWorking
[jgmac1106], [grantcodes] and [g33kcentric] joined the channel
Online meetings: how to run a conference remotely - @calum_ryan shares his experience of moving #IndieWebCamp from an in-person event to a remote conference + tips for using tools such as @zoom_us & @EtherpadOrg https://helpfuldigital.com/online-meetings-how-to-run-a-conference-remotely/ #HelpfulTips #EventProfs #RemoteWorking
[chrisbergr] joined the channel
swentie, swentel, nickodd, [g33kcentric], robinzzzDiscord[, DigitalOilDiscor, carsonfarmer[m], RomaricDiscord[m, PermawebMatrixBr, JeffMaherVegas[m, arjanvaneerselDi, berDiscord[m], gorhgorh[m], SpaceOutlawDisco, sblinnDiscord[m], lamborghiniDisco, felixschlDiscord, coryschwartzDisc, bltavaresDiscord, kppDiscord[m], Mairkur[m], FranklinDiscord[, maparent[m], MMMMaggieDiscord, cam4507[m], wossDiscord[m], DoggersUniteDisc, denzukoDiscord[m, M8431[m], placer141276[m], ithithDiscord[m], yjhmelodyDiscord, OboDiscord[m], RodolfoEDiscord[, Clment[m], ShadowLingDiscor, tadpole256Discor, oed3[m], solanavDiscord[m, hacdiasDiscord[m, Tianyi[m]1, Dazuck-3BoxDisco, prtfwDiscord[m], UserDiscord[m], andrewxhill[m], DreamingInCodeDi, ambackDiscord[m], thesage1014Disco, TyphooNDiscord[m, TeamIanDiscord[m, kbo8999Discord[m, Guest2312, Elijah3321[m], leoalvarezhDisco, gauthamDiscord[m, h2Discord[m], nlkoDiscord[m], r5723013Discord[, te0dDiscord[m], the_nikinDiscord, EatsDiscord[m], JonwelDiscord[m], realChainDiscord, CathyLDiscord[m], Sm03leBr00tDisco, CyOp0x00Discord[, watDiscord[m], xlcDiscord[m], stuartDiscord[m], PamileissonDisco, Giyomu[m], JustMaierDiscord, kerlanTDiscord[m, [LewisCowles] and jamietanna joined the channel
jamietanna: if there is another event at the same time ask whoever runs it to coordinate who uses what room. otherwise, just pick one and post it a bit before it starts
Thanks sknebel, that's reasonable 👍🏽
#HomebrewWebsiteClub Nottingham is on Zoom tonight, courtesy of the wonderful #IndieWeb organisers - you can find all the events details on https://events.indieweb.org/2020/03/online-homebrew-website-club-nottingham-anniversary-edition--Rcujt5SykHv1 (https://www.jvt.me/mf2/2020/03/jcxnl/)
↩️ Студентам конечно даётся бесплатный доступ к Amazon и Azure, но я уже подсел на тот же автодеплой http://now.sh и Heroku. А свой ещё ни разу не настраивал. Про Micropub почитаю поподробнее, спасибо. Потому что собирался таки присоединиться к IndieWeb.
Read my Mar 18 Newsletter featuring “RSVP for ONLINE: IndieWeb Meetup NYC March 18, 2020” https://nzzl.us/Sw5ddOJ
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
We've used the permanent meeting IDs for IWCs because they stay consistent, but you can also make a separate meeting ID for the individual event. I think you still need to coordinate to make sure you're not hosting it on the same account someone else is using
but that's a way to limit when the link is active if you want
[schmarty] joined the channel
sorry if this is obvious knowledge but do we have any docs on how to reserve the rooms?
what is zoom?
Zoom is a video conferencing service used during some IndieWebCamp and Homebrew Website Club events https://indieweb.org/Zoom
as literally just discussed, there is no reservation for the rooms
in that case, s/reserve/use/
talk to aaronpk to get the logins
I say gwg I need this room at X....hasn't failed me yet
or get someone who has them to be there and launch a room for you
in that case, are there any issues with using my own zoom account to host an HWC?
don't see why there would be
I see no problem
for recorded events it obviously helps to have it centrally
but otherwise
just have to get the video to gwg if you want to save the video but maybe these will be better off off the record
just make sure it is a Pro account otherwise IWC is 40 minutes long
i've got my own pro account.
thanks for all the clarification! sknebel++
sknebel has 15 karma in this channel over the last year (54 in all channels)
and jgmac1106++
jgmac1106 has 31 karma in this channel over the last year (75 in all channels)
also note discussion from yesterday if videos saved they are cc-by-sa-nc..but I am leaning to not recording HWCs unless they are topic specific as chrisaldrich and gwg may try
[jgmac1106]: I'm not the only one. A few of us have access
[jgmac1106]: I like the specific topic idea.
It's like a single IWC session
just sharing my startegy for launching sessions, again have met with 100% success
yeah if you have your own zoom that’s fine, we made the IWC ones for IWCs mainly but also for people who don’t have them, and they are pro accounts.
also the 40 minute limit is lifted on zoom free accounts i think?
I filled out the form and didn't get a response yet, haven't tried to see if they made it universal
.....our university uses WebEx...so clunky
[jgmac1106]: I use it at my work.
gRegorLove and dougbeal|iOS joined the channel
Although #HomebrewWebsiteClub Nottingham is not at Ludorati (as it's online this time) I've still got myself a tea and a snack! (https://www.jvt.me/mf2/2020/03/cqjaw/)
[LewisCowles] joined the channel
Reminder: Homebrew Website Club San Diego and San Francisco are *online* tonight at 6pm Pacific. Join us if you're interested in creating or updating your personal website! Check the event page 15 minutes before for the Zoom link: https://events.indieweb.org/2020/03/online-homebrew-website-club-west-coast-bSBT0ZceMIHo
jamietanna joined the channel
Hey schmarty - I put a meeting in the Orange Zoom account's calendar to "reserve" it out
[snarfed] and [fluffy] joined the channel
[KevinMarks] and [calumryan] joined the channel
[grantcodes] joined the channel
Oops! something went wrong but I'm not sure what
[Jamie Tanna] Hello from Nottingham #HomebrewWebsiteClub, Online Zoom edition! https://media.jvt.me/ftu0v.png
[tantek] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
Oops! something went wrong but I'm not sure what
[jacky] and deathrow1 joined the channel
Oh man...
I just realized I need to shave and find a presentable shirt for the first time in days
If I'm doing the zoom thing tonight
Glad I am realizing this now and not 5:59
The screenshots posted above help
(by which I mean, everyone looks great and i need to keep up)
[Michael_Beckwi] joined the channel
you could be like clark and stay camera off
Sure, but I should probably use the excuse to trim the bird's nest off my face and look a little less like a submarine commander after two months at sea
I want to help buoy my fellow web nerds through this and not looking like a crazed babbling rasputin is a key element
er, present company excepted, of course
or you could go full into the character and very purposely look that way
If the day comes someone in the back of the chat i host leans over to a colleague and whispers "who invited rms" something has gone terribly wrong
again, full props to all who already look like rms. You pull it off brilliantly. I could not. Anyway, enough about that.
when is next hwc?
ooh i still need to fix that
edited /WebSub (+152) "/* IndieWeb Examples */"
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[snarfed], [tantek] and [schmarty] joined the channel
i'm online but afk for a moment. official start is 6pm US Eastern.
link has been added to the event page.
Thanks [schmarty]
swentel joined the channel
Chomping down a genuine New York City Delivery Cuisine before joining. Support your local food businesses in their time of need, friendos
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
yeesh, food is a good idea, i mostly skipped lunch.
that was my big worry...I am not sure people who live in Manhattan know how to cook or what an oven looks like....glad delivery still available
I didn't know that manhattanites had this reputation before I moved here
HWC NYC beginning our quiet writing hour!
may hop in after quiet writing hour..been doing triage trainings on how to teach online....feel like I have been in 12 hour HWC
turns out we are doing intros and projects! now is a great time to hop on.
okay will do, sitting quitely is last thing I needed
edited /Micro.blog (+17) "changed pagelogo to official microblog logo instead of the kickstarter artwork"
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[jeremycherfas], [mifga], [dmitshur] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
Last minute of quiet writing hour?
scribbles quickly....
edited /User:Kaja.sknebel.net/upcoming-hwcs (+169) "update from events.indieweb.org"
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[chrisaldrich] this has been a more informal format. we started with intros and project ideas before moving on to a mix of quiet writing + general discussion.
I figured...
feel free to introduce yourself whenever, or hold for demos towards the end (maybe in half an hour depending on who wants to demo?)
np... and don't forget a photo...
already have one
edited /to-do (+54) "/* Archive sessions and chat logs */ +/2016/intro-demos"
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we'll photoshop you in, [chrisaldrich] ;)
better than being photoshopped out...
Palantir & Clearview AI are among tech firms now in discussion with the government about implementing widespread surveillance tools in response to the coronavirus https://www.wsj.com/articles/to-track-virus-governments-weigh-surveillance-tools-that-push-privacy-limits-11584479841
This potential makes me want to minimize my use of Google / and dial down all their settings to keep as little data as possible: https://twitter.com/lhfang/status/1240044823769313280
Google has access to incredibly precise location data belonging to Android and Google Maps users. The potential for the government to utilize emergency powers to bypass a court order and obtain that data on every person in the U.S. seems like a growing possibility.
yeah i want to be the only one that has the complete database of everywhere i've been for the last 12 years :D
aaronpk: Has it been that long?
[Drew] joined the channel
edited /typography (+726) "+vertical rhythm articles"
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