#meta 2020-05-24

2020-05-24 UTC
[KevinMarks] and [tantek] joined the channel
created /User:Gpanders.com (+438) "Created page with "<div class="p-summary"> {{Infobox person |name = Greg Anders |url = https://gpanders.com |photo_url = https://gpanders.com/img/self.png |pronouns = |summary = Electrical and...""
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created /Template:gpanders (+107) "Created page with "<span class="h-card">{{sparkline| https://gpanders.com/img/self.png}} [[User:Gpanders.com|gpanders]]</span>""
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nickodd joined the channel
edited /2020/West (+149) "SofaConf immediately before"
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[fluffy], [ColinMorris] and [schmarty] joined the channel
edited /Category:jargon (+98) "add a few more recent terms used in main channel"
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created /embedded (+19) "r"
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created /folksonomy (+18) "r"
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created /parse (+20) "r"
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created /Open_Graph (+37) "r"
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edited /SPA (+0) "r--"
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[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
edited /dogfood (+21) "see also selfdogfooding"
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jeremycherfas and [Arne] joined the channel
edited /principles (-1) "use Jeremy Keith name instead of template with icon as workaround to FB aggressive use of icon images in previews"
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[jgmac1106], swentel, [LewisCowles], [arush], Naptra, [KevinMarks], nickodd, [tantek], [schmarty] and [kimberlyhirsh] joined the channel
edited /site-deaths (+206) "/* 2021 */"
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↩️ I have the impression the template is not showing the webmentions #indieweb ... Back to coding
↩️ This is my first post of an image using Indigenous on Android with #indiewebcamp on my #WordPress
Added a guestbook and an endorsement page to the website, buttons on the homepage as well: https://jgregorymcverry.com/ please feel free to stop by and sign either: https://jgregorymcverry.com #IndieWeb #edtechchat (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/1AWsZL)
↩️ The IndieWeb have been working to develop standards and approaches so that people own their content themselves. https://indieweb.org/ It’s still a bit tech-heavy for broad adoption but it has been evolving. The goal was always for it to be used by the masses.
NEW BLOG POST: introducing eleventy-plugin-json-feed https://genehack.blog/2020/05/introducing-eleventy-plugin-json-feed/ #11ty #jsonfeed #indieweb
↩️ They meet separate goals. Schema gets you the promise of better indexing by Google, microformats get you better integration with social readers and indieweb interactions.
Definitely have a ways to go before I’m satisfied with the stuff that we can do in the IndieWeb. It’ll be tied to how much interest the community has in pushing the envelope as well as building more canonical tools for representing the capacities of the… https://v2.jacky.wtf/post/d6b2bc7b-8a3a-4787-81a7-291ace032a9f
↩️ Ho iniziato a sperimentare con #indiewebcamp, il futuro che somiglia tanto al passato.
I'll blog about this (probably tomorrow), but I just published an #11ty plugin for generating a #json_feed for your blog: https://www.npmjs.com/package/eleventy-plugin-json-feed #indieweb
↩️ The IndieWeb is great, but current tools and platforms are still too arcane and limited for mainstream, non-geek users. I tried the IndieWeb and came back to traditional platforms https://blog.paoloamoroso.com/2019/07/indieweb-some-assembly-required.html
JAMstack 2020 conference is next week (virtually, of course) but this presentation from last year's event is excellent: Own your content on Social Media using the IndieWeb https://youtu.be/X3SrZuH00GQ
La relance du http://hwc.brussels (Homebrew Website Club Brussels) est en cours, d'ailleurs une petite instance Mastodon a été mise en place https://social.hwc.brussels/invite/GEX5fKwC Bienvenue à tous et toutes ! ps: siteweb en pleine refonte
↩️ Microformats are bits of metadata you can sprinkle into plain ol’ HTML documents. They add machine-readable semantics to human-audience-intended web pages. It’s a technological underpinning of the IndieWeb movement, and worth learning more about!
https://talk.fission.codes/t/indieauth-indielogin-and-all-the-indiewebs-with-aaron-parecki/629 @aaronpk cofounder of @indiewebcamp would also like to see 'apps' that offer authoring interface (like @TrailMarks), without owning the data, be able to share it elsewhere, without requiring apps to implement silo APIs. That's what @TrailHub is for.
Discussing #ds106radio in #IndieWeb chat and @kevinmarks shares this....https://davestrickson.blogspot.com/2020/05/john-peel-sessions.html I can not wait to dig into John Peel's shows....like I might have just lost two days of work (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/iArrC)
@wencesg says: "we're facing the unethical evolution of many social platforms, but there is a movement called the #IndieWeb that understands you're done with others owning your content and your identity!" https://chief.ist/zjmV #startup
Nieuwsbrieven maken 32% meer omzet, het web wordt meer homogeen en je bier verraadt je locatie, lees je mee @KirstenJassies?! Plus zes jaar nieuwsbrieven van het #indieweb. Dat en meer in OPEN S01E45! http://nieuws.diggingthedigital.com/archive/248984 (via @revue)
↩️ and as an old male nerd, I feel comfortable making up new terminology or abbreviations as shorthand for all kinds of things https://indieweb.org/Category:jargon and I expect other people to do the same, and try to learn their vocabularies too
brace yourselves
Today I Learned (May 20th 2020 Edition) // Take on Rules https://takeonrules.com/2020/05/20/today-i-learned-may-20th-2020-edition/ #indieweb #opensource #software #standards #todayilearned
I killed some redirects for accessibility and likes Alias Templates in Hugo #Hugo #Accessibility #Indieweb #Blog https://randomgeekery.org/post/2020/05/alias-templates-in-hugo/
↩️ Yep it’s a reply that I posted on my own site, with the relevant microformats to mark it up as a reply. My site sent a webmention to your endpoint, which checked my URL for the relevant reply content, et voila! http://indieweb.org/reply (https://doubleloop.net/t/1wC)
My favorite florilegium about the internet and web design is the IndieWeb wiki. #DigitalGarden https://boffosocko.com/2020/05/20/55771193/
Connecting to Bridgy for backfeed and POSSE service // Take on Rules https://takeonrules.com/2020/05/20/connecting-to-bridgy-for-backfeed-and-posse-service/ #bloggingengine #indieweb #software #standards #webmention
IndieWeb and Homebrew Website Club meetups tonight in Eastern, Pacific, and UK time zones! (I co-host the NYC one.) All about the joys and challenges of publishing work onto our own, independent domains in the open web. Join us! https://events.indieweb.org
✅ Today’s Projects: Attend Mastermind call (lots to talk about). Continue work on massive marketing website update. Introduction call with a lawyer. (maybe) Attend the IndieWeb Meetup NYC.
↩️ My email address is kevinmarks@gmail.com - I'd also recommend http://chat.indieweb.org for broader engagement
↩️ Do you break out which specific risks each product has somewhere? I didn't see it in the lists. I think we could help you find a further range of products to review via http://indieweb.org, and maybe some criteria based on support for interoperability standards
I'm enjoying doing infinite small fixes to my personal website. Lovely opportunity to experiment or just tune infinitely. #indieweb https://jj.isgeek.net/2020/05/19-075433/
iA Writer (@iAWriter) adds support for IndieWeb tech Micropub. You can basically tweet from Writer to your own site, or http://micro.blog, etc. Weird, but cool. https://buff.ly/2ApF2Xk
@wencesg says: "we're facing the unethical evolution of many social platforms, but there is a movement called the #IndieWeb that understands you're done with others owning your content and your identity!" https://buff.ly/3b8wAsO #startup
↩️ Is your site WordPress? I forget. There are indieweb tools for this, including http://brid.gy
@wencesg says: "we're facing the unethical evolution of many social platforms, but there is a movement called the #IndieWeb that understands you're done with others owning your content and your identity!" https://buff.ly/3b8wAsO #startup
I'm enjoying doing infinite small fixes to my personal website. Lovely opportunity to experiment or just tune infinitely. #indieweb https://jj.isgeek.net/2020/05/19-075433/
↩️ I started going to virtual #IndieWeb meetups now that their physical events have been canceled. I’ve met many intelligent, interesting and motivated people I would have probably never encountered otherwise because I wouldn’t have attended IRL events in normal circumstances.
@wencesg says: "we're facing the unethical evolution of many social platforms, but there is a movement called the #IndieWeb that understands you're done with others owning your content and your identity!" https://snip.ly/qb04sy #startup
iA Writer Adds Expanded Support for IndieWeb Tools and WordPress Publishing http://dlvr.it/RWtwQg
↩️ I recommend you add #indieweb support, see https://indieweb.org/
↩️ there are also ways to add the social features that Google Reader had, but incrementally and in a distributed way https://indieweb.org/social_reader
↩️ Been wanting to build such a tool, which would basically just be to tie something like Netlify together with a domain provider and with some IndieWeb services like my Webmention endpoint: https://webmention.herokuapp.com/ So that the UX would be on par with something like Twitter
↩️ Yeah, it needs to be paired with something that makes it actually actionable, which is something the IndieWeb could do. (I don't think the Mastodon approach could as they are federated micro-communities, not individual pages like the focus is in the IndieWeb community)
↩️ Still blogging away here :) Also you reminded me that https://indieweb.org/ is a thing and quite a good one at that.
↩️ Plus the side benefit is you get a pretty React book component to embed into your MDX posts that link straight over to your book notes ❤️ But yes sadly single player until we get all the features of Xanadu implemented into the Indieweb-OneGraph-Communal-Garden
Remove Specific Files from Old Git Commit - https://www.websystemer.no/remove-specific-files-from-old-git-commit/ #git #indieweb #programming #tech #terminal
Mein Hobby: Texteditoren ausprobieren. Heute https://ia.net/writer – der kann angeblich auch Micropub und könnte sich daher schön in meinen Workflow einfügen https://indieweb.org/iA_Writer http://micro.wolfwitte.de/2020/05/16/1699/
Read my May 16 Newsletter featuring “iA Writer Adds Expanded Support for IndieWeb Tools and WordPress Publishing” https://nzzl.us/3emaIHw
↩️ you’ll need to use the IndieWeb plugin to install / enable the MicroPub and IndieAuth plugins The GitHub page has links for more help https://github.com/indieweb/wordpress-indieweb/blob/master/readme.md (I don’t use WP myself)
Just blog, have your students blog, you learn out loud and model how you build a Common Place book, I have a quick thoughts blog, a long thoughts wiki, and my name as my domain. Give kids blogs #satchat https://indieweb.org/commonplace_book (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/1p4z8E)
↩️ If you want to give it a go @microdotblog giving away free website and podcasting apps to all teachers. Best turnkey #IndieWeb blogging platform. (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/1o6gCH)
iA Writer Adds Expanded Support for IndieWeb Tools and WordPress Publishing https://bit.ly/3dNFsoB
iA Writer Adds Expanded Support for IndieWeb Tools and WordPress Publishing http://dlvr.it/RWm7V7
well this is nice
did not expect this many
how long has it been broken?
oh .. it's done? :)
i disabled it
gonna let it catch up with the backlog first
whoops, hit the twitter rate limit
[LewisCowles] joined the channel
↩️ I haven't used it long, but I recommend it. They have their heads on straight wrt ownership https://manton.org/2018/03/23/indieweb-generation-and.html And allowing myself to write without worrying about fitting it into 280-character chunks, and use FORMATTING, have energized me to write again!
yay tweets
[tw2113] and [tantek] joined the channel
I got webmentions working on https://metaluna.io! #IndieWeb tech is a bit wild west, but it's really cool.
nickodd left the channel
↩️ What do you do now? With all that spare time at your fingertips. Perhaps learning about #IndieWeb to make your homepage the centerpiece of your documented life, while also hook into social media? E.g. via bridgy by @schnarfed
[KevinMarks], [chrisaldrich], [fluffy], [jgmac1106], [tantek], [schmarty] and [LewisCowles] joined the channel