#meta 2020-03-29

2020-03-29 UTC
I just discovered the #indieweb. I can’t look away. I don’t want to either. https://t.co/vul6O7NzSY
[LewisCowles], iamdave and [tantek] joined the channel
haha nice
[chrisaldrich], maxwelljoslyn, Nuve, nickodd, iamdave, dmitry, [jeremycherfas], [tantek], [LewisCowles], swentel, jamietanna, aaronpk, Naptra, petermolnar and [grantcodes] joined the channel
edited /planet (+95) "/* Software */ Pelican plugin"
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edited /User:Realize.be (-2) "Indigenous Desktop link"
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[amit], [snarfed] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
Perhaps some community building open source stuff hiding in here https://medium.com/@teamwarren/open-source-tools-from-the-warren-for-president-tech-team-f1f27d2c7551 Without getting into heavy politics I will say that her campaign did seem the most undieweb to me.
[chrisaldrich], mark read as scrolling is on the way :)
edited /Indigenous_for_Android (+28) "night mode support"
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[tantek] joined the channel
created /Tailwind (+162) "prompted by [tantek] and dfn added by [tantek]"
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edited /Tailwind (+35) "[tantek] added "[[antipattern]]" to "See Also""
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edited /Tailwind (+147) "[tantek] added "https://twitter.com/sanketsahu/status/1243935639776550914" to "See Also""
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created /undieweb (+234) "prompted by [tantek] and dfn added by [tantek]"
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edited /undieweb (+28) "[tantek] added "[[lulz]]" to "See Also""
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[chrisaldrich]++ for “most /undieweb”
[chrisaldrich] has 10 karma in this channel over the last year (29 in all channels)
#dyac, but great all the same. I suppose self care while staying at home means I should get dressed like I was going to the office.
I would think my phone would default to suggesting IndieWeb every 10 words by now.
well, it is a sunday, you can really do anything you want no?
although it's almost bedtime here heh
[chrisaldrich] and I are hosting a WordPress themed Indieweb online meetup. https://events.indieweb.org/2020/04/wordpress-indieweb-online-meetup-NjCeyH2w2kSI
oh I'll be sleeping then
swentel: If it takes off, we can do a European one.
swentel: Have you attended any of the online HWCs?
tantek++ for double entendre in that definition
tantek has 40 karma in this channel over the last year (119 in all channels)
Nottingham and London have on Wednesday.
GWG, never so far
swentel: Worth a try.
went to one HWC in London once, that's it
The online ones are somewhat about togetherness at the moment.
The online EU one has often felt like it was about togetherness. Touching base with people who usually only see eachother at the events
Zegnat: I think everyone needs something social right now
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
edited /discovery (+115) "/* Silo Examples */ Podchaser"
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edited /TiddlyWiki (+86) "https://nota-bene.glitch.me/ remixable version of TiddlyWiki hosted on [[Glitch]]"
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[KevinMarks] joined the channel
edited /Zoom (+147) "One does not need to download the app to use Zoom."
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edited /Zoom (-15) "not a silo: you do not need an account to join a Zoom call, which is the first bullet point in the definition of silo"
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ooh that's a good point!
edited /lost_infrastructure (+60) "/* Comparison table */ superfeedr is not search, it's pinging / notification, AtomPub was the API, no one used RDF as actually consumed metadata in the "old days" (except briefly by MovableType in Trackback which died a quick spam death)"
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[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
technically not a silo in that stance, but given their corporate stance of collecting personal data and sending it to partners without permission??? definitely a predatory silo-like behavior.
Zoom also isn't self-hostable either, so perhaps its in some third category that we don't have a name for?
there are many other "categories"
and we have names for some of them
for example
what is a commons?
A commons is a centralized web content hosting site, where users are able to freely contribute content, and easily retrieve it, typically each others' content as well https://indieweb.org/commons
[chrisaldrich] if you find other clusters of "other category" things with several examples, we can use those examples to identify and name them
Zoom also requires some sort of identity or name to use it (even if made up) and I would bet, given recent reports that they're sending data to facebook, that they're using some sort of browser fingerprinting and/or Facebook like buttons, etc. to scrape some personal data.
Wasn't that "sending to Facebook" the fact they embedded the Facebook login widget?
I haven't looked into it specifically, but if it looks like a silo and it holds/trades data like a silo... 😉 Though I will concede your point that not requiring an account is certainly a step in the right direction.
Was there any evidence of trading data?
Pretty sure they've updated to remove all the FB tracking stuff
I mean, update your clients and such
I'm not a big fan of these pitchfork twitter conversations attacking companies just cause
I think it's reasonable to raise alarms about anything FB tracking related sooner & louder rather than later & more calmly
attacking FB is just cause
also remember that zoom's business model is charging lots of money to corporations, not selling ads to consumers
I'm not either, but hopefully some are looking closely at what Zoom is actually doing.
that's hopeful yes. doesn't seem to stop them (or others) from embedding various trackware
I think that's more facebook's fault
Their business model does give me some confidence, but too many tech companies aren't always upfront with what they're doing with our data.
The conspiracist in me would be willing to bet they've got an internal research group that is collecting data for potential voice recognition/face recognition and AI algorithm expansion...
but I'll bookmark their terms of use to see what they do or don't say about the data I'm giving them...
catches up on earlier related conversations in #chat
created /Web_We_Found (+346) "prompted by [tantek] and dfn added by [tantek]"
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edited /Web_We_Found (+67) "[tantek] added "Slides: http://slides.kevinmarks.com/leweb.html" to "See Also""
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msena3[m], celso[m], OxyDiscord[m], leoalvarezhDisco, UsDiscord[m]1, tadpole256Disco4, RomaricDiscord[m, brewskiDiscord[m, [spieper], KinnardDiscord[4, kbo8999Discord[m, efnDiscord[m], nofwayyDiscord[m, emakDiscord[m], lamborghiniDisco, flower88Discord[, oed3[m], ArunDiscord[m], hvergaraDiscord[, UserDiscord[m], realChainDiscord, virtual_vagrantD, blzDiscord[m]1, simibacDiscord[m, placer141276[m], vasa[m], eddocsillDiscord, tom85[m], vexlDiscord[m], boomshroomDiscor, l^discordDiscor4, lauren|Microspon, Senshi[m], JustMaierDiscord, ShmultzDiscord[m, hubaDiscord[m], drshamoon[m], Sm03leBr00tDisco, jimpickDiscord[m, SweatDiscord[m], KirushikDiscord[, ZapierDiscord[m], borismusDiscord[, carsonfarmer[m], kppDiscord[m], gozala[m], dqxDiscord[m], kevinkDiscord[m], DiscordBridge[m4, FrenchBackBoneDi, RodolfoEDiscord[, f-r-e-dDiscord[m, cam4507[m], PamileissonDisco, vbDiscord[m] and olizillaDiscord[ joined the channel
ok, I added "https://www.theverge.com/2020/3/28/21197967/zoom-ios-app-code-tracking-facebook" to the "See Also" section of /Zoom https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=69291&oldid=69282
buztedDiscord[m] joined the channel
ok, I added "https://blog.zoom.us/wordpress/2020/03/27/zoom-use-of-facebook-sdk-in-ios-client/" to the "See Also" section of /Zoom https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=69292&oldid=69291
balupton[m], oed3[m], maparent[m], Nebulous[m], WesDiscord[m], raisDiscord[m], M011000100111010, ianfixesDiscord[, Elijah3321[m], SomeguyDiscord[m, buztedDiscord[m], foxcoolDiscord[4, godparticleDisco, matsugenDiscord[, UserDiscord[m], ithithDiscord[m], celsoDiscord[m], fozzie[m], pvienhageDiscord, M|NecoDiscord[m] and XierumengDiscord joined the channel