#meta 2020-06-13

2020-06-13 UTC
Oops, I finished posting this before I found the indiereads session in the 2020/West etherpad. https://gregorlove.com/2020/06/i-am-proposing-a-session/
[gRegor Morrill] I am proposing a session for IndieWebCamp West Coast: “Keeping Track of Books and Reading Progress.” I would like to discuss the use-cases and experiences of using our websites to: track books we want to read categorize (or “shelve”) books...
etherpad indicated was looking for a facilitator, so I put myself down and merged ^ in the description
[schmarty], [tantek], [chrisaldrich], prtksxna and mattl joined the channel
edited /read (+200) "/* See Also */ Twitter is apparently collecting data on what users click through and are potentially reading"
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nickodd joined the channel
edited /User:Jan.boddez.net (+421) "/* Projects and Itches */"
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[LewisCowles] joined the channel
what is url shortener?
URL shortener is a service that turns a typical longer URL, like a permalink, into a much shorter URL, typically using a short domain, often per-site both for some silos, and several indieweb sites https://indieweb.org/URL_shortener
edited /permashortlink (-90) "/* Why */ collapse some bits and made a bit more objective"
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edited /short-domains (+16) "/* gs */ update broken wikipedia link"
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[tantek] joined the channel
yo I see you're around [tantek]; lemme know if those changes were cool ^
trying to go for the "one voice" vibe
↩️ Oooh, I've been wanting to get back to my Middleman -> 11ty conversion, maybe this will motivate that change as the rest of the world continues to motivate its own... #BothAreBroken #FinishedGradingFinals #SubmittedLastAssignment #ThisTooIsATypeOfFreedom #IndieWeb #FLOSS
jacky++ looks good! thanks for the short-domains fix in particular!
jacky has 18 karma in this channel over the last year (92 in all channels)
cool! trying to feel more comfortable just editing things if I can make it somewhat more useful
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
jeremych_ joined the channel
edited /User:Jan.boddez.net (+222) "/* Projects and Itches */"
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gRegorLove, [jgmac1106] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
created /User:Alirezahayati.com (+276) "Created page with " = Ali Reza Hayati's Personal Page = [https://alirezahayati.com alirezahayati.com] Ali Reza Hayati is a social activist, privacy advocate, and software libre enthusiast who w...""
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edited /User:Alirezahayati.com (+2) "/* Ali Reza Hayati's Personal Page */"
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edited /User:Alirezahayati.com (+2) "/* Ali Reza Hayati's Personal Page */"
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[schmarty] and [Murray] joined the channel
here is an interesting model: https://theonline.town/
It’s worth reading Ali Reza Hayati’s post about the Indieweb. https://alirezahayati.com/2020/06/about-indieweb/
Naptra joined the channel
edited /User:Jan.boddez.net (+242) "/* Aperture */"
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[tantek] joined the channel
edited /Category:jargon (+20) "rewrite rules"
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jjuran_ joined the channel
edited /User:Jan.boddez.net (+2) "/* Aperture */"
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nickodd, Midasse, [Murray], ARH, [KevinMarks], swentel, jjuran and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
I remember aaronpk saying he'd sent out a notifications to those who'd RSVP'd to the Summit, but did we renotify them about it's replacement with /2020/West as an alternate?
oh good call
Smallest Meetable feature request in the world: I'd like a "OK you did it" message when I accept a pending message in the moderation queue. As it is, the thing I accepted disappears, and I see the normal sentence that starts "Deleting a response..." and I think "Oh no, I deleted the response?!" for a second or two
jjuran joined the channel
good idea
Have updated https://events.indieweb.org/2020/06/online-indieweb-meetup-nyc-Vvg1d4IlQSKO to reflect this month's hosts, and have also rewritten it a bit so it's not just last March's description and agenda yet again
Which still had an attitude of "Oh, well, we're just doing this crazy online thing for one month"
gRegorLove joined the channel
Good call, I often forget to review/revise the description.
[chrisaldrich]: I missed the memo about IWC West so I'm gonna go hitch my wagon to that now
We should include 2020/West as a topic, trying to get session proposals in. And attendees, of course
shimmy1996 joined the channel