#meta 2020-03-28

2020-03-28 UTC
[tantek], Nuve, [Cheuk], nickodd, [cleverdevil], [jeremycherfas] and [Michael_Beckwi] joined the channel
edited /search (+79) "/* Software */ meilisearch"
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gRegorLove and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[Sadik_Shahadu] sorry the meeting didn't work, let's reschedule for next week, I think we should plan on asynchronous activies, pre recorded videos or blor tutorials, with an etherpad or text chat....network isn't going to handle video during crisis
[Sadik_Shahadu] joined the channel
Ok. Very sad
So we can plan a session on wikipedia editing, one on wikidata, and one personal websites., have the lesson plans ready to go for people, then we go through them on text chat
What is Mumble?
Mumble is open-source voice chat software, with clients available for both desktop and mobile, as well as web browsers https://indieweb.org/Mumble
that used to work for some our meetings in low bandwidth areas
but the way today went.....we can build out the lesson plans on our wiki, come up with a common format for each of the three sessions, there isn't going to be enough bandwidth in Accra (or East Haddam) for much more
[jeremycherfas], dmitry, swentel, [grantcodes] and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] and nickodd joined the channel
↩️ Nous soutenons les réseaux sociaux libres et opensource, en plus de Twitter et Facebook, vous pouvez maintenant nous retrouver sur: ➡️Mastodon https://mastodon.social/@gjsciences ➡️Minds https://minds.com/gjsciences Suivant la méthode de @indiewebcamp pour garantir notre liberté d'expression! 2/2
Started working on Indigenous Desktop, because, well why not :) Currently connects anonymously like the Android version. Written using Electron, so will be available for all platforms! https://github.com/swentel/indigenous-desktop #indieweb
[tantek] and dmitry joined the channel
swentel++ wow
swentel has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (33 in all channels)
Whoa neat
I'm pleasantly surprised it's actually quite easy (first time testing it to be fair)
hopefully creating packages for it go smooth too
that reminds me I need to rebuild all my channels, so cool
that sounds stressful. channel maintenance that is
....token maintenance..can't get it working on Known, its the hardest part about teaching through RSS.. that and getting 100% what a url is so they can share a link
I keep my following page and broke each feed into a different php file so I can use them anywhere on my site
someone make an h-feed importer that can take a feed of h-card and just show me the feeds for the sites I can follow
...hard part is most won't be markedup with h-feeds but hopefully my h-cards in my follow post good enough for feed discovery.,...but yeah PITA
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
will say wordpress.com has made it a bit easier to discover the difference between the editor url and the actual url of your post..but I'd still saay <70% success rate without direct instruction,
I thought about doing instead of "similar posts" but instead doing "similar authors" so if I write about instructional design, I stick in that php file of h-cards, IndieWeb, that file...make it about not discovering me but discovering ua
[schmarty] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
swentel joined the channel
oooh nice!
swentel and [tantek] joined the channel
note the year 😂
I'm literally going through the oldest photos on my iPod touch and purging forward, replicating to places that might find them useful
does that prompt today say "stay away!"?
↩️ Bad luck on that. They closed down their API so much that everything works via scraping nowadays and breaks all the time, of course. So any solution is really just another patchwork until you can phase FB finally out of your life. https://indieweb.org/Facebook#How_to_wean_yourself_from helped me :-)
[LewisCowles], [chrisaldrich], [fluffy] and gRegorLove joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
edited /Facebook (+137) "/* How to wean yourself from */ skipped checking notifications for 2+ years, now 1x/day-week and turning off most sources"
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[tantek], swentel and iamdave joined the channel