#meta 2020-05-25

2020-05-25 UTC
hey folks, I'd like to replace "selfdogfood" in top level mentions in pages , especially /principles with "eat what you cook", which has the most support among many alternatives, and no objections currently: https://indieweb.org/selfdogfood#eat_your_cooking
Please add your +1/0/-1 to the various alternatives there, or add new alternatives if you like
oh hey i already voted
we'll take a look tomorrow and see if we're good to go with an obvious choice that the community can get behind.
also probably worth a blog post about deliberately changing terminology, why, and maybe some background about how we brainstormed on the wiki and in chat, let it simmer for quite some time, and then gave new folks a chance to speak up before making a decision
edited /read (+157) "/* Other Examples */ Maggie Appleton"
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[fluffy] joined the channel
edited /2020/Pop-ups/GardenAndStream (+371) "/* Articles */ Tom Critchlow article Of Digital Streams, Campfires and Gardens; cleaned up the section formatting a bit and arranged in time order"
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tantek has 39 karma in this channel over the last year (118 in all channels)
edited /selfdogfood (+144) "/* eat your cooking */"
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not sure if it's worth adding there, but this got me thinking about another version of the "Cooking your own dinner" which is not discussed on the page: "Cook for Yourself"
putting the emphasis on the cooking (building) but with the implied expectation that you will eat it. 😄
oh that's good
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
(that said, i _do_ like the re-inforcement of "eat what you cook". don't just build it and abandon it, use it!)
i sense a 🤝 twitter meme coming on
[schmarty] that’s the flip side, the equivalent to “scratch your itch”
Ah yeah! Bonus principle update maybe!
Yes, we’ve definitely talked about replacing that one too
And you’re right, the complement pairs nicely
I’ll see if I can find where we captured those alternatives too. “Cook for yourself” or “cook what you need” sounds familiar
"Cooking your own dinner" is mentioned in the selfdogfood brainstorming page but doesn't seem to have any discussion around it.
[prtksxna] joined the channel
created /user_stylesheet (+384) "stub; definition;"
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created /user_stylesheets (+29) "prompted by [chrisaldrich]"
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edited /user_stylesheet (+830) "close bold; added examples; why; see also; criticisms"
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edited /user_stylesheet (+379) "/* Why */ reasons for collecting examples"
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[manton] joined the channel
created /Roam_Research (+922) "stub; basic definition;"
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[snarfed], swentel and vika_nezrimaya joined the channel
↩️ Take a look at https://brid.gy/ for integrating reactions (likes, reblogs, tweets, comments etc.) You can also point to https://webmention.io/ for handling Webmentions. Those are kind of pingbacks you know about from WordPress. Explained in https://indieweb.org/Webmention
The future of the web, @TheTedNelson's past is here: Two-way meaningful links, transclusion, micropayments: cryptographic linked content. Be your own hub at the edges. Make the Web People-centered,Permanent, Interoperable, Tinkerable, (decent)ralized IndiWeb 3 @indiewebcamp https://twitter.com/ChrisAldrich/status/982342546750783488
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
On the eat what you cook metaphor, baking your own bread is a big thing at the moment
jeremych_ joined the channel
The difference between a sourdough starter and the Chorleywood process as extended metaphor?
Hah! How did you know I was struggling to finish my slides for the Dublin Gastronomy Symposium, online this week, about the CBP?
I hope it will still be a thing in a few months time, but I'm not sure by any means what will continue and what will not.
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
created /User:Manuelmoreale.com (+87) "Created page with "I'm a freelance developer and part time blogger and I'm interested in the personal web.""
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[LewisCowles], djmoch and strugee joined the channel
edited /blogroll (+114) "Add myself to blogroll examples"
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[jgmac1106], mattl, [pfefferle], djmoch, [LewisCowles] and [prtksxna] joined the channel
[prtksxna] and [schmarty] joined the channel
Wow that is a good post! And shines some light on ways to improve the wiki and other onboarding tools!
(e.g.: the getting started page being difficult to understand, checklists for things to do without guidance on whether you need the benefits, and IndieMark levels)
Nice to see a positive article about starting the IndieWeb journey tho!
mostly positive
The sentiment seems all positive to me!
(as in, they hit some roadbumps which they describe honestly but overall are happy with and encouraged by the experience)
(author is in main channel, just saying :D)
[grantcodes] joined the channel
edited /How_to_set_up_web_sign-in_on_your_own_domain (+54) "Update Wiki login link to use SSO instead of username/password"
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[tantek], [schmarty] and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
re: that blog post
> Was it adding any value anywhere? I still have no idea really, but it was actually pretty fun to get working.
this is a _hard_ thing to measure for most
like it's easy if you only opt for yourself
but when you want to get into the actual social aspect of things
it's harder since it requires like at least two more people to see / interact with
[chrisaldrich], gRegorLove, [LewisCowles] and [tantek] joined the channel