#meta 2020-06-14

2020-06-14 UTC
Kai joined the channel
@wencesg says: "we're facing the unethical evolution of many social platforms, but there is a movement called the #IndieWeb that understands you're done with others owning your content and your identity!" https://buff.ly/3b8wAsO #startup
I think it's just clicking to me how important indiewebify.me is lol
Not quite happy with the #IndieWeb in the context of #static sites. Well, more than IndieWeb itself, it's the state of tooling around it. Working on adding a #Thoughts category to my blog but faced with bigger structural changes than I'd like.
Sounds like a static site problem
yeah I don't even think I understand that statement
is it like "I wish the IndieWeb was more open to static sites?" because that's not the case at all
nickodd joined the channel
speaking of indiewebify.me, forgot about this https://gregorlove.com/2020/03/we-talked-about-some-improvements/ feels like 10 years ago #pandemictime
[gRegor Morrill] We talked about some improvements to indiewebify.me during tonight’s IndieWeb meetup. I think we landed on the idea that it is primarily a tool for developers, since it involves instructing people to change HTML. We discussed possibly changing it f...
Naptra joined the channel
oh every time I come to this page, I remember that I think the videos should go _below_ the CTA of joining the community on /Getting_Started
but I don't know how important that those videos are there
especially since they're not like embedded
edited /Micro.blog (+208) "/* Microformats in Themes */ Marfa notes and PR"
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[LewisCowles] and gRegorLove joined the channel
↩️ What in particular are you finding difficult? I'm running a Hugo site and have quite a few #IndieWeb integrations (https://www.jvt.me/mf2/2020/06/e4shg/)
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
edited /badge (+19) "/* Quick Thoughts */ defining h-review as including a rating"
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ben_thatmustbeme and gRegorLove joined the channel
[LewisCowles], Naptra and rebelle joined the channel
@aaronpk Hi Aaron! How do we sign up to volunteer for @indiewebcamp ? Not sure if the webchat stream is the best place...
↩️ Hi! Yep chat is the best, that's where we all hang out and coordinate this stuff! The web chat is kinda awkward, but you can join from Slack or IRC or Matrix as well! https://indieweb.org/discuss
IndieWebCamp West Coast Jun 27 – 28 | Online https://developer.mozilla.com/events/indie-web-summit/ #webdev #conference #frontend #learningbysharing
↩️ Thanks! Just hit send on an email, but I will try that as well. :)
nickodd, [KevinMarks], [snarfed], [jeremycherfas] and swentel joined the channel
↩️ How would gammification work? I'm actually obsessed with that concept, and would love to implement it in both my #IndieWeb enabled community, as well as on my personal site ... which I have to rebuild.
[LewisCowles] and [tantek] joined the channel
created /URL_in_print (+283) "prompted by [tantek] and dfn added by [tantek]"
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created /print_URL (+25) "prompted by [tantek] and redirect added by [tantek]"
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edited /URL_in_print (+434) "[tantek] added "Example: https://twitter.com/bradfitz/status/1272235413025873920" to "See Also""
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b3u joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
↩️ Also need to talk to the IndieWeb devs about updating the post kind plugin to support Lbry:// urls in order to make video posts; that way, the poster only has to upload to one place on their own site. Oh ... and I joined TFFP Discord, too.
↩️ I would subscribe for pay to lbry if it would give me RSS ... #IndieWeb needs RSS to function properly. I'm also on their Discord, so I need to fix notifications,so if you ever bring the topic up again, you'll see my input in there.
[KevinMarks] and [tantek] joined the channel
Nothing like a Sunday afternoon reading HTTP specs #coderlife #webdev #code #indieweb https://jj.isgeek.net/2020/06/14-234831/