Salt[m][tantek]: glad to hear the etherpad notes are working, I LOVE collaborative note taking, it's on my TODO to update that in the virtual event template that's on the HWC wiki page
jackyso my thing with the wiki (that seems to be inconsistent) is that I figure that a page on there is topic with its specific relevance to the IndiedWeb
jackybut yeah, I think that whenever I do come across a page without immediate relevancy, I'll try to update it _or_ at least flag it personally for updating
[prtksxna]aaronpk: You could maintain each example as a sub-page on your user, and then transclude it at both places (your user page and the feature page) using `{{}}` or something.
[prtksxna]Category translusions would need an extension. I think Cargo or Semantic Wiki might help, but we’ll be heading in the direction of structured data on wiki at that point 🙂
[Aaron_Klemm]Who were the XRI people anyway? Anyone still around? I remember how ambitious that stuff seemed and remember playing with some sort of resolver back in the day. But then I don't remember any implementations coming out of it.
[cleverdevil] and [snarfed] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel