2020-05-06 UTC
Light1, nickodd, swentel, Naptra, [KevinMarks], gRegorLove, strugee, [fluffy], jeremych_, [jgmac1106], [LewisCowles] and [tantek] joined the channel
strugee joined the channel
strugee joined the channel
# 12:36 Loqi 12:00:00 pm EDT | Wednesday, May 6, 2020
[LewisCowles], swentel and jolvera joined the channel
# 14:29 sknebel petermolnar: you could move the old page content to a miniflux-legacy page?
nickodd joined the channel
# 14:32 sknebel mentioning/linking the other page in the dfn / first paragraph would be the way to go imho
[mapkyca] joined the channel
# 15:50 jeremycherfas What is good practice for IndieWeb zoom meeting? Set a password and paste that in IRC? Probably not! Just enable waiting room?
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
# 16:14 Zegnat Did that Zoom link go anywhere? Not in the etherpad, not on events.indieweb.org and not on the original event at jeremycherfas’ homepage. Thought I might listen in before dinner
# 16:19 Zegnat Oh, wonderful, after getting in is when Zoom tells me my browser “does not support using the computer’s Audio device.” What? But this is just normal stable Firefox
# 16:19 Zegnat “To use Zoom, install the latest version of a standard browser, such as Chrome, Firefox and Chromium Edge.” … I am doing that Zoom…
# 16:44 [jgmac1106] may want to rewrite the disclaimer in blank etherpad since images and videos get a different license
[manton] and gRegorLove joined the channel
# 17:01 Zegnat I am going to be off for dinner now jeremycherfas, but maybe I’ll find the time to jump in on London too. Unsure. But have fun!
swentel and [Aaron_Klemm] joined the channel
[Rose] joined the channel
[calumryan] joined the channel
# 17:12 [calumryan] Quiet hour is offline. I’ll share a Jitsi link shortly before 7pm BST when the meetup starts
# 17:13 jeremycherfas Thanks [calumryan] I'm afraid I won't be able to make it, but I hope you all have a good time.
# 17:25 GWG How do we start planning a substitute?
# 17:27 GWG I want to use Indiewebcamp 2014 as a guide
# 17:27 GWG We had three events going on in three different places
# 17:30 GWG So, it may be a way to solve to issue of trying to have an event that people from multiple timezones can attend
# 17:30 GWG We have 2 parallel events, US timezones and EU timezones...with some overlap.
# 17:30 GWG So, you could try to do both, or just do one, and both are streamed.
[tantek] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
[Ana_Rodrigues] joined the channel
# 18:51 [Ana_Rodrigues] [KevinMarks] so sorry our link didn’t work out using the app. 😞 We will re-think which one to use next time.
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
[Rose] joined the channel
[manton], [snarfed], cal and [tantek] joined the channel
# 23:43 [tantek] GWG, are you able to make it to HWC West Coast today? If so, could I trouble you to set up a zoom for it? I need to run out for a bit
# 23:44 GWG I just finished a prior appointment
# 23:44 Loqi GWG has 22 karma in this channel over the last year (140 in all channels)