boffosocko.comcreated /2020/Pop-ups (+3303) "IWC Pop-ups page; meant to roughly mimic broader camp pages so we can capture individual sessions in roughly the same standardized manner as in the past" (view diff)
LoqiSorry, I couldn't find a page named "" or similar
Loqimanual until it hurts is an indieweb principle of resisting automation until you have done it enough times to really understand it, and know that it is worth doing
ZegnatHa, I just noticed Loqi now translates its own messages for Slack. So when I writes out one of my GitHub repos with my chatname within square brackets, it gets turned into a mention on Slack :D
[jgmac1106]indier +1 to what aaronpk said in Accra we have decided to mainly use What's App now, I am so opposed to facebook but meeting needs of community more important
[jgmac1106]If you want to organize a remote meetup takes you and another person, many people share your philosophy and you may have people attend. Give it a whirl
aaronparecki.comedited /discuss (-23) "/* Read Discussions */ drop "log" since it's redundant and you can also join the chat from that link too" (view diff)
indierHello, copy of question on wrong channel by mistatke: A question about the online homebrew web site clubs. Anyone tried MIT 'unhangouts' web conference?
jeremycherfasFrom # chat -> wiki gardening is something I am conscious of, because I try to garden my personal zettelkasten once a week, and I do it by weeding the 10 most recent pages and the 10 oldest pages. I would definitely tackle wiki gardening if, for example, I could summon a list of the 10 pages that have the most ancient edits. That way, I'm not simply chasing my own preferences.
[jgmac1106]indier "that everyone in our OER community right now uses whatsapp, been the most reliable way to get info out in a time when local network very strained"
[jgmac1106]we set everyone up with riot and matrix, but people talk on WhatsApp and meet on Google conditions now though we organize on WhatsApp and will meet on etherpads, making small screencast videos available ahead of time to download both through torrents and file link
[jgmac1106]jeremycherfas mine is coalescing now that I have started a wiki...tried so many gardening works..rss that quickly becomes overgrown wetlands seaping with life....but too dangerous to wade into and not catch malaria
indierExcuse my ignorance of the context and your histories, but presumably OER (assuming we refer open educational resources) is about trying to achieve change?
LoqiOER is an acronym for open educational resources which are educational resources, including courses, lessons, and other media or materials used for learning purposes
[jgmac1106]I tried a matrix chat, people don't want to download clients. data very expensive in Ghana, they are already on WhatsApp, me the white guy coming in from US saying "stop that WhatsApp its not FOSS" is the exact opposite goal I have in "aheieving change"
indierIf people are set up with matrix (side question: were the recipients given, or taught?), then used proprietary, then there is a strategic problem
indierAgreed. FOSS needs to be on the ground. Whatsapp was downloaded on relatively poor local network or obtained pre-installed on pre-owned equipment?
[jgmac1106]demanding a preexisting community adhere to your communication protocols isn't the best approach IMO, if you share the values and ethos have as many onboarding channels possible
[jgmac1106]no need to qualify a resource with your lack of knowledge you seem well versed, this is with [Sadik_Shahadu] he is a friend, always more space to help.
[jgmac1106]I also have a Pro Google Meet Account I make available to any community member to use is you disagree with Zoom, Google privacy/security for G Suite accounts pretty good, IMO but I do have to go. We publish our goals for the Global Open Initiative Foundation on our webiste, welcome to check those out as well
indierSo far (again, important to remind, no prior knowledge), it seems that indieweb is about diversity, or as the perl man says "more than one way to do it"
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "trying to be achieved in Ghana" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "trying to be achieved in Ghana is ____", a sentence describing the term)
indierIf data ownership and identity is important, it's useful to explain why. Simple analogy. A company office was to be "green" and puts recyling bins everywhere for the staff to use. Cleaners come and dump into non-recyclable section: point understood
LoqiNeoCities is a free website hosting silo in the spirit of defunct silo GeoCities (Yahoo shutdown in 2009) that looks like a stepping stone to getting started on the IndieWeb
jeremycherfasAnother example: the potentially valuable link on /user-profile gives a 404. Internet Archive dutifully captures that. And an earlier capture is empty. So, what's the value of the page?
[tantek]If you don’t know why a page exists, check the history and ask people who contributed to it. Then wait. No one is expected to answer immediately. (timezones etc.) Especially on a weekend
[tantek]Perhaps especially the really old pages since they’re likely an indicator of what used to be important to the community or what were old challenges and that’s useful to know too, even if it needs to be reframed in a historical perspective
[tantek]Anyway I’m going to step out for a bit, hope that helps as some general one-persons-opinion perspective [jeremycherfas]. I’m glad you’re here asking the questions you’re asking. Good stuff
aaronpki generally agree with that for pages that have neutral content or are stubs, but i'm inclined to be a little more aggressive about deleting/redirecting stuff that is just snark
Loqi[indier] If data ownership and identity is important, it's useful to explain why. Simple analogy. A company office was to be "green" and puts recyling bins everywhere for the staff to use. Cleaners come and dump into non-recyclable section: point understood
indierMaybe some problem with the web browser; thanks. If the wiki is understood, the chat log disappears? Although the wiki explains the decision about mailing lis, it is not understood the reason not to keep anything; or is this an error in understanding?
LoqiDiscovery is a variety of methods for finding content, websites, communities, or people to follow on the web including search, directories, recommendation engines, tags, or other serendipitous methods