#meta 2020-06-02

2020-06-02 UTC
edited /temporary_shutdown (+981) "#BlackOutTuesday, news, sites, how to / web component"
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[tantek] joined the channel
alright I've added a section for BlackOutTuesday: https://indieweb.org/temporary_shutdown#BlackOutTuesday
please feel free to add yourself, or any public organization you see participating
and yes I think we should do something like that for the IndieWeb home page
at a minimum
i was confused, i thought today was tuesday
things are going well
It’s already Tuesday in Japan
And Europe. Good morning! ;)
[prtksxna] joined the channel
Time flies during a pandemic
[chrisaldrich], [tantek], [LewisCowles], swentel and Naptra joined the channel
edited /Twitter (+636) "/* Criticism */"
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edited /Twitter (+0) "/* Data protection / PII Capture */"
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[KevinMarks], swentie, Naptra, swentel and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
↩️ I'm in a very odd mood today, just thought of all this when the #IndieWeb reminded me that I have to build my site all over again. Focus is going to get skewed, I think. because of trying to learn to develop, trying to admin, and helping the @faebornnetworks crew. Fun, fun.
twomanytacos, [jeremycherfas], jeremycherfas, [prtksxna], [jgmac1106], [LewisCowles], [Sadik_Shahadu] and [tantek] joined the channel
What's it about IndieWeb that gives the impression that one must build a site "all over again"?
[itsjustk] joined the channel
i think its all the concepts people might be new with
and maybe the name might make some people think its apart from the "main" web, meaning different software requirements?
After all you need special tools to access the "dark web"
I thought she was starting a project to rebuild her site in .net
[Ramiro_Ruiz] joined the channel
aaronpk: it sounds like it
but that's also them wanting to do it in their language of choice
yeah that last bit hints at this being a learning opportunity for them
[Murray], [KevinMarks], [tantek], gRegorLove and [Rabble] joined the channel
as much as I'm not for either platform (a mix of the ssb/indieweb would be way more ideal than Facebook/Twitter); twitter is currently the safer of the two - its filtering is (sadly) not as aggressive as Facebook's
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
The contexts are scattered, but from what I recall Katherine is pretty conversant with WordPress and the IndieWeb set up there, but she's supporting another community and wanted to build something in other languages as well (as has been suggested).
AH that makes so much more sense lol
I wish they were in here to clarify that
Though separate from that instance, it does seem like a pattern for some devs to change platforms on a pseudo regular basis. This may be the desire to have a different platform, different UI, see if the grass is greener in another pasture, other.
that's very true
Hopefully the switching around helps to cross-pollenate ideas as well as to incrementally improve UIs from one set up to another.
There's no other segment of my RSS feeds that I'm changing feed URLs for as frequently as I do for my "IndieWeb" category... somehow few people think to redirect their feed URLs...
[snarfed] joined the channel
I could have sworn [Cambridgeport90] was in chat at some point or another, but it could be the case that we've always communicated site-to-site or via Twitter.
I know there's a few (possibly out of date) charts on the wiki with checklists of features (https://indieweb.org/Quick_Start is an example for non-technical), but do we have a master list of (well-)supported indieweb building blocks for the 20 or so largest CMSes, platforms, etc.?
What is projects?
There are many projects you can use to get your site on the IndieWeb, improve your IndieWeb support, or browse for inspiration for your own project; please note, some development ability and familiarity with command line tools will likely be required for you to use and improve these projects https://indieweb.org/projects
Some additional context about Katherine's recent work/search: https://twitter.com/Cambridgeport90/status/1266905285169471490
Now that I have the time ... wondering if I should use it to learn a new content management system ... maybe something like @Withknown? Have thought about that, but then there are just some things about it that still drive me nuts.
this is when I'd hint away from the wiki for stuff like this tbh
like it gets a little unwieldy fast
Those charts are not easy to create, that's for sure...
[schmarty] joined the channel
but there aren't many of us with enough institutional knowledge of more than a handful of platforms to be able to create such a thing...
Who wouldn't love to see a "Best 10 IndieWeb Platforms of 2020" article from an outlet like C|Net or Wired? But that's a tough hurdle.
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
@Cambridgeport90 does community work for groups many consider outside of social norms so needs and wants similar features as other margianlized communities
↩️ These could be good reasons to join a Homebrew Website Club meeting coming up. Help, support, and brainstorming conversation within a group to make it easier? Everyone's welcome! https://boffosocko.com/2020/06/02/55771764/ http://events.indieweb.org/
While also needing top notch accessibility features so she can facilitate these communities....
Everyone loves Known as a multi user site with all the privacy and social features.... But data storage and the fact that many building blocks not built for community sites cause issues
[KevinMarks] and [tantek] joined the channel
I think the meta point of find people first before documentation is more important
cjw6k joined the channel; cjw6k left the channel
Good point.
[KevinMarks], jeremy and jjuran joined the channel