jackyhow opposed are we to having something like https://docs.indieweb.org that can serve/hold landing pages for more 'refined' forms/data and using the wiki for persistent / documented discussion on concepts?
jackymy question is coming from a want to have the wiki present more of a 'unified, singular-ish' voice as well as being something more of a resource versus a notepad
[tantek]and planning something around requiring hard work from a volunteer community usually means you get "crickets", or worse, domination by only 1-2 people and their personal viewpoint
[tantek]jacky, the prior response to that"greenfield" is that your own User: page and / subpages are a greenfield to work on anything like that you want! a few people have and have eventually brought forth like brand new WordPress Tutorials and such
jackyI do think having individual pages that are interactive-ish like your post are needed tho just to demonstrate but having more detail when needed (linking out ideally)
[tantek]ah that's the other failure mode (after crickets, narrow domination), rapidly becoming out of date, because the bar to maintain "more refined" is even *higher* than creating it in the first place (per jacky's observation that a "greenfield" helps with creation)
aaronpki'd love to take a look at what you're thinking, so an easy way to start is making sub-pages under your wiki user page with rough outlines of the content and structure
LoqiGet started on the indieweb by connecting with the indiewebcamp community, getting a personal domain, a place for your content, and setting up your home page and other indieweb essentials https://indieweb.org/Tutorials
[tantek]like if you're looking at it from a subdomain perspective, dev.indieweb makes more sense IMO than docs.indieweb for that purpose. note we already have spec.indieweb and that does serve a very narrow purpose (which also makes it easier to keep timeless / updated)
[tantek]Well said: "The goal of the page is allow people (namely developers or code-friendly people) to "tinker" on their site in real-time and get immediate feedback."
[fluffy]Has there been any more talks about IndieWeb Summit’s future? My understanding is that Oregon’s following the same (or very similar) social distancing easing schedule as Washington State, and even the most aggressive/optimistic end of that would exclude Indieweb Summit from happening as an in-person event at the end of June.
aaronpkwe decided on friday to cancel it, and do some sort of virtual event around the same time instead. so far just updated the event page, i still need to go around to the rest of the sites to update that
[fluffy]I, uh, don’t read the newsletter very often. 🙂 Any chance an email could be sent out to everyone who registered? Also what about refunds for the various registration fees?
aaronpkmost of the airlines i've cancelled with so far have only given me travel vouchers, but extended the time the credit can be used. I haven't felt like fighting back on that
[fluffy]ah, “If you want to cancel your reservation with no fee, you must call 1-800-USA-RAIL and speak with an agent (not available via Amtrak.com or the app).” well that’s accessible 😛 but whatever