2020-05-04 UTC
[tantek] joined the channel
# 00:17 [tantek] I figured I'd take the opportunity to search the past of Twitter for previous uses of "indie web", and they're nearly all adjectives
gRegorLove, tomasparks and [tantek] joined the channel
strugee, [jgarber], [prtksxna] and nickodd joined the channel
Naptra, swentel, gRegorLove, strugee and [tantek] joined the channel
strugee, [KevinMarks], [LewisCowles], swentel, [jgarber], IWSlackGateway2, nickodd, [tantek], gRegorLove, [snarfed] and jeremych_ joined the channel
# 17:35 [tantek] One could even ask if that could/should be the preferred method of interaction as an event host!
# 17:37 jeremycherfas Instead, one asks what the protocol is for using a Zoom room for the meeting, if that is permitted.
# 18:05 aaronpk there are so many fields to set for events that any sort of automated POSSE would likely be very error prone
# 18:06 aaronpk i'm thinking of a more manual "import event from URL" option which would go parse the page and populate the fields on meetable's create event UI
strugee joined the channel
# 18:16 [tantek] as along as that option is at a GET based URL that I can auto-launch from my site, that sounds like a good step
# 18:17 [tantek] (should be ok because it doesn't actually change any state until you submit the POST)
# 18:18 aaronpk that'll also help me a lot because i post the same event on a couple different sites, so it'll be able to import from itself too :)
# 18:18 [tantek] also, "so many fields", well, each of those is a consuming use-case for mf2 properties isn't it?
# 18:18 aaronpk think of just the start and end date properties alone
# 18:19 aaronpk "start" in mf2 actually has 3 parts: date, time, timezone
# 18:19 aaronpk and so many sites have broken date handling that I definitely don't trust them to automatically send the right data
# 18:19 [tantek] hah! sounds like a good use-case for an IndieWebifyme event post validator 😄
nickodd left the channel
# 18:20 aaronpk "are you sure this event really starts at midnight?"
strugee joined the channel
# 18:21 aaronpk most language date handling will parse a date string like "2020-05-04" into "2020-05-04 00:00:00"
# 18:21 [tantek] no seriously, ICS dtend design was fundamentally broken from a usability perspective.
# 18:21 [tantek] and yeah, programming languages don't have date handling. they have datetime handling where they add artificial precision 😛
# 18:22 aaronpk this is the reason my site's event posts are broken, because I store the mf2 data, which stores the property "start" as the ISO8601 string, and when it goes to save it it renders out the H:M:S blindly
# 18:22 aaronpk meetable has separate fields for date and time and timezone so that it's easier to get it right
# 18:22 [tantek] ISO8601 is not the problem. It has specific date semantics
# 18:22 [tantek] it's your programming language rendering the date that's not implementing ISO8601 correctly 😛
# 18:23 [tantek] limitation. they have time handling. they don't have date handling. that's my point
# 18:23 aaronpk the point is it's a mess and it means i can't rely on that data
# 18:24 aaronpk most of this data comes from programming languages
# 18:24 aaronpk splitting up the data doesn't help because the underlying problem in the languages isn't solved
# 18:24 [tantek] people will still strcat it together to jam it into whatever programming language functions pretend to handle dates
# 18:25 [tantek] then I misunderstood what you meant by "think of just the start and end date properties alone"
# 18:25 aaronpk i was giving an example of why events are a mess to deal with in an automated way
# 18:26 aaronpk it just means that i'm going to force manual review by a person looking at the data before allowing any sort of automated copying of the data
# 18:26 sknebel jeremycherfas: aaronpk can give you the username/password for one of the indieweb zoom accounts
strugee joined the channel
strugee and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
strugee, [snarfed] and [tantek]1 joined the channel
# 21:04 Loqi Static site generators are programs that take a set of flat text files on disk and transforms them into a set of static html files ready to be served by a standard web server, or some variation of this example https://indieweb.org/SSG
strugee and [mapkyca] joined the channel
[tantek] and strugee joined the channel