[jeremycherfas]I’m wondering why /indiewebring contains a link to /wikifying at the end of examples. It does not offer any more details *about indiewebring* that I could see.
[jeremycherfas]Maybe it should link to https://xn--sr8hvo.ws/terms instead, but I am reluctant to make the change as I don’t understand the basis for the original link.
[jeremycherfas]That is a huge page to point people to. And if the purpose is to make it easy to add yourself, then I would suggest that it might go better immediately after the Indieweb Examples section heading. But, as I say, if there’s history and all that, I am reluctant to change. Glad I asked.
[jeremycherfas]So, if indiewebify.me has a test for a representative h-card, and the test finds something on my home page, can’t I assume that what it finds is a representative h-card?
@swentel↩️ I'll submit a (Drupal) IndieWeb session, trying to get it as 101 as possible - which is tricky :) In case there's a panel, I'm up for participating in that, or helping out in another way. (twitter.com/_/status/1242427976320417792)
[jgmac1106], [schmarty], [grantcodes], nickodd, gRegorLove, Nuve, [tantek], [LewisCowles] and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
gRegorLoveSalt[m], yes to virtual meetups! The next regular-schedule one is April 15th. East coast has one scheduled that night, could do a west coast one too.
[tantek]I'm up for switching to every week online West Coast meetups because I think especially during these times, providing that as a place for folks to check-in with each other regularly would be quite helpful
[aaronpk]Anyone who has recently helped out organizing an indiewebcamp, would you mind adding things to this list to make sure it’s a complete list of what you need to run an IWC? https://indieweb.org/IndieWebCamp_kit
tantek.comedited /NASCAR_problem (+241) "naming explanation to why, likely mid-2000s origins of the phrase, more context for historical citations" (view diff)
[tantek]There was also a bit of deliberate design in the contents of the kit, in order to keep it fitting within a certain sized "container" (large binder / folder thingie?) instead of being a big laundry list that needs a big "box" to fit it all into.
[tantek]sknebel, good Q, we should have multiple European kits, maybe one with Joschi, one with Marc Thiele, and at least 1-2 in England too, one for London folks, one for Jeremy in Brighton
Loqi[[tantek]] I'm up for switching to every week online West Coast meetups because I think especially during these times, providing that as a place for folks to check-in with each other regularly would be quite helpful
sknebelpoint of reference from work today: zoom on a technical level works quite well with 80 people in a call. I suspect managing a vHWC gets difficult though a bit earlier :D
[chrisaldrich]If Salt[m] is hosting a West Coast vHWC this week, I'll offer to do next Wednesday. aaronpk, can you email me the necessary Zoom details? the email in my h-card should work.
[chrisaldrich]For the IWC organizer boxes, is it worth having some name tags custom made to actually say "Hello, my website is:"? That could be an easier/more /fun thing to centralize and then ship out with the fallback of the more generic nametags.